VN - Ren'Py - A Wife and Mother [v0.205b] [Lust & Passion]

  1. 4.00 star(s)


    I felt compelled to write a review of my personal opinion of AWAM after finishing the game's most current release. Please keep in mind these are my opinions and may not reflect your own. You should know immediately that this game is a slow burn, and Sophia's fall from grace is a slow and steady decline. If you're looking for immediate satisfaction, this isn't the droid you're looking for.

    I wanted first to compliment the writer's passions for classic rock, guitar, and art history. It was very informative and enjoyable to experience in the game. In-depth discussions of scales on a guitar, musical theory, and Madonna conspiracies with AC/DC references were a pleasant find in an adult-oriented game. I may have even learned a few things which are always satisfying as a reader.

    The protagonist, Sophia, is quite likable. There is a subtle naivety to her that teeters between preposterous and captivating. I grew up around LDS families in my youth, and there were many mothers I knew that was a lot like Sophia. The very thought of someone seeing anything below their shoulders was enough to warrant a gasp of shock, especially with their children around. So in my mind, I had to basically treat Sophia like a Mormon mother being corrupted with the environment around her to get myself in the mindset to see where she was coming from. To go into a whole tangent about Sophia would be long and arduous, so that I will reserve that for another time. But overall, I loved her character, but there is a lot that I also didn't love.

    The husband, Liam, is probably the most casual and boring of the characters in this story. He is very much caught up in work while trying to maintain friendships and appearances most of all. The boring male archetype is trying hard to be ahead of the game and jealous of others who are more successful. Pretty much the dynamic for most male backstories I've seen in film, tv, and games. Not that it bothers me, it makes the other aspects of the game far more interesting to consider as he is so disinteresting and easy to dislike. Especially the casino nonsense.

    Dylan, to me, is a bit of a throwaway character. I feel he is another standard archetype of a young guy. Horny all the time, infatuated with sex, and into sports/video games. Nothing truly compelling about him nor do I feel or care about his plight. Honestly, I avoided him as much as I could and felt nothing when I sent him along to boarding school.

    Sam was quite a surprise of a character; while carrying a cool and calm intelligence and a helpful and confident demeanor, he is quickly transformed into a Dylan clone when the two of them are alone. I was hoping he would develop into a character that really educated Dylan on acting mature and erring on the side of intelligence but instead went the swooning, perverted idiot route behind the scenes. Especially disappointing after the great scene between him and Sofia during the guitar scene.

    Ellie was probably the most interesting character outside of Sophia. A certain wonderment to her interactions with her mother that really felt compelling and genuine. The awe she has of all the world around her, her friend's discoveries, her own, her interactions with her mother, and her friends are very real-world feelings to me. Though obviously, the fantasy comes in with the mother/daughter interactions of the sexual nature. Julia and Ellie's most erotic and intense scene set up Sophia for the best slow-burn lesbian scene I've ever experienced. My body literally shook with anticipation and eagerness of the scene that I felt concluded with a very unexciting conclusion. However, nothing can take away that intense moment between Julia and Sophia. Powerful stuff.

    Carl and Patricia and the various other characters pop in a bit and out a bit, and there's no real depth to their backstories. But I at least wanted to share my thoughts up until that point. Thanks for the wonderful experience, I truly enjoyed the game, and I appreciate the hard work put into the writing and the excellent models and scenes. There's a lot to be desired in character development, but at its core, this is a solid experience.

    4/5 Stars
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    Simply perfect game, I dare say it is one of the best on this page.

    Graphics and characters are very well done

    I like the fact that the MC is female (the vast majority of games the MC is male and that gets boring)

    The story does not have as many cliches as most games (In those games you just start playing and you are practically fucking everyone, in this one no, I liked that)

    And personally I do not like that there are routes of lesbianism, but hey, that is optional.

  3. 5.00 star(s)


    Love this game. Can't wait until it is finished. The build up is way more realistic than most corruption games. Shame I didn't find it when it was done because now I have to wait. Sophia is a great protagonist that is consistent! None of this "she's an average mom" then day two she goes "well I guess I have to suck my son off".
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    Very interesting game with nice graphic, story and routes on the charaters. Hopefully this gets continued. Runs stable and interesting with a very good story in the background which is written in a well written storyline.
  5. 4.00 star(s)


    A great game with a decent amount of meaningful choices. Definitely not a game for those looking for a quick fap.

