I honestly do believe there was a way for L&P to get that second side job up to the point where she actually would give hand jobs to the disciples, and maybe even go further. That would of course take a hell of a lot of time and a hell of a lot of scenes told over a hell of a lot of playable days so the relationship and group dynamic could evolve, not just so that the disciples' curiosity could grow over time, but also their boldness and confidence - which would run in parallel with all the other events in her life contributing to her own awakening, curiosity, and comfort.
On the one hand, that we got "there" so quickly could be chalked up to lazy writing and poor story telling. But honestly, even L&P knows his patreon supporters aren't going to tolerate 2nd Side Job events one through six (and that's being generous, more like eight or nine, minimum) to build out a foundation that could plausibly support this type of action. So he knows he can't justify the time investment and he knows he can't focus on what is called, in-game, a side job to the detriment of major characters and major events that progress the major storylines. So he's left with the challenge of how to keep all things at roughly the same stage of progress across all paths. (Roughly, not exactly).
The solution he went with wasn't reflective of his stated intent:
"I’m trying to fuse art and eroticism, combined with a slowly developing story full of lust and passion, to create an aesthetic, realistic adult game."
- Lust & Passion
What's especially ironic about it, though, is that his statement of intent begins with a derision of the very crutches he's now leaning on to prop up certain elements of his story that can't stand on their own:
"After seeing so many lower-quality adult games, where the primary goal is to show as much skin or as many h scenes as possible right from the beginning, without any good story or character development ... I've decided to develop my own ambitious, realistic, detail-oriented, quality-focused adult game"
- Lust & Passion