
Apr 25, 2018
I once sent the Dev a e-mail after the release of first Aiden task. I noted in my email that there were some flaws with the clothing and other little things as he was really pushing his project on perfection. I myself ruin all kinds of movies etc because I notice the little things.... So the Dev e-mailed me back saying that only 3% of people playing his game would notice these things???? Then came the 720 or 1080 pics... I would bet that most of the 97% playing this game can't tell the difference unless the pictures are side by side. And I have tested this by show my friends side by side pictures and then coming back an hour later and viewing them individually, no one could guess "and I mean guess" which was which. So the dev's attention to detail for the 3% of people who may or may not notice or care.... I don't see the logic in this other than someone is..... well you all know already. Have a great day.


Forum Fanatic
Sep 28, 2018
The ironic thing is people would've been perfectly happy if LP just introduced standard pre-made animations (like the ones in DMD, for example). He would've finished all of those by now.

Are they the best? No. But they get the job done.

He also has a bad habit of projecting what he wants onto what his fans want. He wants the best quality game in history of porn. His fans just want consistent updates and the game to be completed within a few years. Completely different worlds.


Forum Fanatic
Jun 23, 2017
I have been an avid defender of L&P in this thread and still say that some who post in this thread, just don't get what goes into creating an update. However, it's hard to defend this whole animation thing and quite frankly, it really doesn't help L&P's image as a developer. Instead of resolving the update issue with their VN, there just further added to the issue, it's a shame because their VN is one of the better ones but I can't deny, this just looks bad.

On the plus side, I heard aliens won't attack earth until AWAM is completed :)
Chummer, I am a hobby writer and have some of my stories out (for free in current case). It might be "just writing", but I know very well how much heart blood, willpower to go on, research and preparations, not to speak of time you need to do something creative for others to read/see/play. But knowing and going through this myself, I have a very good feel for seeing if something is allright or in rough waters.
In the beginning I was among L&P´s defenders, but that changed years ago when I got the feel that something is deeply amiss with AWAM´s "poodle´s core", so to speak. In addition, L&P´s excuses began to look like he copied most of them from Gumdrop and just told them with his own words. This game has unfortunately gone of the rails a while ago, which is sad, because L&P is smashing something with potential just because of greed and/or incompetence!


Feb 25, 2022
Chummer, I am a hobby writer and have some of my stories out (for free in current case). It might be "just writing", but I know very well how much heart blood, willpower to go on, research and preparations, not to speak of time you need to do something creative for others to read/see/play. But knowing and going through this myself, I have a very good feel for seeing if something is allright or in rough waters.
In the beginning I was among L&P´s defenders, but that changed years ago when I got the feel that something is deeply amiss with AWAM´s "poodle´s core", so to speak. In addition, L&P´s excuses began to look like he copied most of them from Gumdrop and just told them with his own words. This game has unfortunately gone of the rails a while ago, which is sad, because L&P is smashing something with potential just because of greed and/or incompetence!
which is destroying seems exaggerated to me ... the only problem is that he shouldn't make choices like adding animations, he should focus on the game as it is
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Forum Fanatic
Jun 23, 2017
which is destroying seems exaggerated to me ... the only problem is that he shouldn't make choices like adding animations, he should focus on the game as it is
I see your point of view! But the math for the game does not lie. With the current "speed" per update (My God, a mini-update of maybe 200-400 renders takes him half a year!) this game will be finished somewhere in the 2050s! I hope to still be alive in the 2050s, but I cannot be sure that I will still be here then. And many from us here on F95 too.
L&P´s current update speed is simply unsustainable, he has to rev up by an order of magnitude for AWAM to be even having a sliver of hope to be finished!


Feb 25, 2022
I see your point of view! But the math for the game does not lie. With the current "speed" per update (My God, a mini-update of maybe 200-400 renders takes him half a year!) this game will be finished somewhere in the 2050s! I hope to still be alive in the 2050s, but I cannot be sure that I will still be here then. And many from us here on F95 too.
L&P´s current update speed is simply unsustainable, he has to rev up by an order of magnitude for AWAM to be even having a sliver of hope to be finished!
Yes! i agree, l & p had said that it was releasing shorter updates but in a short time, the problem that this big delay is due to the animations ... otherwise 0.155 would have been out for some time.
should prioritize, and animations in this case are not the priority (in my personal opinion).


