With all due respect, of course BAD isn't anything like AWAM and we shouldn't compare them directly. I don't think anyone could possibly say the image quality is as high as yours, and the number of animations and images isn't all that important.
At the end of the day, the real point of comparison is that DPC moves the story forward substantially, with just about every main character (which are about a dozen), in every update.
You are apparently envisioning AWAM as some hybridization of
Marcel Proust's Remembrance of Things Past (sometimes translated to English as
In Search of Lost Time) and take your pick of Andrei Tarkovsky's
Stalker or
Andrei Rublev.
My recollection of reading
Swan's Way (book one of seven volumes that comprise
Remembrance of Things Past) was that the first 32 pages were an uninterrupted exposition where the narrator ruminates on the feelings experienced when reflecting on a childhood memory of looking out the bedroom window and how that made them feel at the time.
Is a scene where Aiden and Sophia get out of town for a few hours really that deep?