- Nov 20, 2021
- 615
- 1,600
" A son and a student... how far can he goes. "
Any uodate without Sophia is a waste of time.
Any uodate without Sophia is a waste of time.
It's written in L&P's Patreon update, so that's about as official as it gets.Is the "Guys wanting to leave the party" situation an official announcement or your opinion?
If it's not an official announcement, Dylan may have to make a big choice here.
Ellie looks pretty ready. Except for the other girls, her thong is out. She definitely has a slutty vibe.
Dylan will make the "first score". But will he let his sister Ellie lose her virginity for this?
Or will Dylan give up his "score" and side with Ellie for a smaller reward?
Damn, his CHIK score must be massiveThe reaction of the girls when the guys want to leave the party before it has even started. Dylan the sly dog, actually found a way to chase away their boyfriends to have the girls just for himself for the evening.
Dylan might have showed them what he can do..I’m sure after “tough guy” Dylan said this to there boyfriends at the party
View attachment 2975357
they ran out of there screaming for there mommys![]()
this game was already destroyed when the second season began it's not a game but a big book with big texts and that's itAnother teaser? Wtf?
Ruine the game
Will someone pay for this game for more than thirty years?Why would they want to accelerate development? Thats the problem with the patronage system, the longer they can drag it out the more money they make. speeding up development would be like fixing an atm thats spitting free money out at you, why would you?
it looks like yes.Will someone pay for this game for more than thirty years?
You do seem to be amazed alot.L&P has simply built in too many side stories. In combination with the quality claims he has for his renderings, and also his attempts in the animation, it's just not all feasible.
When it comes to good storytelling, often less is more. As I said, I think L&P should focus more on the actual core stories (i.e. especially content that involves Dylan, Ellie and Liam as part of Sophia's family).
Of course, there is a certain necessity, considering that certain developments in the story need to without Sophia knowing, but should still be conveyed to the player. Take, for example, the voyuer scene in which Dylan watches the girls showering after yoga. This is something that at this point can only be shown from Dylan's perspective, and its omission would have greatly reduced the quality of this game.
What really amazes me is how some want to read a change into this game development. From my point of view, if you look at the scenes from the gallery, for example, the focus has always been more on Teens and Incest. From my point of view, the part about Liam could have been expanded, but also this ultimately not as a kind of substitute, but in combination with exactly this setting. Than, It would have made sense to also show some more scenes from Liam's perspective. The point is, however, in both cases, Dylan's and Liam's, that this serves the storytelling and is not, as some here seem to believe, a problem.
I think I can only repeat myself here. Anyone who interprets "A wife and mother" as just a story about Sophia is, I think, making the mistake of overlooking the core of the story. The game was from the very beginning exactly what you seem to reject.
There is no turning away from a original concept. The only thing that has changed is that this game is now in the midgame and goes further than just a quick look at the breasts. As I said, take a look at the distribution of scenes in the gallery, with content on teens and incest. This is the core of this game, from the beginning. The fact that Dylan is now at a party event with Ellie, for example, is a development we've seen over many scenes, starting with the event in the car with Dylan sitting on Sophia's lap with a good look at Ellie's cleavage in the first update of the game. This was not a coincidence, but is part of the main story of this game.
I really hope for your sake that you don't want to do any kink shaming here. If you don't like the setting of this game, that's your thing, but just as well there are many here who like this game (and especially the events surrounding Dylan and Ellie).
If you really believe that "The Godfather" only had one MC, then you either haven't seen the film or didn't understand it. The question is, for example, who should really be called the MC of the story. From my point of view, this is primarily Michael, one of the characters you seem to consider more of a side character. The story, however, revolves around the family and their dynamics. Both can be seen quite well in how much time is spent depicting Michael in Italy. It tells a bit about Michael but even more about the origin of the family, the traditions and the attitude to life. That's what good storytelling is all about. The film would only be half as good if the characters besides Vito Corleone had not been given the space they need (certainly to varying degrees).
Even though I don't want to compare AWAM to The Godfather. The same principle applies to this game. Only when Dylan, Ellie and also Liam are given the necessary space to be able to understand their perspective, does a good picture of Sophia as "a wife and mother" emerge. The whole thing happens here on a less sophisticated level, sure, but changing perspectives is a good device to tell the story and build up background knowledge in both cases.
