VN - Ren'Py - A Wife and Mother [v0.205b] [Lust & Passion]

  1. 3.00 star(s)


    A Wife and a Mother (ver 0.130) has good points in important things like realism, a story that can be believed, characters that have something more than sex on their mind and so on. All this is good. The problem is that the story advances way too slowly, bogged down with tons of scenes that are just daily things that don't add much to the story, like seeing the MC do chores at house and so on. Such a slow burn could be worth it if the interesting moments were really interesting, but in this case I didn't find them to be so.

    Game renders have a very high quality, like the character models, but I didn't see any animations. Sound is decent, but it often has you hearing the sound with a black screen for scenes where there is no render or animation (like opening a door).

    So, all and all, if you want a slow, common-life story, this may be for you. If you want something more interesting or faster, then it probably is not.
    Likes: progo
  2. 1.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 2753179

    One of the worst games i ever played. It has potential but dev just ruined it there are so much teasing in the end it leads to nothing. If you are fan of teasing just play it if not stay away from this game. Wish i could give it a minus five stars.
  3. 5.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 2158444

    I like this game. A lot of the haters are honestly pathetic. They come in this page everyday just to shit on it. If you don't like the game then don't play it, there are plenty of other games on this site. Unlike some people I am patient. The game brings a new experience, has amazing visuals, characters except Bennett because he's very good at being a villain, lighting & shadows, and story. LP is a very good with the suspence. People complain about the how long it takes for a new update, but it's nothing to me. I've been waiting for almost a decade for ES6. LP gets too much hate, I dunno how he handles it, so I praise him. I would advise LP to follow his script and keep going.
  4. 4.00 star(s)

    Oliver Wendell Homely

    If you enjoy a slow buildup (and I certainly do), this VN will blow your socks off. Sophia is one of the greatest erotic characters of any AVN, in my view. She's smart and hot and generally well written. The situations the VN puts her in are exhilarating. I especially love many of the lesbian flirting and teasing scenes.

    The artwork is beautiful. There aren't many animations, but when they appear they are done well. The women in this game are simply gorgeous. The writing is also quite strong, for the most part. Some of the scenarios are cliché, but they work, so long as you don't think on any of it too hard. For example, there are days when Sophia showers several times a day, just so we can have another shower scene. I'm not complaining (I love the shower scenes in the VN), but it does get a tad over the top.

    The good wife/filthy wife options provide for a lot of variety, which makes the story replayable. I've only done a "filthy wife" play through and next want to do the "good wife" options.

    I knock off one star for a few reasons: one, the latest update clearly hasn't been proofread or edited by a stronger speaker of English. Most of the VN was quite excellent, but then the last update descended into awkwardness and odd usage. Still comprehensible, but after 90% of the novel was so well done, in terms of language, the end was disappointing.

    Two, as much as I love the slow burn, I'd like to see a bit more escalation on the filthy wife path. I realize that in the game only about 3 weeks have passed, but every time she faces a new "filthy" situation, her initial reaction is generally the same, regardless of how many "filthy wife" points or lesbian points we have. This is a relatively small complaint, though, as I suppose once the entire VN is finished, the pace will seem fine and when (assuming it's "when") various relationships finally culminate in real sex or some variation of it, the payoff will be mind-blowing because it's been so long in the making. Unfortunately, playing the game in small increments like this, the sexual frustration is almost too much to bear.

    Third, Sophia is constantly
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    In summary, if you like AVNs that slowly build, are realistic (as much as any porn game with an incest tag can be realistic without being just sad and creepy), and are beautifully rendered, you will love AWAM. I can't wait for the next update!
  5. 1.00 star(s)

    Ninja of Death

    Not good at all. 3+ years in and still no sex other than 1 or 2 scenes with husband. WTF??? Sex with husband is also bad sex. Going as much "filthy" as possible nothing. Requires to be on the "good wife" path for lesbian content. WTF??? Also looks like it will be at least a 10 year project. Another year at least before anything good. A blueballing snoozefest with too much internal dialogue. Deserves 0 stars. Who cares how good the renders are if there's no good content? Worst. Game. Ever.
  6. 2.00 star(s)


    Review for Game Version [v0.130]


    + CG Renders are top quality
    + Dialogue quality is fitting for appropriate scene
    + Character relationships and dynamics are good when in right situations
    + Branching scenes and stories. While in grand scheme of things right now it probably doesn't matter yet until we see the end. However I do appreciate the scenes you can only get if you travel X path.
    + Lots of game play time whether you play fast or slow.
    + Certain teasing and H-scenes are done very well.

