Since Playable Day 12 is over I thought it would be nice to rank every event of the day based on how much I enjoyed it and how well done and presented they were.
1. Aiden's 3rd Task, Art Class - Personally this was an absolute standout event. Not only in how much it pushed Sophia but the entire setup, art, complex dialogues, eroticism. Making this my 2nd most favourite event of the entire game.
2. Nathalie's Erotic Massage - Didn't expect much from this event but surprisingly it surpassed all my expectations. One of the hottest events of the game and my 3rd favourite scene of the entire game.
3. Ellie's Masturbation Lesson - Mother Daughter masturbation was undoubtedly the highlight.
4. Larry Prison Visit - The event somehow built an atmosphere that felt quite sexually charged throughout. Though just exchange of words but maybe the prisoner factor added something to it and last bit from Sophia was unexpected.
5. Relaxing with Sam in Jacuzzi - The event is in it's totality is likeable, once again it sees Sophia taking a big step. A decently well handled event in my opinion.
6. Jogging with Dylan - For the most part the event didn't really have any sexual stuff going on and the initial conversation was something not to my taste. The uplifting factor being there was good progress in my opinion.
7. Suprising Liam, Office Sex - It is a good event. The only reason why it's so low here is because it doesn't really have that much of a forbidden factor to it. Husband wife sex really needs to done exceptionally well in these games for it to make an impact. But it's a pretty good event.
8. 1st Side Job, Bathing Old Men - The visuals at times were really pleasing ( and just as traumatizing at times

) The event was nicely written.
9. Sauna with Vicky and Deshawn - Very lackluster for the most part.
10. Sam's Concert - Took a huge amount of development time but really isn't anything special in terms of content. Just an elaborate setup which can be praised for its artistic effort.
11. 2nd Side Job, Anatomy Lesson - Dragged out in the initial part. The content of the storyline totally rushed. The plot points were setup previously but never emphasized on. A pretty lazy effort in terms of progressing the storyline.
12. Dylan Teaches Christine Basketball - Christine though hot is not enough to make this good. It is just a event to setup for the future events and felt unnecessarily long.
13. Cathy's Apartment - Just like the idea of how swinging was introduced without making them a swinger couple out of nowhere. Other than that the event lacked renders and proper conversation
14. Bridal Dress for Cathy - Nothing to say. Just didn't care for it.
15. Dylan and Emma - The entire substance of the even takes place off screen. We hardly see anything. Not really worth being called an event I would say.
So these are my thoughts on all events of the day and the order in which I liked them.