We don't really know other than those 3 teaser images that L&P gave us of Sophia meeting Aiden (two where she was wearing jeans and the 3rd where she is wearing bike leathers. Several then speculated that bike ride might be part of task before Killjoys confirmed that it was nt the task itself.
So at the moment we are still stumbling cluelessly in the dark hoping for illumination - i.e. business as usual!!
Hi buddy!
I don’t even know how I would react if I were in the L&P place, reading everything that we set out here?
Many people pass off their desires as an assumption!

You can understand them!
You're right, we only have three renderings and a few short comments from L&P. But, this is quite a lot!
Let's think about what we already know and what events will happen to Sofia and Aiden.
Let's start with what we know. Sofia was annoyed that Aiden had distracted her from her friend's important event, in which Sofia had an important role to play.
But what do we see in the last render? There is a pleasant smile on her face, the way she looks and the way she looks at Aiden, her posture, everything indicates that she likes this situation.
Further. It is unlikely that Aiden would have arranged a circus with dressing up in leather for a short, a couple of minutes, trip. Their journey will probably take time.
Yes, of course we want to know the details, where, in what place did Sofia change her clothes? Where are her clothes? Did anyone see her at that moment? Will anyone she knows see Sofia when she goes to Aiden's in leather?
It's all interesting. But Sofia's smile on the third render tells us that it doesn't matter anymore. Not yet, anyway!
When I see boys looking at Sofia with lust, I think of myself, at the same age, and how I looked at beautiful teachers. I remember my emotions and desires. These are special feelings.
Probably preparing for a walk with Aiden on a motorcycle and the trip itself, also brings Sofia back to her youth and it can not but give her pleasure. And in this skin, she is clearly completely naked and she will definitely have to snuggle up to Aiden, hugging him tightly during the ride.
That is, we can state with confidence that the first negative reaction of Sofia will definitely change to a positive one. We can even imagine that Sofia can experience sexual arousal while riding! From the speed, from the feeling of how hard she is pressed against her bully student, from the fact that she understands that Aiden can feel her hard nipples pressing against his back.
The pleasure will last for Sofia exactly until the moment when Aiden tells her what the third task she must complete.
We really don't know what task number three is, but the logic of events suggests that it won't be easy for Sofia. All those positive emotions that she felt in front of him, probably needed precisely for her to decide to fulfill it.
I really hope that L&P will not disappoint us and it will be exciting.
But I am sure that the fourth task should be really hot, it will be hot and crucial for Sofia, the subsequent tasks should really be not only hot but also fun.