    * A bit too much dialogue at times. While quality is good you might be reading a novel for the same scene.
    * Not really a main focus/objective per se. More like a conjunction of many side stories that come together. Lesbian route. Dylan and Sam route. Aiden missions. Can feel all over the place and might lose interest in certain routes.
    * Feel like the husband is thrown to the side. Not a character I am interested but Storywise should be more present besides H-scenes. Feels like the only time I encountered the husband was the occasional actual sex scenes with the MC other than that kind of appears here and there considering they are husband and wife.


    - Such a slow burn. Slow burns aren't inherently bad or good. However in the case of A Wife and Mother it is bad since it is tediously slow to get any action and meaningful value out of the story. Such a slow burning story considering all the routes and characters you interact with.
    - So much teasing. Like galore teasing. With how long the game is this will not be rewarding for people who want to look for H-Scenes especially its with characters you don't care about. The H-Scenes we want is a tease fest. The ones we care the least about we get something but not satisfying.
    - Sophia a character herself is complex and complicated for the story alone and doesn't feel genuine. Oh I want to do this with you but only a little bit. Oh im so horny but don't want to do anything about it even though I can. Oh im so into it but will only kiss you. and only kiss you. Like at this point we are just dragging it.
    - Quite stunned at a game this big and popular that there isn't a gallery. Especially the different scenes for different path. Kind of bizarre considering getting these scenes might be the only difference of several choices then you might be locked out of that unless you go back redo a different path. Even if they may be teasing scenes mostly and a few sex scenes there should be a gallery regardless. No one wants to hoard a bunch of saves or memorize certain points in the game to get certain scenes.
    - The story is not really rewarding as of now. Just small progressions here and there. Depending on your choices too you may hit the end of updates quicker making your gameplay feel good or bad. You play hoping you actually get something then you realize dang there isn't nothing at the end yet for this route or character yet.

    This game is definitely not for everyone. Really I can only explain this game is an author who takes there time writing a really long erotic novel as they go. Kind of piecing things here and their that might make sense in the grand scheme of things however forgot to interject some H-scenes and got the pacing wrong. While I did enjoy certain routes and character relationships I feel as if of right now there isn't much to be rewarded on playing. It can be described as if the game was a long subway sandwich with only a tiny bit of delicious meat at the other end of the bread. We are still only in the beginning of eating the bread before we actually get to the meat where we all hope the game will finally lead to however whether the meat even exist and how long until we get there is a question of time. This game has been in development for a very long time. After awhile its just not worth downloading since the progression is slow. I played the original RPGM version of this game when it first came out and that was about 4 years ago. Im not sure how long you are willing to wait for a game like this. Maybe a year or 2 ago this might be a 4 or 3 star. Average or good. However in this current state and knowing the update patterns I find the game to not be in a good state anymore.

    I only include the development progress in my reviews if it has been a significant time which it has been in this case. We need to consider the time of development and pacing of these updates. Not many are willingly to standby and watch a game slowly make its way to the finish line. We could be waiting another 4 years and more. What we have here is a game with hope and maybe potential but that's only because many of us have been on the ride for so long. Some have already hopped out and even me. The ones that remain are likely new comers and hopeful people who have stayed watching development for a long time.

    In this current state I cannot recommend this game to anyone. If you plan to play. Play for not H-scenes but for what it has to offer. Don't expect to get your bonkers blown up but expect a slow burning story with a complicated MC that may or may not make sense at times in the story. There are some shining pieces in this game but not enough of them comes around.
  7. 1.00 star(s)


    It's Not a game Anymore I'TS a BOOK ! Too much Dialogue. I usually like reading but in this game it's really too much

    If you take the time to read everyline You will never see action.

    At the end i start too spamclick cause i was boring.

    But Good Graphisme and complete storie i have too admit.

    One of the main probleme for me it's all the cutscene with the blackscreen and the ambiance song like "the door opening"or "the car starting" sometimes i thinks there are not necessary
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    This Game is just amazing.
    The art just look fantastic and the story is really good and well written.
    The plot is graduating not too fast and the people of the story act comprehensible.
    The main person of the game is one of the hottest I've ever seen.
    With this game a new hight bar has been raised.
  9. 2.00 star(s)


    It is a good game but for the long term it is not something that I would recommend to everyone, especially to people who want some action with Sophia in a period of 20 minutes since they will get frustrated as they will see the protagonist live her life day to day
  10. 5.00 star(s)

    Horny Little Brother

    firstly, sorry for my bad english.
    give this game 1 star. man is not mentally stable. ridiculous, funny.
    If you want to see penetration, watch porn or there are games that reach penetration immediately, play them. sex and eroticism exist in every line, every moment of this game. This game is full of lust and passion.
    First time gamer shouldn't take the negative reviews seriously, it's the best game of all time.
  11. 2.00 star(s)


    This review is based on v0.130 of the game.

