VN - Ren'Py - A Wife's Life [v0.5.0] [Kerosine_NTR]

  1. 4.00 star(s)


    Very Good Game, sometimes it is a lot of reading material, but it is a good story with hot scenes, the only thing that is missing is a little more decision making through the Dev to change the Path of the Wife.
    Otherwise a Nice Game, with a lot of characters that wants to make you want to play for hours.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    This immersive game captivates with its detailed world, engaging plot, and rich character customization. The intuitive gameplay, combined with a masterful soundtrack, ensures a memorable and deeply engaging experience.
  3. 1.00 star(s)


    Great story and good progress in the beginning of the game but that's it ... After that, game starts to divide in 50 directions same as "wife's phone". Now we reciving minimal amount of content of wife and when we finnaly recive it, its some random tape of some random girl, not Vanna. After all, name of this game is Wife's life, not Mother's life or Jennave's life. F this
  4. 4.00 star(s)


    The story goes you are a couple who recently moved into a new town to start a new life. Both of them are in desperate need of money to start their life. When both of them start their jobs, your wife slowly succumbs to the corruption of lustful men, all under your nose. Honestly the game has excellent pacing. Some people would think it’s too slow for corruption, it is indeed slow. But however, the game is able to build suspense and tension for me. Despite myself already knowing that this is an NTR, the game always puts me on my toes about when and how your wife would cheat on you.

    Now at the beginning, the main character was like your typical dude. He’s somewhat likeable and he obviously loves his wife. But he’s very contradictory in terms of his values. He wants his wife to be faithful, however, he himself cheats with another woman. Somewhat remorse he feels, but he brushes it off like a mistake. However, he’s gungho on his wife about being with other men, when he cheated before she cheated! I just wished this turned into a different route, where you have a cheating route for the husband. Now I think the wife is the biggest star in this game, obviously. What I do like about her is her stubbornness. You can see she still clearly loves her husband and only does it for his sake. Her love for her husband is there, but her lust for the BBC is there as well. It’s great that she’s not just some bimbo for BBC or for sex, but feels like a genuine situation in real life. Stubborn, but still succumbs to the power of lust. Honestly, the game does fall off once the husband realises his wife is cheating on him. It just feels like I know how corny it sounds. But he just feels like a total cuck and is clueless as to what to do. After that, it feels predictable and a bit bland. I would of like the husband to have more backbone and choices in dealing or handling with the news of it.

    Now this is an NTR game and it has lots of reading. Most of the reading and dialogue are absolutely fun to read. It’s suspenseful and super hot. Now this game has content on cheating, lots of BBC, NTR, cuckolding etc. All of the photos and videos are incredibly hot. The women in this game you know have visuals of some of your favourite pornstars like Autumn Falls and Emilly Willis. The game also mixes in amateur cuckold/bbc porn that was so hot. One of my complaints about this game is the extreme BBC fetishization, I understand race play. But I felt like the setting as migrants being black and rapists just felt a bit too much to me but thats a personal nitpick for myself. I love BBC worship, but it goes a bit too far in my opinion.. I just wished, wished. There was just more than one route to this game, that you can pick. Currently, it’s just you’re currently being cheated on and being cucked. I wish there were more choices that the husband could pick or have. Such as a swinging, netorase or maybe even revenge route. Just having more agency over the choices and having those choices matter would open up this game.

    The gameplay is an adult visual novel with an interesting set-up. You’re equipped with a laptop to spy on your wife & answer emails. You have a phone to your right, where you text and call your wife & friends. I really do love this setup and it feels clean. Instead of mindlessly pressing enter or space to read a visual novel, it encourages the reader to be more active in the experience. Instead of reading a visual novel, it feels like an intimate experience that immerses myself in being in the position of the husband. But the husband also gets to travel to places such as the bar or work, not just in a singular place.

    Whilst this only features real-life porn and not art. All of the porn are of high quality. There is a good mix of amateur and studio-produced porn.
    The UI is clean and smooth, easy to navigate and easy on the eyes.

    The sound design is good for what the game is. There’s some background music albeit just one or two that changes I believe. The vibrations and sound of your phone receiving a call are a nice & immersive addition. Little details such as this make it a more pleasurable experience to read the game. I love how all the sex videos/scenes have sounds and are not of poor quality, they were extremely hot to hear.

    The slow and methodical pacing of the game is what this game tick so well. It's a slow-burn NTR that will keep you on your toes, whilst you are endlessly hypnotised by super hot NTR + BBC content. It does fall off a bit at the end of the current version, but still hot. If you're an NTR lover, this is definitely an experience you should have with a box of tissues beside you. Even better if you are a BBC lover, you will definitely be in love with this game and I guarantee will be one of your favourites.
  5. 4.00 star(s)


    TL&DR: Just play it if its your genre. You'll feel weird but won't regret it

    This game is in such a weird place for me... I have a list of things that aren't great for me that I don't love. And I keep clicking... and I load it up the next day to continue it... so I guess I must like it. Otherwise I would stop. I don't want to because of all the things I don't like, but I mean.. I'm playing it, its getting my rocks off, I'm still going.. there isn't much more you can ask from a game, right?

