VN - Ren'Py - A Wife and Mother [v0.205b] [Lust & Passion]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Great game...I hope it won't be abandoned by patreon supporters because the dev is a russian guy who wants to milk as much as possible.Well if the previous reviews that i have been read is not true i will edit my post but unfortunatelly all of them are true.Without sex in 3 years not any living creature can live. :))
  2. 4.00 star(s)

    . ° ☾ ❍

    • 2024 edit (original was 4 years ago) : this review ready for deletion, pls help !
  3. 1.00 star(s)


    Is this some sort of elaborate joke I'm not in on? I was bored out of my mind reading line after line of waffling bollocks that boils down to attraction and arousal exist oh my god NOOOOOO!! She's a grown ass adult but you'd never know it, there are 90 year old virgin nuns more sexual and sensible about it than Sofia. She doesn't come across remotely like a real person would. There is no real story. She's unbelievably frigid at the start and still is now it's barely moved in years. There's slow burn but this is glacial. There is barely any porn she has bad sex with her husband twice.

    The game fails as a game. It fails as a story. It fails as porn. It fails as erotica. There is just nothing here apart from where you imagine it'll head towards. It's just not good.

    I'm amazed she has children considering how scared she is of her own vagina. Which should not be what you think of the MC.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    Easily top of my list.
    • MILF corruption 10/10
    • Great renders
    • Excellent story and scenes
    • Nice pacing and dialogs. The dev seem to understand that corruption takes time.
    • Great characters
    The only downsides that I can think of:
    • It's usually only filthy or good wife, its kinda dumb to change your decisions a bit if you go Filthy bc then you won't have enough points.
    • You may feel that there is a lot of filling in the game. Scenes that aren't interesting and display routines or whatever non-lewd actions. I don't mind this one bc I think it's at least a bit more real.
    • Unskippable transitions and the stupid alarm clock.
  5. 4.00 star(s)


    I enjoyed the game but do not expect to get content for a quick fap. This is a slow burn with limited pay off at this point. The Story is well done and thought out, a lot of dialog to get through but it helps with character development. The path chosen dictates if any sexual situation will occur.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    Wow.... One of the absolute favorite games I've played so far. (Yes, I know I mostly post good reviews but that's because I only bother writing reviews for games I like and just skip the rest). Anyways, the art is absolutely fantastic. Dialog is all sensical, interesting, creates emotions and makes you feel the different relationship types between characters - and at some points is so incredibly sweet and erotic at the same time that it just takes your breath away (eg. the pool icecube-scene, or the first shower kiss). You really love and want to cheer on all the characters. Gameplay wise there are very few choices. There are a lot of places where you click 'something' but honestly... you are playing an eros NTR game there's always one choice you obviously pick and one you obviously always skip. But still... I went back for those few things that seemed like actual diverging choices (where they lock out some plot to see another) and then speed-Tabbed through (thank you RenPy I love you for that) and it blew my mind how much dialog I was speeding through... that (unlike most RenPy games) just had not Felt like I was reading through. That was engaging and well-rendered enough that I had not noticed the.. hundreds? of screens I'd clicked through. And after binging this game to the 'to be continued', and all that content, I was left wishing for more. Sooooo obviously supporting it now
  7. 3.00 star(s)


