Why you worry so much doesn't she look great? Or you care more about fidelity of her model and don't like to see changes at all?
She doesn't look great. She looks like a 30-something who's had kids. Her thighs are what me & the gang, back in our sexist teen years would have termed "thunder thighs." These weren't necessarily a bad thing but we'd have been very disturbed if one of our girlfriends had developed them in the blink of an eye, during a party.
Sophia's ridiculously excessive 2 enlargements to her "milk jugs," during Part 2, Dylan & Sam's aging 5-7 years in a few weeks, the former's secret body-building course results & now Ellie's transformation, all show that basic, consistent, physical appearances are things of the past. "Porn logic," stupid as it is, still has some sort of basic, crude logic to it. That pizza delivery guy came in with a big cock, he didn't grow it while walking between the hallway & the kitchen. These AWAM physical changes don't even display that level of porn logic.
Deciding to ditch the attempt at 'realism' from AWAM's scripted story & make a tale for tween/teenagers has now resulted in the distortion of the bodies of well-known characters, making them caricatures of average 3D porn standard 'types.' Put another way, they're in danger of becoming cartoon characters, if this carries on. We all know how kids love cartoons but people who've grown up & grown out of such things & at one time played a good corruption game about a wife & mother, not so much.
Changes of this type destroy what little immersion may have remained, infantilise the protagonists, do nothing to increase the eroticism, (unless surreal body modification is your thing) & generally serve to further confirm the game as a slow-motion train wreck. Expect more of the same, i.e. big physical changes with no attempt at an explanation. Let's have some hooked noses, huge feet, maybe the odd futa (to keep the changes sexually oriented), a few botoxed lips & why not bring all the women's tits up to Sophia's size, so she can grow even larger, to stay, literally, in front.
Will there be choices of which tattoos & body piercings Dylan decides his mother should have, when she's in his harem, or at the very least spends her days walking around pregnant but nude, (as per average teen porn)? Possibilities are endless.