    * The visuals are Crisp. Like.. I don't think I've seen videos / pics quite as crisp in any real-assets game out there. No clue how the dev pulled it off but mad props
    * The visuals are consistent - the same models are being used for the same characters, or if they're not you can't tell
    * The pain is real - this is an NTR game and it does an incredible job keeping you in the dark at all the right moments, taunting you, giving you glimpses, and then slowly unfurling.. but throughout you are getting hot images
    * Subliminals - Love that so much and want every game of every genre to include them
    * Sort've makes sense - there's a minor amount of future-magic-drugs but overall the story flows and you can get why most things are happening

    Dislikes (leaving aside any 'NMK' stuff):
    * the main character is dumb. He just reveals knowing things he has no business knowing (tipping people off), talks about things he shouldn't to the wrong people, not talking about what any sane person would take about at the right time... just... dumb
    * the main character is dis-likable. There's no other way to put it. I can feel for how he's feeling but there's a constant undertone of 'dude.. I'm not even into guys all that much and I'd still jump on a dick to not have to deal with you'. Just... toxic.
    * the main character also has a path in which he is cheating. This is just a pet-peave of mine in this genre, when the MC is cheating while being all butt-hurt that his partner might be cheating
    * very limited choice. Its very much more on the VN side. Which can be ok (especially when choices are so obvious you just know what players will do) but there are a lot of points where you just crave a button to 'not do something stupid'. Even if it leads to the same outcome from a different direction, you just kinda want a bit more control in some instances. There's enough cirumstances-can't-be-helped and future-drug-magic that the MC can still be railroaded into the same situations just fine.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    I played many of these games and i can say...... it is an very Exellent Game , with great real emotions, pics and short clips. It turns so on by this really realistic way of corruption from the wife and her husband fall into the cuckold way of live. i cant wait to see more of it. One of the best in this genre. Nice to play.
  7. 1.00 star(s)


    I enjoyed this game, but I was disappointed with the last 2 updates
    I didn't expect MC to be such a loser! Why should anyone enjoy MC Loser? The developer can eliminate the feeling of being a loser by adding many choices, like what happened in the party where you could buy alcohol or not
    By adding many choices, the developer can add the impression that the MC is not a loser, then when the choice ends up fucking your wife, you don't feel like a loser and say that I did it myself.
    i am a fan of NTR, but I don't like MC Loser at all
    I was hoping that there are two ways to be a loser and a non-loser

    Or at least the wife should not be unfaithful, then you won't feel like a loser because the wife is always behind you and is not happy with the NTRs that happened.
  8. 4.00 star(s)


    I don't know... latest update feels a bit rushed. In corruption-cheating themed games like this, I prefer the story to progress slowly. It's only the fifth update, and the wife, immediately cheats on our character without any resistance. it felt really fast. Remember, pacing is very important in these types of games. Aside from this, gameplay is good, there are no nonsensical sandbox elements, and it’s not tedious. The writing could have been better,Model selections are very hot... We eagerly await the new updates. Good luck dev (y):love:
  9. 1.00 star(s)


    Games revolving around cuckoldry are often pretty racist with their fetishization of black men, so you kind of expect it, but this a whole new level. not so much dogwhistle as dog subwoofer with references to migrant camps and migrants being violent rapists. a character, a black man of course, actually says the phrase "we start getting bored when they stop resisting"

    the game otherwise is on rails and mired with irrelevant subplots that i tended to skip. The game makes you press buttons but they aren't optional so it just feels like the illusion of choice, which i usually don't mind but i didn't think it worked in this format
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    Great start. I'll be watching game. I hope to see how the whole story unfolds.
    + video and pic
    + conversations
    (maybe more spicy choices)
    + decent updates
    - Let me choose what will MC response to messages
  11. 1.00 star(s)


    Had to rewrite my review on this one as after a few updates...smh

    Putting this here because it would seem you can't leave a review.

    I just played through the latest update on multiple paths and it would seem this game is trying to compete with "A Wifes's Phone" to see which one can go downhill quicker. I don't know how to put into words how bad it's gotten.

    Choices mean almost absolutely nothing. I mean if you want to make a VN fine make a VN but don't call it a game.

    Oh and almost forgot. I get its fiction and a story but nobody and I mean nobody would be as stupid and retarded as this MC.

    Sorry to ramble on about this but the writing also. It would be one thing if it was good writing but it's like it was written by someone who is brain dead. And you can't really talk about game mechanics because for the most part there are none.

    I know its not just me. In most of the reviews I've read that have criticism. It would seem people make the same points that I am making.