Forum Fanatic
Jun 23, 2017
Yes! i agree, l & p had said that it was releasing shorter updates but in a short time, the problem that this big delay is due to the animations ... otherwise 0.155 would have been out for some time.
should prioritize, and animations in this case are not the priority (in my personal opinion).
I think he put in the animations at the last minute so he could stall development again. In all these years L&P talked a lot, but when push came to shove, he ALWAYS did something to slow down and stall development, he NEVER did something which sped it up. Not once!
I theorise when he saw that with the smaller updates he had no excuse for long delays left and it seems he did not even start with the 0.155 until shortly before the deadline, which he once again failed spectacularly, so he came up with animations as an excuse. animations only a handful of fans wanted and are completely unnecessary for a VN and more, he animates characters even the hardcore fans do not care about even a bit.
He promised an update in January the latest, it is now nearly April and it does look really doubtful if he can publish it in April.


Engaged Member
Aug 23, 2020
I wrote this up in the other thread, but I figured some of you here may not follow it but would be interested.

I want to address something about the size of L&P's Patreon. I see it often suggested that he has too many patrons, and that his success has insulated him from criticism and pressure. I too have made this argument, but I wanted to look at it more closely because I've been wondering if 2000 patrons really is anything to celebrate for a game like AWAM. So I decided to take a look at a couple other creators and compare the growth since 2018 (L&P's first year) and over the last 12 months.

I decided to look at three other creators, DPC, ICSTOR, and Caribdis. DPC is one of the biggest creators of AVGs, while L&P is often compared to ICSTOR. Caribdis makes a game called Eternum that I'm not too familiar with. I chose them because they are the 49th biggest creator of AVGs on Patreon (L&P ranks #76 for reference), so I chose them at random just to get a feel for a "smaller" dev.

Starting with L&P, let's get something out of the way: his growth has been really good. I've included the table below, but you can see that from 2018 to 2019 his patreon grew by 137%, growth in the next three years was 31%; 35%; and 41%. In total, since March, 2018, his Patreon has grown by 1,697 patrons (495%).


But how does that stack up to some of his contemporaries?

DPC's growth is off the charts. In April 2018 (the earliest date available for DPC) they had 1 (ONE!) patron. A year later they had 940. Ok, crazy, but when you have 1 patron there's nowhere to go but up. But it's worth noting that DPC overtook L&P in less than a year, even though L&P had joined Patreon four months earlier than DPC. But DPC wasn't done, from 2019 to 2020 their Patreon grew by 3,791, to a total of 4,732 Patrons, a growth of 403%. From 2020 to 2021 they again doubled by 133% to 11,046 patrons. Growth leveled off in 2022, and they grew by 38% to 15,223. Putting aside their first year, if we look at their Patreon from 2019 to 2022, they've grown by 14,282 a staggering 1,518% increase. Today, DPC has more than 7X as many patrons as L&P. Look, I love BADIK, but do we really think BADIK is seven times better than AWAM?


Ok, so let's look everyone's favorite scumbag: ICSTOR!

This guy predates L&P on Patreon by quite a while, but to keep the numbers comparable I started with March 26th, 2018 when ICSTOR had 1,209 patrons. A year later his Patreon had boomed to 5,423 patrons, a growth of 349%. After that the wheels came off as patrons (slowly) woke up to his scam. But he still saw year-over-year growth in both 2020 and 2021. FINALLY, the year-over-year in 2021 showed the deserved declines, but only of 1,706 patrons (-26%). Today, he still has more than 2X as many patrons as L&P.


Ok, so finally let's look at the new guy, Caribdis. His Patreon page only goes back to April 2020 when he had 33 patrons. By March 31, 2021 he had 742- a growth of 2,148%. He followed this up over the last year with a net gain of 2,096 patrons (282%) to 2,838 total patrons. In two years this dev overtook L&P and has 1.4X as many patrons.