I can only say that from the beginning, the film was about much more than just Vito Corleone. Similarly, AWAM is not only about Sophia, but about Sophia as "A wife and mother". There's a big difference, even if you still don't realize it.
Have to agree with you here! This "new" Ellie is definitely an improvement! And it is not that L&P changed much, with Ellie and Christine mainly the hair. Christine simply has a more elaborate version of her standard cut, just sideswitched and Ellie´s is brushed out and parted in the middle.Really?! Because you can see her panties Elli has a slutty vibe?
The three other girls or women, Naomi, Aimee and Christine, in this picture show confidence and experience in dealing with men in posture and facial expression while Elli smiles friendly and looks a little insecure. She looks sexy but in no way slutty.
I am always surprised how differently people interpret the body language, in this case of virtual persons.
This would be a mega cop-out and a shot in the knee! There has been to much build-up with Christine/Ellie to bring in random girl A. If L&P does not want to torpedo his own work more than he already did, then the sex/pairing options can only be Christine, Eliie and a threesome. And I mean full sex here, since there must be some real sex with some of the more important characters in the game now, it is simply too long in development.dylan with another women ?
STEAM ha regole rigide secondo le quali i personaggi devono apparire visivamente maggiorenni. Questo è probabilmente il motivo per cui Dylan sembra inquietante in DoL
Bene, ora che Sophia è arrivata al punto in cui dare aiuto va bene... sarà come uscire di nuovo con mia figlia. Esamineremo ogni singola possibile permutazione del sesso prima del sesso vero e proprio.
Preparatevi a vedere una sega, una spagnola, una sega con i piedi, una sega con un bacio, una sega con una leccata, una sega con 1 succhiotto, un pompino per 10 secondi, un vero pompino, un lavoro alle cosce, torniamo alla semplice sega perché Sophia prova rimorso per la centesima volta,
yes but in how many years?
Houston, abbiamo un problema!
Beh, è un problema di trama. Quindi Sophia ha fatto una sega a Dylan...toccandogli il cazzo. Abbastanza giusto. Ma oltre a qualche succhiata di tette e una piccola incursione al confine meridionale, come fa lo sviluppatore a quadrare i due buchi della trama che ha ora?
Con Sam si è accontentata e con Dylan ha solo scaldato i motori. Allora perché Sam o Dylan non hanno toccato il Santo dei Santi? Lo sviluppatore ha portato Sophia alla seconda base abbastanza facilmente e, nel suo stato, sia Sam che Dylan avrebbero dovuto essere in grado almeno di rubare la terza base.
Ne parlo solo perché ad un certo punto Sophia dovrà riflettere sullo stato delle cose in tutte le sue relazioni e dovrà trasformarsi con la sua lussuria, amore e desideri.
Ottimo lavoro nello scripting di un atteggiamento mutevole. Vedere Dylan da giovane e lui che mostra desiderio per lei aiuta la trama. Tuttavia per favorire la sua caduta sono necessari uno o due elementi. Dovrà fantasticare su Sam e Dylan a un livello più romantico. Sophia ha bisogno di fantasticare su altri uomini che la vogliono, ma solo a livello di pura lussuria. Alcune di quelle fantasie dovrebbero scaldarle il cuore, come con Sam e Dylan, o spaventarla se riguardano i ragazzi Myer, o chiunque altro. Un bel sogno e un incubo sarebbero un buon inizio... qualcosa come se le cose stessero andando bene e nel sogno il suo amante (chiunque fosse) sta per prenderla, e lei si sveglia e non torna a casa. dormire, riflettendo sul suo comportamento, sui suoi desideri e su come stanno le cose nelle sue relazioni.
Ora serve un pretesto... forse l'insoddisfazione nei confronti di Liam o qualcosa del genere. E la stessa Sophia dovrà sondare il terreno dei propri desideri. Ed è proprio nella sperimentazione di quelle acque che le cose andranno troppo oltre
[/CITAZIONE]At the end of this game I believe that Dylan will retire to an Italian convent of "Discalced Carmelite Friars" to do penance by whipping his back in a cell at 9 in the evening, while Sam will go to Bhutan to play the "GonG" at 5 in the morning in a Mahayana Buddhist hermitage, to do transcendental meditation exercises.