    • I appreciate the slow build-up of corruption of the MC's in games. I do not like games where sex scenes are introduced after 5 minutes of game play, it is more intriguing when you participate in the slow fall of the MC towards pleasure of sex. There is however a limit to this, which triggers one of the cons
    • I do like the sexual tension created between the MC and some of the side characters. An exciting game should not present "easy sex", it is the story and a well presented context that make a porn game exciting. Kudos to the developer for the effort spent in making sure this is always present
    • Renders quality is good but I do not find it excellent. It was likely high quality when the game started 4 years ago, but methods, tools, techniques evolve and I find that this game is not anymore presenting top quality of renders. I do believe that the gap with other new games is increasing in this respect and I have the feeling that this game won't be able to keep up with the evolving state of the art, yet keeping good quality
    • It's appreciated the effort spent in having the scoring system reported at every significant decision affecting it, but I would rather prefer having to guess which decision would increase the score of a certain "path" rather than having it clearly shown

    • I'm seriously confused about the "Good Wife" path. This is a porn game, which should try to trigger the interest of the player by presenting suggestive scenarios. How can a game, where a woman has successful sex with her husband, be interesting?
    • The game does not present an interesting stats system. You are not able to develop specific stats of the MC, you simply decide whether she is a good wife or a filthy character. Which is basically not a decision; based on the previous point, where is the interest in choosing to keep her a good wife? This, in my view, makes the decision making process in the game quite irrelevant and you are only actively making very few critical decisions in the game
    • The branching system is not well elaborated. There are so many branches but they are not well developed. So what happens is that for entire solar years you are not getting any interactions with some of the side characters; I don't personally even remember the name of certain characters and I'm sure I will need some time to realize who these guys are when they will finally be active again. The branching system is not really "branching" anything, you are just deciding how many side stories you will bring in parallel, which only makes the story less readable and enjoyable
    • I don't appreciate having so many events not actually bringing any significant development to the story. It's task of a good writer making sure that the reader is fully entertained with the events presented in the game. I often feel like clicking without even reading, some events are simply boring and not providing any good insight about the story or about the characters which we didn't already know. Thanks God Tolkien didn't really describe every single step of Frodo and Sam towards Mordor, LOTR would've been 10000 pages long
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    After some time, despite the actually slow pace of the updates, the already good impression of this game is even better than the beginning. The story deals with issues such as female corruption and, above all, incest, in a "realistic" way. I play Dylan's route and the fact that a boy his age has a sexual interest in his mother, a taboo and hot topic as more could not be, after all "there is". Merit is the other side of the coin of slowness: progression. Dylan has shown a maturation of character and personality thanks to the good progression of the story and the fact that sooner or later he ends up in bed with his mother (as it seems quite obvious to you) is something presented in such a way that you have the illusion that it can happen for real in real life. The opposite of certain incest "shooter" games where after three minutes mothers and children fuck like crazy. Rendering and setting could be less quality, in my personal opinion, but obviously they are the best.
  13. 3.00 star(s)


    I'd like to be able to give this 5 stars, but its more like an nc-17 game . The graphics are outstanding. The models are great, renders are awesome. The story is a good one. The dev he said he's doing a slow burn, which I am ok with. But there are so many missed opportunities to give us something to see.
    The game play can be very frustrating, though the ingame walk through now helps. But there are so many scenes that are dependent on seemingly random and insignificant choices earlier in the game. Its so long with so little action that going back to start over and redo those decisions - ugh, its just not worth it. Then if you do to get that special scene, nothing happens anyway. Even when there is a sex scene, we see more dick than anything else.
    The dev can do his slow burn. But there are opportunities to give us plenty to look at in the story as it is now (shower scenes, the sybian scene, the few sex scenes that exist). I'd love to give this a 5-star, but honestly I cannot recommend it. :(
  14. 3.00 star(s)


    Render and pose quality are pretty good, but your skip button is going to get a serious workout with this game. So. Much. Text.

    Not recommended if you just want to jerk off, even skipping every bit of text leaves minutes between every titillating scene.
  15. 2.00 star(s)


    This poor rating is more of an indictment of the development process than the game itself. I truly respect L&P as a businessman, but the consumer should understand that getting hooked on this game will be an awful experience. (v.0.130)

    Best case, two updates a year with 6-8 scenes that contain partial nudity and awkward writing. Renders are nice, and models are attractive, but it's a moot point when the game lacks quality animations and sexual scenes.