Look, this is only a simple analysis that I spent 30 minutes on, so it isn't complete, but it's enough to get us thinking. Looking at the numbers, I'm left with two thoughts:

  1. L&P has left a lot of money on the table and we shouldn't consider 2,000 patrons necessarily good. While I don't want to diminish his success, and I admit that if I ever had a Patreon reach 2,000 members I would be ecstatic. But AWAM is an excellent game and when we compare it to a couple other devs it feels like the game is massively under-performing considering the quality put into it.
  2. L&P did not experience either the surge in growth of the other devs, and maintained a lower level of growth. From 2018 to 2019, he grew by 137%, but compared to DPC, ICSTOR, and Caribdis that's paltry growth. From 2019 to 2020, L&P's growth leveled off at 31%, or a net of 255 patrons. In that same time DPC grew by 403%, a net of 3,791 patrons. Even ICSTOR manged to net a gain of 956 new patrons, even if that was "only" 18%. But ok, those guys are huge household names, but even Caribdis manged 282% growth in their second year, a net gain of 2,096 patrons. Perhaps most alarming is that, from 2020 to 2021, when EVERYONE knew that ICSTOR was a scam, he still managed to gain a net of 278 new patrons...only 100 fewer patrons than L&P gained over the same time.
I'm not trying to shit on L&P, but these numbers do tell a story. While L&P is successful, and is making boatloads of money, I think we need to reevaluate how we frame the argument that his Patreon is uber successful and insulates him from criticism. If these numbers are representative of broader trends, what I see is a dev who has choked off and constrained his own success. His peers, even outright scam artists, have continually outperformed him in terms of growth. There's no reason that L&P shouldn't be in the top 50 biggest creators of adult games on Patreon, AWAM is too good to be relegated to 72. To me, this suggests that word of L&P's development practices is either well known, or quickly becomes apparent to new patrons. He neither attracts a huge number of new patrons, nor holds on to them for very long. While there's no way to truly know the rate of turnover for any of these devs, L&P's growth could be considered anemic when compared to his peers.

TL: DR- If this is all a scam, then L&P is leaving a lot of money on the table and isn't maximizing his profits like others devs. A game like AWAM should not be struggling to exceed 2,000 patrons, and that suggests to me that L&P's reputation is hampering the game's success.
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Forum Fanatic
Sep 28, 2018
To be fair, female protag games generally don't do as well financially as male protag games, of which those devs make. LP is still much larger than most other female protag games on Patreon. And a couple of those developers are also on their 2nd game (Carbodis/DRP) or have made multiple games (ISCTOR). That's where devs make their money, the 2nd game. Built a solid base on their 1st and (hopefully) improved their skills for the 2nd.

However, this game still underachieves. It's literally the only notable mom MC game, as far as I know. His current patrons are patrons because of anticipation of what could happen, not what has happened.


Engaged Member
Aug 23, 2020
To be fair, female protag games generally don't do as well financially as male protag games, of which those devs make. LP is still much larger than most other female protag games on Patreon. And a couple of those developers are also on their 2nd game (Carbodis/DRP) or have made multiple games (ISCTOR). That's where devs make their money, the 2nd game. Built a solid base on their 1st and (hopefully) improved their skills for the 2nd.

However, this game still underachieves. It's literally the only notable mom MC game, as far as I know. His current patrons are patrons because of anticipation of what could happen, not what has happened.
Excellent point about the female protagonist games, that would be another avenue to evaluate. I'm not sure if I can sort devs with that kind of granularity, but it's worth looking into.
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Devoted Member
Jul 20, 2019
To be fair, female protag games generally don't do as well financially as male protag games, of which those devs make. LP is still much larger than most other female protag games on Patreon. And a couple of those developers are also on their 2nd game (Carbodis/DRP) or have made multiple games (ISCTOR). That's where devs make their money, the 2nd game. Built a solid base on their 1st and (hopefully) improved their skills for the 2nd.

However, this game still underachieves. It's literally the only notable mom MC game, as far as I know. His current patrons are patrons because of anticipation of what could happen, not what has happened.
Curious that you're not including the main one of late mentioned from time to time that is Project Myriam.