    There is WAY too much fluff text with the characters even thinking of a sentence then saying it out loud, so the player reads it twice.
    I turned the auto advance speed all the way up and skipped probably 80% of the dialog without missing anything while also becoming invested in the characters. There is a ton of text that doesn't move the story forward in any way. (It's not unrealistic dialog, its just not entertaining or useful).

    The visuals start pretty rough with black screens being used way too much at first however towards the end of this version it is much better. The one sex scene I was able to find wasn't bad.

    Overall a positive experience with good characters and interesting story arcs. Looking forward to see where it goes.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    Overall this game scores very well. For me that's because it is such a well developed game. Might not have the lewdest of scenes, nor progress really fast, but it's a complete game with a unique story.

    Rather than the usual "lost male, reconnecting familymembers, boom sex" There is a great story here - won't go into details, but it develops really well. One of the great things isthat even thought it's a long story, there is enough progress to make it feel rewarding. At the same time it features enough choices that actually impact the story and scenes.

    The renders are good, finally not the usual characters and scenes - which is great.

    A warning is needed though: it's a slow burn. If you're looking for quick sexyness, go find another game. Are you up for a story that develops with your choices and not immediately looking for hardcorde scenes, this is the game for you.
  7. 2.00 star(s)


    What a disappointment of a good renders game, how can it take 3 hours of teasing strangers and random people to finally get a scene, and it's the husband?? what was all that teasing and cheating for? wtf?

    Definition of slowburn and blueballing should redirect to this page.
  8. 1.00 star(s)


    Updated Review:
    As of 0.13 I am changing my review score from 5 stars to 1 star. The amount content released in this update is disgusting. If I told my boss, "this is how much I accomplished after 6 months," I'd be fired. I subbed to L&P for February and March and ended it after getting pissed at his progress. For me and probably many others, this game has become a rebuilding trust campaign. He will have to show us he is serious with his game and release actual updates before we consider supporting him again.

    Previous Review:
    The updates may be on the slower side, but its expected when he is working by himself with the scale and quality of this game. The scenes and story are unmatched. A perfect 5/5 game, he just needs some help to speed up his output
  9. 3.00 star(s)


    So I checked out this game after looking at the ridiculous high ratings in has. There are way too many games right now in F95, so I usually try games that have been in development for some time because I don't want to jump the gun early on and do a review based on a first draft of a game.

    I had forgotten that I already played this game before (it didn't leave a memorable impression in me), but I had also forgotten to review it the first time around.

    This game is okay, pretty average renders (seen them in other games, non-unique) and story-wise. It does have a considerable amount of non-H CG and 'story', but its pretty bland to be honest for a game that seems well on its way, the amount of H content is rather marginal for my taste.

    Plenty of slow burn sluggish teasing and voyeurism (if you are into that), but nothing too explicit. Its a bit of a blue balls festival, you are waiting for something to give but nothing much really happens with the huge cast of characters this game has.

    So long story short, it didn't get the job done for me and I don't think I'll revisit it again until its finished and hopefully in better shape. Also I wish the paths weren't mutually exclusive because you do seem to miss out on a lot of content because of that.

    Don't be fooled by the outstanding ratings, this game is a 3 out of 5 at best (for now).
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is unique and has a remarkably slow burn that's benefit is never really appreciated or attempted in other games. Because of this, then the game has an advantage in its management of payoffs, which extends the game length and makes moments much richer based on character development. The visuals are spectacular, and I love how decisions made by the player are still initially contested by the MC, showing that the player is less Sophia, and more of a consciousness that must keep pushing her in these particular directions.

    In a sense, we are the ones slowly corrupting this woman, which makes even her smallest temptation slipup satisfying. For characters with points attached, this system is off to a great start, providing the greatest fuel of conflict within Sophia. Besides the odd fellow who would escape reality just to choose the good wife route, this game is about lust dominating reason, and with over 8000 images it's been handled pretty well so far, where other developers might have just caved to a generic porno situation instead of a realistic encounter.

    All in all, the game is honestly one of the best I’ve played, with a lot of promise and a great foundation.

    Where the Game Can Improve:
    Firstly, it’s important to point out the strictness of the points. Maybe dial back the requirements on a few of the encounters, as every single perfect decision shouldn’t have to be hit in order to activate a story event. Sure maybe 2 or 3 misses, but missing one point somewhere meant I couldn’t do an event that meant I would miss points for the next event, etc. And suddenly the entire potential storyline of a character was completely shot for me. Another option is to add a way to get all missed points back, perhaps by completing a more tedious task or encounter for a character.

