In a rare moment of "retro-flection"- I've decided to stop bashing this game.

I used to criticize this game at each and every turn with each and every update, but I'm no longer going to do that any more for a couple of reasons.
1. This game isn't up to the "speed" that I would like- I don't have to play it. There are, literally, hundreds of other games on this site that can "scratch" my particular "itch(es)".
2. When you stop and (really and truly) think about it- this game is exactly what it advertises, there's nothing misleading about it. It's called "A Wife and Mother" and that's exactly what it is. She IS a wife and a mother. The game isn't called "A Whore and A Molestor" or "A Trollop and A Really 'Friendly' Babysitter". It's simply a story about a woman coming to terms with and trying to accept/process her newfound feelings/emotions/perversities based upon the will of the player. She wants to remain a good person (although almost NONE of y'all want that to happen), but if this were IRL a "real" person would still fight and struggle with these issues- especially if they went against societal norms. It isn't going to happen overnight or simply because you want it to- there's no hypnosis, spells, magick ring/spells, demons, wishes, pills, etc.,. IF it's going to happen- it's going to have to unfold naturally, organically, and in a way that doesn't feel forced. That's the sad truth.
3. Tbth, the only thing that would give this game any kind of replayability, was if it were to have a "New Game+" option. Y'know once it was all said and done and you had her as corrupted and trashy as you want her to be- you had the option to start a new game, BUT all of her "bad" traits and stats would remain maxed out. There were so many missed opportunities, very early on, that you won't be able to re-visit anyway. Who wouldn't want to go back to the day the movers showed up and have her all "tramped" out- maybe they'd even go "family style" on her and her daughter during breakfast. The cello lesson would be much more intimate and naughty. The "tickling" scene would involve a lot more nudity. The scenes with her young'un would end up with her sliding her hand so far up inside her- that she'd, essentially, be a Muppet. Just to name a few... THIS would be the game that I would want to play, but I doubt that's going to happen either (but wouldn't it be sweet?).
I'll probably wait a year or so, check back on it and read the comments/reviews and see if any significant progress has been made. Until then, there's a host of other games that can be played.