Personally, of the two games we're allowed to have as pics, Free Pass has a Mom MC, and DDoS, while the daughter is the MC, Mom is a major LI.

I'd be curious what GingerSweetGirl's comparative analysis of AfterChoices is, since he lists AWAM as one of his influences. But then again, Patreon has been screwing AfterChoices around with paying him as he flees Myanmar, so is switching to Subscribestar. Particularly since the content with the MC's stepdaughter also happens to be heating up. If L&P did a smooth transition to Substar, I'd be far less concerned about the future of this game with content like the bonus storyline, 2nd side job, etc, etc.


Active Member
Jun 23, 2018
I see your point of view! But the math for the game does not lie. With the current "speed" per update (My God, a mini-update of maybe 200-400 renders takes him half a year!) this game will be finished somewhere in the 2050s! I hope to still be alive in the 2050s, but I cannot be sure that I will still be here then. And many from us here on F95 too.
L&P´s current update speed is simply unsustainable, he has to rev up by an order of magnitude for AWAM to be even having a sliver of hope to be finished!
I don't think L&P cares about finishing this game, he will just milk it for as long as possible and that's it. If he planned on finishing the game he wouldn't take so long for short half assed updates


Active Member
Jun 23, 2018
To be fair, female protag games generally don't do as well financially as male protag games, of which those devs make. LP is still much larger than most other female protag games on Patreon. And a couple of those developers are also on their 2nd game (Carbodis/DRP) or have made multiple games (ISCTOR). That's where devs make their money, the 2nd game. Built a solid base on their 1st and (hopefully) improved their skills for the 2nd.

However, this game still underachieves. It's literally the only notable mom MC game, as far as I know. His current patrons are patrons because of anticipation of what could happen, not what has happened.
Yeah female MC games are not very popular. This game is one of the rare exceptions. I think the slow build up was good for this game at first, it made it more unique since usually female MC's just become bimbo sluts immediately. Putting more effort into the corruption part and fleshing out the MC was good

But at this point the slow build up doesn't benefit the story anymore and instead its cheap, just a way to milk the game. Real waste of potential


Aug 9, 2017
the problem with L&P is not his growth, alot of people are just sick of his promises and lies.

first he told us he cuts updates in half to reduce the time between releases so releases get way faster. then randomly, he told us in mid jan. (befor first release) he has to search for someone to help him (his words: update delays not much).
at the beginn of feb.(befor he coud release it) he tells us, that he is starting to do something, but cant tell us what he is doing to avoid disappointments.
at the end of feb. he tells us, that the update (0.155) is finished since mid jan., BUT he cant release it bcs he wants to add animations and these are not ready yet.
a week later he tells us, that he started to work on 0.160 to drop both versions on the end of march and that he is alrdy working on these things for 1 month(?????????) but only got 1 animation ready yet.
aftere these things, the progress on 0.160 is kinda impressiv and he manage to get (hope so) 100% 100% in almost 30 days. but nearly at the end of march he tells us, that he never gave us any promises to release both versions at the end of march, what is obviously a lie and starts to sell animation teaser for 50 dollars.

so what do we get:
befor all these promises, we got every 6-8 months an update worth ~10 minutes playtime.
after all these promises, we got nothing but a 6-8 months delay for an update half the game time.
but what we got is a new patreon tier for 50 dollars to see 10 sekunds of animation teaser.

so my final words of these nonsense is, there was never a 0.155 he always worked on 0.160! this woud also explain the fast developments right now. also he never started to work on animations on feb/jan, else he woud have more then 1 ready at the start of march.

i love this game and i even woud keep waiting 6-8 months for one update if it gets more playtime and nice animations and i like his passion to details and perfection, but he shoud stop lie to his consumers and be way more transparent to his patreons and tell them WHY he needs time. im pretty sure no one woud get mad, if he has a downphase and cant find inspiration or something.


Active Member
Jul 2, 2020
In the end, he can do whatever he wants. If people pay him 50 dollars for an animation, ok! If they are so horny that they get screwed every month, ok! Nobody is forced to pay him. And by the way, an animation that is so elaborate and doesn't even show Sophia is the biggest waste of time the game has ever seen.
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