I don't know what he expected putting different skin colors. I did a color correction, so all the skins can look similar to the real Sophia.
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Jack has been hanging out in the wings on this one largely because the consumer (we who enjoy the story) have to pay the price in terms of a character with inconsistent appearance due to mismanagement of the supplier (L&P). It feels much like the outrageously high energy bill Californians receive each month. Upon reading the cost breakdown a full third of the bill is to pay for importing out-of-state energy that is only necessary because the current administration shut down the power generation facilities in-state. Comparatively, L&P took so long to tell his story the model is now incompatible with the current presentation software.
Having said this Jack will now dispense his mind on this...choice.
A big part of the appeal this story has for many is the character that is meant to be central to the telling of it. In addition to what the character thinks, says and does it is the appearance of that character that is supposed to reflect the pursuits and experiences that has brought said character to the story we are reading over the last several years. Beyond the physical beauty Sophia possesses her face should reflect those experiences (which in her case are extreme.)
Sophia is a high-achieving academic who has spent thousands of hours considering non-trivial concepts. Over time this begins to play upon the face (particularly in the eyes) giving the person an intelligent look. Although in real life looks can be deceiving the audience expects that depicting look in their fictional character. From where Jack is standing choice A followed by C have this look while B conveys esoteric thought.
Sophia is a hard-trained athlete who has maintained her condition over the years. This training leans out the face in a way that simple dieting does not. Choice C far and away has that athletic look in the jaw and around the mouth that A and B lacks.
Choice A has the most motherly look of the three, however with the character of Sophia there must be a look of remote self-denial. This introspection is not due to a short-term expression, but rather is etched over time in her face. It is this outward reflection of the unsatiated hunger in her face that encourages other characters to approach her with romantic intent. L&P has achieved this subtle sweet spot in model C, and it is this attribute that strongly contributes to the believability that L&P hopes to achieve. Yes, these are all subtle aspects in the character's appearance and the affect may be subliminal for many. However, the affect is very real in the receiving of the story being told. If L&P loses the sweet spot in his new model then much of Sophia's appeal will be lost with it, and again the customer pays the price for the mismanagement of the supplier.