No he didn't. Not only are you misquoting L&P's
post, but not even the one he talks about the first sex on the Filthy route.
L&P has specifically mentioned swingers as a possibility, but no mention at all for hotwife.
Dylan is pretty much certainly
not going to be first. His route is the slowest, having the disadvantage of being both male and incest. The women have the advantage in that sex with them is fairly innocuous. It's not like Sophia has to worry about getting pregnant. And as already been discussed, Dylan is likely to be the "climax" of Sophia's corruption, so as I've said, most likely to be last.
Whereas Ellie already has Sophia starting to masturbate in front of her, getting her wet, and frenching. Ellie also already knows Sophia loves oral. And Patricia is the one that Sophia has known the longest and trusts the most. As seen in the Yoga event, Patricia can get Sophia naked without her even thinking about it. Hence why I believe her to be second, mainly because Ellie has more opportunity.