Why would you say that I don't understand The Godfather, or lied about having seen it numerous times? Why do you think I'd do that? That's just an egregious, unfounded insult. My take on this classic is as valid as anyone else's. Doubting my veracity, or critical faculties regarding films, doesn't make you correct. I was even at pains to make the point that several other POVs & actions were included in the film, without having to make any of the characters 'official' 2nd MCs. There was no need for AWAM to make Dylan an official MC & reduce Sophia's role to that of dumbed-down, giant-jugged, stereotypical bimbo MILF, which is what has actually happened following Dylan's promotion. She didn't need to regress mentally when in the presence of handsome teenagers with little knowledge or experience of sex or relationships but with an outstanding ability to spew endless, oily compliments. That has nothing to do with the game moving into the middle of the story but is rather about the Dev's decision to appeal mainly to one core audience, while simplifying the storyline & characters (& how), which makes the story easier from his POV. If Michael Corleone had been the main character in the original movie the title would have reflected this. He wasn't & it didn't.If you really believe that "The Godfather" only had one MC, then you either haven't seen the film or didn't understand it. The question is, for example, who should really be called the MC of the story. From my point of view, this is primarily Michael, one of the characters you seem to consider more of a side character. The story, however, revolves around the family and their dynamics. Both can be seen quite well in how much time is spent depicting Michael in Italy. It tells a bit about Michael but even more about the origin of the family, the traditions and the attitude to life. That's what good storytelling is all about. The film would only be half as good if the characters besides Vito Corleone had not been given the space they need (certainly to varying degrees).
All? Is the developer done with teenagers? I wonder when he finishes the game, will they look like grandparents with clubs?View attachment 2975343
The girls of the party (Christine, Ellie with new hairstyles)
Ellie, Naomi, Aimee and Christine.
The reaction of the girls when the guys want to leave the party before it has even started. Dylan the sly dog, actually found a way to chase away their boyfriends to have the girls just for himself for the evening.
Side jobs shouldn't be removed just like that, many of us love it, but l&p shouldn't drag them for too long.Why would you say that I don't understand The Godfather, or lied about having seen it numerous times? Why do you think I'd do that? That's just an egregious, unfounded insult. My take on this classic is as valid as anyone else's. Doubting my veracity, or critical faculties regarding films, doesn't make you correct. I was even at pains to make the point that several other POVs & actions were included in the film, without having to make any of the characters 'official' 2nd MCs. There was no need for AWAM to make Dylan an official MC & reduce Sophia's role to that of dumbed-down, giant-jugged, stereotypical bimbo MILF, which is what has actually happened following Dylan's promotion. She didn't need to regress mentally when in the presence of handsome teenagers with little knowledge or experience of sex or relationships but with an outstanding ability to spew endless, oily compliments. That has nothing to do with the game moving into the middle of the story but is rather about the Dev's decision to appeal mainly to one core audience, while simplifying the storyline & characters (& how), which makes the story easier from his POV. If Michael Corleone had been the main character in the original movie the title would have reflected this. He wasn't & it didn't.
AWAM, on the other hand, has IMO, changed out of all recognition to what it was originally advertised as & purported to be. Other major characters in The Godfather weren't set up to completely take over the story & Don Corleone's personality remained the same, as did his physical characteristics. AWAM, by contrast, now has a different MC & the former lead looks as though she's had plastic surgery, even though the text makes clear that her helium filled, gravity-defying, appendages are the result of Dylan's childhood demands. No doubt he'll drink from them again, if the game follows the standard, well-worn trajectory & assuming it still exists in 20 years time.
Whereas it was obvious from the very start that incest & teenagers would feature heavily in the overall story, I'd contend that there was no indication that a teenager would take over the leading role, or that Sophia would herself come to behave like a 15-16 year old. If the story was always intended to develop as it is now, shouldn't there have been some indication of this in the mission statement? As it stands, the whole promo blurb could do with a re-write.
As for kink-shaming, please don't confuse that with understandable & quite reasonable disappointment at the way L&P has chosen to develop AWAM. I don't kink shame but I've often been on the receiving end of it & used to spend half my time on the thread defending the blackmail & its' fans, (such as myself), from this very activity, as white knights, moralisers & general blackmail haters came to have their say. They were eventually gifted the Don Morello choice to get rid of it, (but still complained that it existed at all). It would have been great, IMO, if a choice had been provided to select a route without the incest, or at the very least, not be forced to have Dylan as the new MC. As it turned out, my decision to hook Dylan up with Emma & turn him into an ordinary, even likeable, teenager, finding his way with the opposite sex, was overtaken by a general disdain of the fans for his, IMO, suitable girlfriend.
