And a well written, attractive, male character would hurt this? A woman succumbing to corruption (in part) because of a well written male character that she could (mistakenly) see a future with wouldn't work?
You want a "common housewife finds a prince, and becomes a queen" story,
while this is "A Queen who is allready married to a Prince, degradates herself, and goes fucking arround with lowlifes, old men and kids, cause her prince turned out to be weak in the sack." ;-)
There is a reason why almost all potencial male sexual partners in this game are like that.
It is for the fetish when Beautiful mature sophisticated woman degradates herself and becomes a sexual outlet for men absolutly far below her station.
Look what kind of partners L&P prepared for Sophia - teenage kids, deliquents, decrepid old men, janiotors, hobos - this are all typical for the corruption genre. Sex of georgious successful woman like Sophia with them, is suppose to be humiliating and shocking. The more unqadequate and scandalous they are to her - the better.
I get your frustration, as a woman you clearly have diffrent outlook on those things than L&P and most of male players. Women very much get off from male partners social status, wealth and power, and a vision of life of luxury, security, and happiness, along the man they can be pround of, is probably a bigger turn on than most sexual acts.
I respect that, but unfortunatly - that is not what turns on the male audience, it is not something that is common in those kind of games, and clearly L&P doesn't value it highly eighter. Problem is - not enough women make those games. (And a few I know that make games - are more freaky than most guys ;p - turned on by extreame humiliation, brutal male dominance etc ;p )
But on the brighter side. If you simply looking for atractive respectable male character - there is Don Morelo, and there is also Carl, who I consider most wholesome of the male characters in the game.
Just dont expect cindarella story to happen - I doubt there will be big happy endings.
Cheers ;-)