    Next is the encounters with the side characters. I am not sure if there are plans to implement the same points system to characters like Neil, Janitor Clark, or mover Ivan, but even so, there should be some follow up opportunities based on the decision of the player. Sure if the MC blew them off completely, then its fine that they are never seen again, but if there was even a small initial conflict in Sophia with Neil for example, then there should be a couple more side events where the player can continue to rattle Sophia’s morals or cut him off completely. I’m talking like 3 or 4 events. This will also create some short term fun while the regular stories progress. You can save the 50 whatever incredibly slow buildup events for the main characters. That’s fine.

    This brings me to the main characters that have levels attached: Sam’s fine, but I think especially after the haircut that there is not enough variety between Sam and Dylan’s character models. It’s a nit pick for sure, but seeing as how they are the only male characters with points, it’s a little underwhelming. The best solution is just to add more point characters to offset this similarity. This can be done to characters like Carl, where a brother in law relationship would create some stronger conflict/intensity between Sophia and her sister.

    Lastly, the game is about how far you would go, which means I believe that a greater emphasis should be placed on pushing the player to overtime choose the filthy route. It doesn’t have to be forceful, like Liam’s constantly a jerk or anything, but stuff like him gambling away their savings is a good start. Maybe slowly shed hints that he’s having an affair, or maybe he starts getting overweight because of the stress of his job. Things that would naturally push a wife to look for intimacy elsewhere. This would also make the good wife route more meaningful in the sense that these are real world endurances that people will undergo for those that they love… Or not in the context of this video game where nobody gives a fuck about ramifications. And that’s why most people already gravitate toward the filthy route, because fuck it - focus development here.
  11. 3.00 star(s)


    Ooph. I can't do it. So many games lack pacing.

    The imagery is great, but it took like 10 hours to reach any content that was even remotely fappable. What's the point of a porn game that requires that much time sink before its "usable".

    And *still* nobody fucks eachother... except maybe the neighbors which you see from the distance.
  12. 1.00 star(s)


    All my complaints about the game are about its scenarios/scenes. All the mechanical stuff like models and working properly is top notch. My main issue with this game is that you have to suspend reality way too many times for most of these scenarios to happen. Also there are just way too many sleaze balls with a lack of just normal people. If the game had some more (for the lack of a better term) wholesome scenarios and options it would've helped. Or if they just toned down the amount of just undenialble sleazos then I could enjoy this. The scene that broke me was the whole situation involving the bullying and the blackmailing of the mother. That whole scene was poorly written and just wouldn't happen in reality which would be fine if the author didn't base his game in reality. Anyways, for me this game will just be another wasted oppurtunity for a well made game with a female protagonist. There just are not that many good ones within Adult VG's.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the few first-class games here on F95.

    Compared to many other (VN) games here, it is incredibly complex.
    In terms of complexity, I personally only see "GGGB" and (hopefully soon) "Our Red string" on a similar level, as far as I can tell.
    The branching of possibilities is so extensive that I discover new scenes every time I restart. Nuances in the decisions seem to lead to completely new paths.

    This game has tremendous replay value.

    The characters are believable, the story and decisions (in the context of a porn game, of course ;) ) understandable.
    The slow corruption of the main character and the various ways to accomplish this are top notch.

    The rederings are also on the high end of the bar.
    The characters are anatomically believable throughout. There are (so far) no anatomical aberrations that have sprung from some pubescent boy's wet dreams.

    The time between updates is unfortunately quite long.
    Considering the complexity of the game and it's 8755 Images (until now) this is understandable. Means roughly 8 Images per day redered.
    Given he took some days off ;)
    Not that bad, isn't it?

    It is one of the best here on F95!
    Download and try it out... then wait half a year and enjoy it again with new content!!

  14. 5.00 star(s)



    This is so far the best game i've ever played on this forum and believe me i played tons of em. Protagonist is also my most favourite woman so far. I dont even wanna start talking about her proportions and her beauty otherwise this review would be too damn long, get my point already :p Her clothing gets really good near the end. Renders are top quality, i think they got better over time because i remember not liking them at first, i've noticed in the forum that if a game gets more attention over time this situation usually happens. Story is so good, im sure those 12 steps are gonna be very fun really looking forward to them. Corruption takes time which adds to realism which i like.


