Ren'Py - Onhold - A Wife's Phone [v0.6.0] [Bloody Ink/Scyxar Studios]

  1. 4.00 star(s)


    A solid 3.5/5 star game. Not bad, I gave 4 star to add some balance to overall rating. Overall the game has a lot of issues and a lot of content, its a sandbox and quite grindy too. So grindy that you could spend hours grinding before seeing the content you want to see.
  2. 4.00 star(s)


    This game is good at first, but when there is so many character it ruin the fun and the main purpose of this game "A Wife Phone" that it should be more focus on a "wife" content and phone feature "fucktagram" or any social media on her phone. It will be better if the content update is about the wife meet a new person, you don't have to make a really long branch for one character she's met, but more people she'll meet make the game keep fun.
  3. 2.00 star(s)


    This game is just a big mess, Even if the game completes, you will still get problems in branches and bugs %100. Sandbox is worst thing can happen to any game.
    Devs, pls dont make your game sandbox. This game may be the best example of why you shouldn't do it. I know first versions of this game. It was very well written vn type game, after the patches, this game turn in to terrible sandbox style mess. Almost every new update your previous save files not working properly. Lots of problems when trying to progress and most of the time stuck on branches, Lots of unnecessary clicks ''advance time, etc.'' and list goes on and on... you can actually read the comments pages... Most of them are as u guess '' how can i solve this, how i can i get this, can someone give save files please''
    I mean it so sad.. This game could one of the best ntr game on f95. Don't get me wrong, this game is still good game to play, it has lots of content but yeah.. you will get tons of problems while playing it. No doubt.
  4. 3.00 star(s)


    Despite the massive flaws. Despite the frustrations every time I play it...There is something about this game that keeps me coming back for every update. Maybe it is the concept of the game that I love? Or perhaps it's just the hope that the developer has ironed out the many problems?

    Like many others, the first few updates of this game had me hooked. And then I think the developer got too ambitious. Too many storylines and branches, that overlap and cause contradictions. Jenna is your sworn enemy one message. Then your best pal the next. The idea of seeing your wife with another man disgusts you one minute, and then has you cumming in your pants the very next message because there are multiple branches occurring together.

    The dialogue in the game, as well as the thought process of the MC, is also a weak point for me.

    But there is definitely an impressive amount of work gone into creating this. The basic premise of a phone app, being able to see other peoples messages and being able to influence them and corrupt them is really interesting to me. And the interface is great.

    The potential of this game is massive, but a simplified version of this would have worked far better...And my hope is the developers next project is a similar phone based game, as I am sure he/she will have learned a lot from this first attempt.
  5. 2.00 star(s)


    Unfortunately the grind far outweighs the reward, progression is a tedious repetitive clicking expercise to open texts, click through bloated conversation, notifications from the games version of instagram and the phone app itself (if you choose spam for anyone), it's not fun. There's too many characters that seem to be surplus to requirement, especially when the immediate family and initial core characters seem underdeveloped. It's a shame because it's a good premise but it stopped feeling like a game several updates back and just feels like hardwork in it's current state.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    So much content its ridiculous. If youre into NTR this game is exactly what you want. seriously this game will take DAYS to finish. Probably the best cuck game there is honestly i dont know how a cuck game could be better.
  7. 5.00 star(s)

    Blood-Red Circus

    The game has many pros and cons.

    + Several full branches.
    + Many events, many fetishes.
    + Excellent selection of photos and videos, good optimization.
    + A lot of work has been done. It will take many hours to read all the dialogues.
    + Gradual corruption.

    - Characters speak like 1 person. Lacks individuality.
    - Most events and dialogues are very boring.
    - There is a small tedious grind.
    - Need more dirty talk!)

    Why 5 stars with all the cons? Personally, for me, the pros significantly outweigh the cons.

    I wish the authors good luck and success.)
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    This game clearly shows that you can’t live just for sex

    The hero has a number of problems, but when you decompose them, you understand that they are not serious. In fact, the main character lives only for sex. I have completed almost all the branches and this is an amazing game, but no game has ever sobered me up so much and said "these things are not so easily recognized as forbidden, look how it happens"
  9. 3.00 star(s)


    the writing pretty good but there are too many stories its all too much its especially annoying when some of the paths i want to follow can only be done after completing certain paths, like in the MC feminization path i need to complete step 100 Julia path but that one wont activate till i progress through other paths but ive literally completed all of them,
  10. 3.00 star(s)


    I played this game when it was not cluttered and story lines were easy to follow.
    There are lots of story lines in this game. While the orginal story lines which are present from the start of the game are good and entertaining, other newer ones are just their to target all kind of fetishes without any meaningful writing or buildup. This completly destroys the 'imersion' the game had in the start. Now it is so cluttered that you cannot take anything serious.

    What's more disappointing is that all story lines are same, there's nothing new, it just same generic story line again and again.
    Although the game deserve lots of criticism, the game still offfered something new, a new perspective at how a story unfolds. It takes it time to setup the relationship with the wifey, and thankfully she does not get banged in the first minute of gameplay, which is the biggest turn off in a game for me.
    But as the game development progressed, this turned into a complete mess. The stories are not just stories anymore, they are so far streched and that choices we make seems to matter less and less, and same things happen on repeat. I heard that it's becuase of developer chosing the content becuase of Patreons voting, but whatever it is, this games turned into something of a disappointment.
    The choices also does not seem to matter in some cases.