    If you are susceptible to getting attached to a game and will constantly check the forums in hopes of an update, it would be in your best interest to avoid this title. For everyone else, playing the game after a couple of updates (a year or so) can be worth your time if you are a fan of the fetishes this game provides.
  16. 4.00 star(s)


    just finished playing the available scenarios in v.0.130. Very erotic. I love how the story is building up. Fantastic attention to detail. One of the best erotic story telling games to date. To date, it has grown to epic novel proportions. Did not much enjoy the Liam storyline, too vanilla for my taste. Love all the other scenarios. Kudos for a job well done to Lust&Passion . Looking forward to the next update. This dev definitely deserves the Patreon support he is getting.

    The Aiden tasks and the nursing job scenes are my favorite. (y)
  17. 2.00 star(s)


    The fat that the lesbian route is only `possible after allowing like 50 creep events, inlcuding gropings, harrassment, and so on, well. Maybe the game logic is broken.

    How in the world allopwing some creep to grope your daughter will make a lesbian route eaiser? What person looking for a lesbian route would tolerate this bullshit?
    Maybe there is some rework in the route system, cause 50 creep events to allow 1 lesbian event, is not worth it, really.

    Another thing killing the game is the wife face. 80% of the renders, maybe more she has this deppressed face, its really uncomfortable looking at her. If you add the insane amount of dicks being thrown at you from all angles, it makes the game overall experience horrendous.

    Not renders, nor animations compensate for it, cause they are really average.

    Maybe with the choice logic fixed, it will be a little better cause this in unbearable.

    45 minutesa go i rated it 1. I finished playing it and i goota give one extra star, cause desptie the fact that after 13 or so playable days there is still no sex, i got to praise the length of the """lesbian sex"""" scenes, which is something im complaing about other games. I woulodnt be fair not rewarding it. So, maybe in the future, in 2030, the woman who is being teased and denied for 1 week will actualyl act on her feelings and stop stalling.
  18. 1.00 star(s)


    Version: v0.130

    I don't know why this game got so many positively high ratings and likes. Maybe it's the fact that I've deceived a lot of people that it would be an extremely promising game or because maybe they liked the plot and graphics. If it's because of the story, why does a porn game have so much writing and not content? wouldn't it be easier to buy a novel/romance book to read?

    - The game's plot is very professional
    - The MC doesn't act like a slut or stupid
    - Good graphics

    - It's not necessarily a porn game but something about romance and erotic
    - There is not enough sexual content (fucking blueballs)
    - Everything happens very slowly and slow
    - 5.35GB of download size for nothing lewd content

    As I said, the game's story writing is good, but it would also be much better to buy a book to read. Sophia is a woman with two children and also a wife. I've seen games similar to this one and I know what a disappointment it was, but suddenly, this game that is 4 years old pleased its readership.
    Sophia is a woman and mother, the attitudes the player chooses won't let her be a slut overnight, the game corrupts it very slowly making the player tired and bored if you want to fap.
    The gameplay looks silly and I'll explain why. Do you play a female protagonist, and does the game give you the option of being a good wife? Choose to be a good wife or choose to corrupt her or even increase the affection of a certain character or lesbian stat. But why is it so silly? This is a porn game, right? or am I wrong? why would I want to be a ''good wife''? Why would I choose not to see content? if you like a good story and don't like nasty content, welcome.
    Graphics & Sexual Content:
    Graphics are good, renderings are good, but where is the sexual content? will you spend more than 1 hour reading the entire plot and then see two quick scenes? no fucking way... I don't even need to explain...

    Why I did gave 1 star?
    Sorry, but I can't see any reason to praise this game. I like games that have a constructive relationship, but this game the relationship is constructive too. The fact is that you'll stay for hours and hours and in the end it's just a reading game, a porn game where you just read the story, where you don't see more explicit content and just keep your hand on your dick thinking how disappointing it was to have wasted his time. The developer started writing his story but was unable to reduce or minimize it, so the game gives you every detail of what's going on, but it's been 4 years. It's okay that if this game is ever completed, it will be one of the greatest games that have excellent relationship building and character corruption (or not), but that's just speculation, so it's not sure whether this game will work or not.
    If you like reading, looking for a good story with good writing, this game is for you. But do you happen to be looking for a nasty game, where there's plenty of sexual content you can enjoy, stay away from that game.
  19. 2.00 star(s)


    Nice game but very slow development in the storyline.
    Too many sidelines. When you expect some progress in the story and it is not happening.
    There are so many missed opportunities.
    What happened with the guys at the museum?
    When can we see some sex with Sophia's sister?
    Any progress with the guys from the club?
  20. 2.00 star(s)


    the game is fine. Nothing special.

    pros: great art and... that's about it.

    cons: really slow development for a threadbare plot and a distinct lack of direction.
    too many character but none have had any significant progress in route in the last year or two.

    Basically, wait until the game is "completed" and play it. The game as it is, is not memorable or interesting