    Message for developer. Please send this or show this to him.
    This game is amazing and one of the best game ive ever played
    I don't have any problem with update time because in every update it's graphics and story are better.
    But only problem is too much girl with girl scenes especially in last update v0. 100
    If because of story you want to put girl with girl erotic scene then add but not too much
    I don't want the developer of this game to fast forward the game... Because it is going with correct pace.
    Add scene with character that were introduced earlier like Neil and janitor Clark not like s*x scenes but erotic scenes situations.
    At last just want to say this game is Outstanding.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    Why do I and so many others love this game SOOOO much?!
    It is a question that has baffled mankind from the dawn of the game's inception.
    Oh those days, how we long for simplicity. How we long for a time where none were bothered with such thoughts... For we stand now, my fellow man (and woman), after years of updates (and it has been years), thinking to ourselves; how come I am still so inexplicably drawn to a game that has given me so little... for so long...? How come I keep attempting to draw water from an empty well? How come the water from that well, the water that is not there, tastes so much sweeter than the water drawn from any other (actually functioning) well.
    Oooohhhh my brotherin, hear me now and do not despair. For thou is not alone. We are the many, yet we feel so few. I am by your side, standing naked in darkness and confusion. Embrace me now brother. Feel my Dickens upon thy Austen, and know! In you heart of hearts... you are not alone. For I bring good tidings my friend. I have searched the highest of highs and the lowest of lows, and bring you now, the answer you have been seeking. So... may I, at this juncture, request a drum-roll, if you please...

    Ok. Enough with the mumbo-jumbo. In plain engrish... The reason why we love this epic and never-ending blue balls of a game, is because... as Kierkegaard said (and I'm paraphrasing here): "the anticipation of an event often exceeds the pleasure of the event itself". So, in other words; we are all looking forward to seeing Sophia getting fucked. We all long for it. But the longing and the anticipation is actually even more gratifying than the realization of the act itself. The waiting is what's exciting. The ideas of what might happen, is far more fulfilling than seeing what actually happens. So this eternal game of cat and mouse, that the developer is playing with us, is actually what we're drawn to. We can't wait... to not be gratified. We can't wait... to not see her get banged... We can't wait... to just keep waiting. Because the waiting itself is our pleasure.

    So stop moaning about this game. It is perfect... It is perfect in the way it succeeds in giving us almost nothing, but just enough to keep us interested and guessing and fantasizing.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    This is the best game that I ever played. The storyline is very fantastic, and your decitions are affect the whole story. And the all characters have theris own personality, they are really characters not just boots. And the game has a perfect graphics, and Sophia is beautifull. Definetly 5 star
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    Top notch visual novel. This is what all of them should aspire to. The character renders are the finest I've seen and very realistic. The story is engaging and constantly surprises you with where it is heading. Different options are given for the reader to pick allowing them to progress the story in the direction they want. Background details are treated just as importantly as what's in the foreground. The writing is good quality and only a few minor misspellings are noticeable.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    This is a fantastic game if you like teasing. Game has no protagonist but the main focus on the housewife. Choices like you a spectator and narrator say what do you want to see. Renders are beutiful, characters and world of the game is alive.
  12. 3.00 star(s)


    This game would be wildly better if it didn't have so many god damn unskippable transitions. Instead of just dipping to the next scene, this dev puts up an unskippable black screen. Once you notice it you realize it's all the god damn time. Sometimes, to add insult to injury, there's a sound effect like a car revving up and zooming away (the exact same one), that extends these transitions. You will easily spend 5 whole ass minutes staring at a black screen with some dumb recycled sound effect, altogether. If you played this game the way the dev intended, it would likely take you around 10 hours to get through when it's probably a 1.5-2 hour game, which is still great.

    The renders and concept is great. The writing is decent, but the way this person codes in transitions just sours the entire experience for me. I want to go to the next scene. I don't want to look at black while a car revs and zooms off and that zooming off sound slowly fades out over 10 seconds. I don't want 5 seconds of unskippable city skyline. You will get carpal tunnel trying to get through this game.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    As soon as I played this game I immediately fell in love with it.
    Beautiful on all counts. The images are fabulous, the story is written intelligently and with logic.
    The tension is always elegant and never falls into the banal ...
    Great Lust & Passion
  14. 3.00 star(s)

    Jolly Singh

    Renders are fantastic but as many reviewers stated the pace of this game and the time taken to release an update will be its downfall.
    L&P renders 17-18 images for a simple scene which can be done in 3 or 4. I really liked the game before and even supported on patreon on and off again but 3 years with such limited content is just bad.
  15. 3.00 star(s)


    Very overrated in my opinion. 2.5/5

    Graphics are 5/5, no argument. Sadly no animations, but ok.
    It's the slowest slow burn I've seen so far. I mean, I like a slowly moving story much better than having the first penetration sex dream 3 minutes in, but this is too slow. MC's internal monologues are extremely repetitive. Minus 0.5 stars.

