I can’t picture how the “Ellie Forgives Logan” event might go. Maybe future Teasers will give a better clue. If the “Ellie Doesn’t Forgive Logan” scene is the “pure lesbian” scene, what will happen in the other one? I don’t think it has been ruled out that Logan or some other male could be involved, but at this point nobody seems to think so. The speculation is that it will be a sex education scene and Sophia could use Ellie’s giant dildo to teach her how to have sex with a well-hung man, which they both know Logan is. Maybe, but if I saw a dude showing another dude how to have sex, I’d think, “That’s pure gay!” Is this the “impure lesbian” scene?
Might Sophia use the dildo to show Ellie how to roll on a condom, like the Apostles event? Doesn’t sound exciting. Otherwise, not much is coming to mind. Anybody have other early theories, or clues?