3.60 star(s) 137 Votes


Aug 5, 2016
Bloody hell, it's only version 0.2 of the creators first ever game. Give the guy a fucking chance.
They downloaded the game, and some of them are even patrons, does that not constitute giving them a chance?

Obviously they've given the game a chance and with the way it's recently developed they're left hopeless for the future.

Try not to be total whiny little goblins whenever something is slightly irksome/you don't get exactly what you want.
No one is being a "whiny goblin" they're just sharing their reasons for why they're no longer interested in this game.


Sep 10, 2019
Bloody hell, it's only version 0.2 of the creators first ever game. Give the guy a fucking chance.

And there's far more content in this release than most game updates that land on F95 have. Try not to be total whiny little goblins whenever something is slightly irksome/you don't get exactly what you want.
It's only a 0.2 version, the creator's first game and he makes people pay $33, obviously they have the right to ask for the game that ppl are paying for


Aug 30, 2020
Yeah, this. The whole losing the company? Completely moronic. I was down with the mind warping and everything, but the dev didn't even bother attaching plot to this decision, just "lol cumpiny gon sowwy btw 1 billion debt". The company and the idea behind it was the MAIN THING that introduced us to most of the main characters too. This is contrived BS. I enjoyed this game a lot for the many routes involved, but the entire usurping the entire company idea is absolutely moronic.

An even better idea would be to have a rival company be introduced and go from there. But nope. Not even that. I give up. Hopefully another game can do this concept, but with an actual coherent plot.
This is exactly where i just got losing the company out of nowhere with no build up, or plot explanation its so dumb instantly made me lose interest.


Conversation Conqueror
Sep 7, 2022
I dont have an inherent problem with the "sandbox" structure, but it's not really a sandbox, since you just mash the work/pass time button and wait for next event to fire, there's no real choices in the sandbox itself, only in the text messages.

I do like how the game seems to have turned away from the 100% muh bbc simulator, with the ability to shape desires through the control app. (though having Shane Diesel's mug plastered up as the new ceo after company takeover suggests the dev still sees this as integral to the story)

I dont like how it ends up as yet another pure-ntr-base game with side routes merely "spinning off" from that base.

It's so fucking stupid, like if a path with her boss clearly depends on the husband saying he enjoys it, why wouldn't it just start from a frame of enjoyment? I.E. the first time the wife talks about what her boss is doing, the husband says it turns him on and encourages her.

Instead you have this silly song and dance where you have to have the wife cheating on her husband first, then he's like "hurrr durr I guess I'm okay with that..." In the real world, it almost never goes in that direction. It can definitely go in the opposite direction, what starts as consensual swinging/sharing leads to more than the other partner is comfortable with. That I don't mind, and can be a much hotter story because there's an element of flirting with disaster and a sensual push-pull. As opposed to here, like so many ntr games, she's just a floozy out of the gate=boredom.

Abella danger maybe
isnt that just the same as the main one - Casey Calvert?


New Member
Sep 20, 2020
When I found this game initially, I was very impressed with the concept, and the story line(s), for the most part. The emphasis on bbc was lame, but could be over looked based on the supposed premise of the MC and MC's wife not being 'forced'.

After reading the previous posts regarding the latest release, my initial thoughts were to do a hard pass on the game and write it off as another failed effort on the part of a developer.

I did decide to see if the doomsday commentaries were valid. Unfortunately they were very true.

I played out to the company takeover, by of course a black character, so lame.

I won't be returning to any future releases, that are based on the current premise.

The game as it is now, is a perfect example of a bait and switch.... make claims as to how the game will proceed, then take it in the complete opposite direction.


May 4, 2017
daaaaamn thats was so good to play slowly wife derpaiving the only issue the not much videos and pic on sex scenes


Aug 31, 2016
this game is epic for an ntr fan. Would love a more consensual sharing route though. Right now the wife is either being raped or doing things behind her husbands back. Love when they are both involved. The selling photos plot is a good one for that.


Sep 8, 2018
is the game still straight forward or do i need to start to dodge hidden NTR content?


Oct 9, 2016
Должен согласиться с большинством: сюжетный поворот с потерей компании - плохая идея. (Заметил скриншот магазина ДНС, поэтому пишу по-русски). Твист конечно неожиданный, но совсем не туда. От игры словно бы отрезали бОльшую половину (игрок ожидает гаремника и НТР, допустимые твисты - любовь, унижение, даже смерть, но не ЭТО). Да ещё и долг в миллиард как вишенка на торт. Торт получается невкусный.

I have to agree with most: the plot twist with the loss of the company is a bad idea. The twist, of course, is unexpected, but not there at all. It's like they cut off most of the game (the player expects haremnik and NTR, the acceptable twists are love, humiliation, even death, but not THIS). And then there's the billion dollar debt as the cherry on the cake. The cake turns out to be unpalatable.