    What really pisses me off is something else.
    I was really happy to see a strong female mc for a change. Really happy. Most adult VNs are just unnecessarily misogynistic, so it was refreshing.
    And what happens? Extortion happens. Alright, let's see where it goes.
    It goes where all the other VNs go as well, the woman starts enjoying it. That made me rage quit.
    I slept on it a few days, played a bit more, but couldn't enjoy it any longer.

    Can we not for once have a strong female character that doesn't secretly want to be a slut and enjoys being treated badly?
    Minus 2 stars.

    => 2.5/5
  16. 3.00 star(s)

    just trying

    the quality of render is top notch.

    1. massive blue balling
    2. pace of game is ridiculously slow, 3 years and its still teasing. At current rate of development, you will need to wait 12 YEARS before the game get completed and im not exaggerating. Pretty sure the L&P (game developer )won t be able to stick to a 12 years project. Its just too more for one person
    3. way too many side characters and hence too many branches resulted in
    very little meaning interaction between character.
    4. No animation
    5. Too many filler renders which could have been used for real meaningful interaction with other main characters.
    6. Too many internal monologues
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the best ever, slow burn and very realistic - for the adult game - plot, properly developed characters, well written dialogues and on top of that - outstanding quality of renders. Perfectionism of the developer though making the updating process not as fast as all of us would like, but nevertheless it's absolutely worth to wait
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    For some reason, even if the game isn't perfect, I found myself loving it.


    1./ The story felt more natural than most porn/erotic games I have played. Many of the choices we get to make as the mom looked fairly realistic: staying "prude" (the word is a bit strong) VS being a tease, setting boundaries for our children VS letting them act as they wish, exploring our sexuality VS being a "good" wife etc...

    2./ The art is great, there is a fairly good variety of body types and many little details hold everything together even more, such as: our character does not wear the same 1-3 outfits all the time, changes her style as time goes etc...

    3./ Good progression, from not being open at the start to being more and more daring and willing to explore.

    4./ More complex feeling than just "my character is so horny". You get to see many of the mom worries and daily life troubles.

    1./ Less sexual content than many similar games. This wasn't really a con for me since it made the erotic and sexual tension scenes all the more powerful.

    2./ The point system (to unlock character / slutty / lesbian path) is nice in the way that it allows for easy decision making, but you can get cut out of a path easily. Example: I made the choice to go with the husband instead of the son for the very first choice because I didn't know what to expect of the game (+1 good wife VS +1 son). I then always picked the son path whenever I could. Well later on in the game I got his with a choice where I could only move forward with the son given X points... and I had X-1 just because of that initial choice, blocking the son path for the rest of the game.

    Loved the game, I'm usually not into incest settings but I got attached to this mom and her environment. Plus as a bi girl, it is nice to play a woman experimenting with her sexuality. Lots of games, when you play a women, tend to push you to either the more lesbian way or hetero way. I felt more free of my choices here. Also the mom is really hot! Please seat on my face mommy :p
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    If you're someone like me who enjoys a good story with all the porn this game is for you. The story is quite interesting and the creator has tried to make it as believable as possible. The MC is dead gorgeous has loads of teasing scenes.
    Absolutely love this game only the updates take way too long.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    First Love the Female MC, It's refreshing.
    Love the setting, An naive wife based on your choices to stay faithful or corrupt!
    Love the Ability to seduce the Son or Daughter...Strait or Lesbian
    A lot of freedom to choose your path to accommodate a play style is Fantastic.

    Time will tell if these ambitious Paths can continue and expand.

    What would be wonderful would allow a full corrupt lesbian path
    Or a full corrupt strait path.

    I Enjoyed what is available!