    And nothing against the cellphone games. The first was a fresh idea. Now its just like copies of the same thing over and over except the quality gets worse.

    I mean hope some people are enjoying it. I just think its a waste of your time and a time sink at this point.

    Some have had said it's a lazy Patreon grab. Maybe or it could just be that bad.
    Likes: Nafig
  12. 5.00 star(s)

    LooLoo Baloo

    I think this game is really good. I had a lot more fun with it than I thought I would!

    But I will say, one improvement I'd make is to have more use of the sandbox elements. Maybe if you can go on the internet or on her phone in your own time for more additional content or scenes, instead of it being used kinetically, it would be more rewarding.

    But other than that I think it's a really good game. It sets up the story and characters well, and the corruption isn't too rushed. I really liked it.
  13. 1.00 star(s)


    I seriously can't think of any redeeming qualities this game could have.

    The writing and pace are all over the place, giving the impression that everything is decided last minute and the dev has no idea where this is going, all the while not being very good at improvising.

    Way too many situations in this game are so absurd and beyond any logic, it's bad even according to porn logic standards.

    How anyone could rate this "5*, perfect" is beyond me, it's just so poorly executed. There are tons of other options exploring the same kinks on this site that are at least decent, miles better than this.

    Also the dev uses an image of some girl with a badminton racket and calls it tennis, unforgivable.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    The pacing of this game is good.
    I liked that this game is linear like a VN and has a few elements of point and click to keep the player engaged.
    I have played a similar game called "A Wife's Phone", which to me is good, but sometimes it's really very all over the place with it's multiple routes and choices.
    I prefer this over that (It's my opinion some may prefer otherwise). We get to enjoy the story as the creator intended with options of course, so that's a plus point for me+.

    Please make the videos and images available in chats easier to click and play. I had to click many times for the images to enlarge and the videos also seem to be having the same problem, if possible please do fix this.

    For the people who are new, I'd warn you this story contains NTR+, and is mainly focused on kinks like: BNWO, raceplay (black dominating whites) , humiliation, cheating, etc.
    If you enjoy these then you'll definitely enjoy this game, however if you don't then please play it at your own will.
    I love this genre and I'm hoping that this game grows big in terms of content and popularity.
    Again great work by the DEV.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    This game has an interesting concept and a sense of mystery that excites our imagination, making us really think, have we been cheated on?
    The game also has a great selection of images and videos, which also gives it an extra point from me.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    Constant updates and the story is progressing really well. A lot of care and effort is going in to every release. Models are great too. One of the best NTR games on here, the MC still doubts his wife is cheating on him, but it is plausible she is innocent
  17. 2.00 star(s)


    Good concept but I will never under stand this genre's obsession with black guys. Why is it so rare to have options of different races? Its always a white couple with the wife cheating with a black guy. No variety, no options just the same repeative tropes.

    Its a hot genre that is rarely well executed.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is very very hot, never once have I wanted to become cuck but this game man...

    First the concept of going through her phone is really good, the fact that her friend in so in love with black dicks makes the whole story quite immersive.

    Style is very good, story even better. Good game.
  19. 4.00 star(s)



    I'm rating it for what it is, a linear story with minor interactivity. The interactive parts are not about choosing routes or making important decisions, at least so far. It's strictly to provide an immersive experience of using a phone and laptop. I mean, it's barebones, but for those of you who like to self insert as a cuck, it will certainly help.

    Anyways, that's essentially it. Video choices are nice, but they tend to be long and you have no idea how much of it you've watched before clicking past it.

    The writing is more or less pretty good for this type of story. The main idea is to create some sense of anxiety and doubt. The player who is very familiar with NTR and BBC tropes know what's happening, but the MC is braindead like most cucks tend to be in NTR games, be it because of gullibility, timidness, obliviousness, or just plain retardation. So basically you are going along the ride with the MC and viewing things from his POV as he gets unwillingly cucked while he is in denial.

    If the build up and gradual escalation wasn't handled well, this would be a 2 or 3 stars from me. But the writing does achieve what it sets out to do, and the plot is streamlined for coherence and natural progression (unlike a certain other game about a wife's phone), although that's achieved by having no routes at all. Don't get me wrong, characters will act like retards, but since there is only one linear story, it doesn't suffer from schizophrenic whiplash from juggling multiple branches.

    4* if you are fine with linear stories involving braindead people acting like idiots at all times. It's obviously less compelling for people who want choices or want more grounded scenarios in their NTR. Personally, I can fap to this because an MC being so utterly in denial is preferable to an MC that accepts his cuck status just like that.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    Perfect story, perfect images/videos, perfect UI and handling, luckily not a sanbox game, cant wait for more content.
    There are other games with similar content, but they either too slow burning, or to few images, or abandoned, or too long story to play.
    I hope there will be bukkake and group sessions as wel.