    Well, getting to some specific scenes is very tricky. Like dylan for instance, i played the game with walkthrough on and even then it took like 3-4 tries to get one scene with Dylan because i picked a single unnecessary choice wrong 8 DAYS AGO. I hope decisions wont get more complex over time, they're already hard enough dammit. Game also sometimes forces you to go over lesbian routes in order to get to some straight scenes which is... i mean i wouldnt mind to see but there are always people who do (not kinkshaming by all means, just saying choices like that should be more lenient)

    Anyway im really looking forward to see how our lovely Sophia cope with her 'problems' in her daily life. Please dont forget to support the project if you enjoyed like i did, this game is really worth it.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    Great story, beautiful graphics. PC moves slowly towards corruption (this is actually up to you). Makes this much more realistic and you feel that the PC is more like a real person rather than some whore from porn. Looking forward to future developments.
  16. 4.00 star(s)


    Love the game. The art and storytelling is great. Although theres a lot of blueball scenes I can only wait for whats next to come. Im a big fan of corruption so the multiple choices this games offers to suit that is nice. Always exciting to download a new update. This game is slow paced so dont go into it wanting a quick fap.
  17. 2.00 star(s)


    This game is a Belle Delphine, from the world of porn games. A long, very long build-up of tension, which leads nowhere. And I'm sure, when sex scenes not only with Sophia's husband, finally appear in the game, they will be as ridiculously bad as Belle's New Year video. Even if the developer manages to do them normally, they will be perceived badly, because of, naturally, several years of waiting, during which people come up with incredible scenarios in their heads that do not fit into the harsh reality.
    Tons of absolutely pointless dialogue (in the style of that conversation in the sauna), a ton of wasted on walking / shopping / Hey, watch, the bird fly! renders (the developer, by the way, was whining about how long it takes to render, but did not understand that it is better to put something on rendering that will advance the plot of the game, or, at worst, a sex scene, than to put the light and bother with shadows in yet another meaningless scene with meaningless dialogue with a meaningless secondary character). By the way, about them. The game has a ton of secondary characters whose lines were thrown into the trash immediately after they were introduced to the player (Hello to the movers, the two boys near museum, and so on). Why are they needed at all, if they do not represent themselves in any way further in the game?
    The game is updated very rarely, and updates include less and less content.
    And to see the content that is already in the game, you have to follow the guide step by step, otherwise one choice made in the wrong direction will destroy your entire playthrough. Some of the events, needed to promote the line of this or that character are absolutely illogical, but for some reason they exist (help Ellie find a guy on a lesbian playthrough, tf is that?). And a bunch of other inconsistencies, plot holes, and so on.
    But you know what's the funniest thing? If Icstor gets out of his den in 2021 and actually finishes Milfy City, AWAM will be still in development, that ends, probably in 2030.
    Beautiful renders gets a 2 stars. But the game itself- is a disaster, while developer is highly likely knows both Belle and Kris Roberts.
  18. 1.00 star(s)


    I hate this game like every other games were you can make decision but if you will make your own decision the game say you have not enough points. Or even worse you have missed a scene look at the walkthrough.

    If you want make a game with decisions make it.

    Otherwise make a visual novel with point and klick and the only decision is the path wich you want to see. I have played it previous with the same feeling. I gave it only a try because there was a cheat mod. The Mod work fine but the programmer had that in mind and because of that he do not give you the decision even you have enough points.
    I give it one star because the story and the concept is good.
    But the game is in this version nearly unplayable.
  19. 4.00 star(s)


    I love the rhythm, the drawings, and the slow decline of Sophia who goes from model wife to sexual object. She who controlled everything, and more and more finds herself guided by her desires, and manipulated by those around her. I hope same passion for the next updates.
  20. 3.00 star(s)


    A great tease

    There's plenty of choices, plenty of paths, and A LOT of pictures, but most of them is just teasing. Dylan's pathis RIDICULLOUSLY hard to figure out, even with walkthrough (i had to replay it 3 times, because due to seemingly irrelevant choices i skipped important scenes) and even after this, all i got was teasing.

    It's slow paced game and you probably can get here much more character development than in most games, and more "realistic" relationships (atleast for hgame). That being said, after all, im disappointed. Well, i wish there will be as much "real content" at the end of each path as there's teasing on the way.

    Gameplay: 1/5
    Graphics 5/5