I've stated in the past that although there's no game left to play from my POV, I stayed with AWAM out of love of quality renders & human curiousity. Now that it's become glaringly obvious which way the game is going, there's only curiousity left. All we're ever really going to agree on is that the side jobs should be removed.
And yet, it's the first teaser for this PD I've been interested, because I'm curious what the rest of her house looks like. We learn in the Ellie route that Christine has an entire floor to herself. But since so far this storyline has little to offer players of the route - so much of what's going on is contradicted by things we learn in her showers with Sophia.Another teaser? Wtf?
Ruine the game
And some like me just want this PD to be over, because we've been waiting for the Ellie and Patricia route events. I haven't seen Ellie in my playthrough since her last shower, and Patricia since the Yoga event.I just want this day to be over.. There is so much shit going on the next day
Dylan aftermath how will she react
Side jobs for old and shota guys
And the highlight will probably the Musuem Guys XD
He always teases until the naughty parts start.
Like I was saying earlier, Ellie projects the image that she's a slut, but dumps the boyfriend before they actually have sex. Her cheerleader personality is more of a mask. One of the reasons I enjoy her route so much is the exploration of this.Really?! Because you can see her panties Elli has a slutty vibe?
The three other girls or women, Naomi, Aimee and Christine, in this picture show confidence and experience in dealing with men in posture and facial expression while Elli smiles friendly and looks a little insecure. She looks sexy but in no way slutty.
I am always surprised how differently people interpret the body language, in this case of virtual persons.
Why would you say that I don't understand The Godfather, or lied about having seen it numerous times? Why do you think I'd do that? That's just an egregious, unfounded insult. My take on this classic is as valid as anyone else's. Doubting my veracity, or critical faculties regarding films, doesn't make you correct. I was even at pains to make the point that several other POVs & actions were included in the film, without having to make any of the characters 'official' 2nd MCs. There was no need for AWAM to make Dylan an official MC & reduce Sophia's role to that of dumbed-down, giant-jugged, stereotypical bimbo MILF, which is what has actually happened following Dylan's promotion. She didn't need to regress mentally when in the presence of handsome teenagers with little knowledge or experience of sex or relationships but with an outstanding ability to spew endless, oily compliments. That has nothing to do with the game moving into the middle of the story but is rather about the Dev's decision to appeal mainly to one core audience, while simplifying the storyline & characters (& how), which makes the story easier from his POV. If Michael Corleone had been the main character in the original movie the title would have reflected this. He wasn't & it didn't.
AWAM, on the other hand, has IMO, changed out of all recognition to what it was originally advertised as & purported to be. Other major characters in The Godfather weren't set up to completely take over the story & Don Corleone's personality remained the same, as did his physical characteristics. AWAM, by contrast, now has a different MC & the former lead looks as though she's had plastic surgery, even though the text makes clear that her helium filled, gravity-defying, appendages are the result of Dylan's childhood demands. No doubt he'll drink from them again, if the game follows the standard, well-worn trajectory & assuming it still exists in 20 years time.
Whereas it was obvious from the very start that incest & teenagers would feature heavily in the overall story, I'd contend that there was no indication that a teenager would take over the leading role, or that Sophia would herself come to behave like a 15-16 year old. If the story was always intended to develop as it is now, shouldn't there have been some indication of this in the mission statement? As it stands, the whole promo blurb could do with a re-write.
As for kink-shaming, please don't confuse that with understandable & quite reasonable disappointment at the way L&P has chosen to develop AWAM. I don't kink shame but I've often been on the receiving end of it & used to spend half my time on the thread defending the blackmail & its' fans, (such as myself), from this very activity, as white knights, moralisers & general blackmail haters came to have their say. They were eventually gifted the Don Morello choice to get rid of it, (but still complained that it existed at all). It would have been great, IMO, if a choice had been provided to select a route without the incest, or at the very least, not be forced to have Dylan as the new MC. As it turned out, my decision to hook Dylan up with Emma & turn him into an ordinary, even likeable, teenager, finding his way with the opposite sex, was overtaken by a general disdain of the fans for his, IMO, suitable girlfriend.
I've stated in the past that although there's no game left to play from my POV, I stayed with AWAM out of love of quality renders & human curiousity. Now that it's become glaringly obvious which way the game is going, there's only curiousity left. All we're ever really going to agree on is that the side jobs should be removed.