Active Member
Nov 29, 2022
It's only a 0.2 version, the creator's first game and he makes people pay $33, obviously they have the right to ask for the game that ppl are paying for
I only take issue with this statement because there are lower tiers that cost less if I'm not mistaken with the biggest difference gameplay wise is that you get the game sooner and in fact I'm not a patron support. I won't say that you can't complain about the tiers or the game but saying you have to pay to play is untrue.

Like I personally feel that simply getting an early release isn't fair for paying the highest tier and that you should be rewarded for doing so & if they make claims in relation to adding game content based on what those paying on patron or whatever form of support aren't getting what they where promised as per what was set for that tier or was not done to satisfactory degree then by all means post about as that is fair since it was promised.


Dec 10, 2019
The worst part of the takeover. It isn't the debt.

The "Corruption Secretary" was a fantastic idea. She'll ruin MC, she'll ruin MC's wife, and she's always there to provide fun office events, whether MC is playing her little games or not. She can keep feeding the MC little clips, little hints... ...and then the niece shows up and ends up as her admin assistant? It could have been fantastic.

But no matter how friendly we were, no matter how much of a push over we play him as--MC is not going to get over that betrayal. BBQ at my betrayer's house? No, no thank you.


Apr 13, 2018
Game has a lot of potential. Only gripe I've got with the new updates is the shift it had for scenes, even those directly involving the main character, to just be clips sent through the chat after the fact. That works fine for pictures and such, but with videos that have audio it kind of defeats the purpose imo, much better to have some sort of dialogue to go along with it like in the previous scenes or in the club outings between Jenna and the Wife.

I'd also lower the amount of waiting time for quests, at the very least for now since there's so little to do outside of working and passing the time. Also have some interactions be at any other time frame aside from the evening.

The whole losing your company thing I don't think is egregious, although it pretty much comes out of nowhere even if you do pursue Jenna early, so maybe adding some backstory (flashbacks or such) is needed though I suppose part of point of the game so far is uncovering who exactly the big bad is and what he wants. The whole debt thing does lend itself towards the whoring your wife out thing that's fairly common in the genre, but the game does seem to still give you the choice of actually following through with that or keeping her for yourself, so I'm not miffed about it yet.

Overall, not a bad update. I quite like a slow burn corruption, and, given how new the game still is, I appreciate the amount of content it currently has as well as the steady updates.


Sep 9, 2021
So when is wife's sister gonna get content because had I had known the son would have more content to start I would've picked him tbh
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Dec 2, 2018
Definitely enjoyed this game a bit. Needs tweaks for when routes end. Some routes end perfectly naturally, but other because their recurring stuff is also part of a main path, they repeat. But like when you think you finished the requirements for some paths to end for others to start, nothing occurs (brother into son).

As some other comments have suggested, losing the company suddenly seemed silly. I don't think honestly the husband should lose the company at all, even if doing a cuck route. It should either fall into him becoming submissive and following someone else (wife, secretary, even your son making a play against you), or for a more dominant route you securing your future to secretly manipulate/conquer more people, and your company foots the bill. Sort of like an evil cuckolding batman. Because losing the company, and owing the large amount really does nothing at this point, and shouldn't have been flexed so early like alot of the other content (alot of 'dates' with supposedly big choices like swinging in them, nothing happens currently).

Otherwise I definitely won't go in for almost any of those memberships based on the current prices, but I do think the creator deserves some credit if this is their first game. It's biggest overall weakness is it does nothing for the people who want to do the cucking. There's hints and small things as far as juggling other girls around (son's gf, the girl at the mall, your wife's sister, your secretary), but it also feels like there is so much more for those that want to be cucked. Hell you are contacted twice by the mysterious owner of your new company, asking if you are interested in sissification, or cuckolding. What if he respects your game for handling so many other women, and instead offers you a route for being more controlling?


Post Pro
Sep 3, 2022
A Wife's Phone [v0.2] [Bloody Ink]



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Alea iacta est

Well-Known Member
Nov 16, 2019
The idea of looking the game from a mobile screen is genius in my opinion.

It gives a completely different perspective.

The real porn scenes unfortunately gives away the "artistic" part of the game.

But the real no no for me is the sandbox element, there was no need of it, the Dev could have taken us through the corruption without this dull sense of "freedom".

Too many choices and branches that notoriously disappoint everybody and lower quality and delivery time.

I didn't enjoy the last update, it broke the initial tension, waiting for what the Dev was giving us.

Loop events are really cheap way to fill the sudden vacuum of creativity created by the new version.

3.60 star(s) 137 Votes