    However, I will give the game its credit, it probalby kick started the trend of VN with Phone perspective. There have been many new games similar to this that I enjoyed and I think this genre have a huge potential, there's something about watching the story unhold through phone and chats.
  11. 2.00 star(s)


    I would love to be excited for each update but unfortunately I can't. The game is terribly long and a bit boring to be honest. You are just watching your phone the entire time with some videos/images breaks every 15 minutes or so and the content in-between is... meh... There is zero immersion because all the interesting scenes happen outside of "the camera" ! All you have to witness is the aftermath of the fun that happened : you go on a date ? You don't see the dialogue or don't have the sex scene in live. Instead you have a sms convo saying that it was great and some sextape videos of it. All the game is like this, the player doesn't feel involved in the story, you're almost like the good friend to which you share your adventures and show your sextapes. You're here but... You're not really here, it is a weird feeling.

    For an example, at some point in the sissificatrion storyline you are fitted a chastity cage, great you would say it can lead to some fun stuff ! But it doesn't... Instead what happens is :

    • The bad guy tells you that you needs to be in chastity and he lets you some time to think about it
    • You wait 3 days
    • The bad girl contacts you, asks if you're ready and you're not
    • You wait 3 days
    • The bad girl comes back, she insists and you give in. She tells she will give you your cage later in the week
    • You wait 3 days
    • The bad girl is here. You apparently get fitted a chastity cage since she mentions it but there was no scene of you or her locking it. You have to spend a week in it
    • You wait a week. Litterally nothing happens during that week. No teasing, no thought whatsoever about how the MC is feeling, no desperation.
    • The bad girl comes back. She frees you from the cage. Again no teasing, no humiliation, no scenes, just a bit of "Oh that was hard :(" from the MC.
    • The end.
    And all the game is like this. The player always arrives after the battle and man what a way to make sure the player doesn't identify to the MC.
  12. 3.00 star(s)


    Ren'Py A Wife's Phone [v0.5.0] [Bloody Ink

    Being objective, this game isn't for me. It's not a memorable game, but it also isn't the worse thing I've ever played. To begin with the games strengths, the writing is incredible and realistic. If you actually devote time to reading the story you'll spend at minimal 20 hours being absorbed into the characters lives; However, there isn't much gameplay outside the dialog. In fact, you'll very much find yourself in an empty world comprised heavily of dialog.

    Another strength of this game are the many variations of kinks, which can be deactivated, but once you deactivated the kinks you'll find yourself in an empty world. An improvement would be provide a viable alternative or a different route.

    You have to truly be sadistic to enjoy this game, because most of the content is frustrating. The MC becomes a supporting castmember to his own life as other characters dictate almost every attribute of his life. Even after spending 20+ HOURS of reading content, you'll find there is very little payoff. That's the biggest gripe with this game is that the dialog keeps spewing all over your screen, but the content doesn't really reveal itself.
  13. 4.00 star(s)


    The game isn't that bad. I mean it isn't great but it's much better than most games of ntr games there there. You have choice to ntr or not to ntr. I just. wish that in some routs there was choice to go the easy way or the hard way. like for example in feminization route instead of denying mc's true wishes and his own logic going through heart break stupidity for 80 something steps he had the choice to embrace it instead and cut to chaise. and almost in every rout there's same stance of why should it be that hard way. The only thing sucks that the game has to be on rails so it isn't a tangled mess of routes game was before it was put on those rails.
  14. 4.00 star(s)


    This is one of my favorite games on the site. I love the texting interface, and some of the situations are incredibly hot, like setting up the onlyfans pages.

    But the game is getting more buggy, not less, as it develops. Please prioritize having less interdependency between the storylines and more ways to manually view the storylines. There's so much content I can't access from my two save files.
  15. 2.00 star(s)


    There are a lot of things that seem to be happening in this game, a lot of goals you're supposedly working towards, but in reality all you're doing is clicking a whole bunch and trying to parse out what you need to do to advance the story, only to realize the story never actually advances. Pretty much every path ends up in a holding pattern the more you play, and the further you get the buggier the game gets. The overall story is ridiculous and requires the player character to be simultaneously a devious schemer, a willless cuck, legally retarded, almost supernaturally oblivious, naïve, and a pervert who wants to corrupt his family. Usually I don't have a problem with porn games sacrificing good character for porn delivery, but this game doesn't even deliver good porn.

    You have a lot of great set up but none of the various LIs have a satisfying payoff as of yet. Most of the sex in this NTR corruption game is between the MC and his wife, or the MC and the women he cheats with. Most of the cucking/sharing happens to side characters that drop out of the story for weeks in game (hours in real time) randomly. There's one really good scene where the drunk wife gets raped outside a bar and you can either choose to save her or watch and realize seeing your wife like this turns you on. It happens kind of early on in the wife story, and you think "Awesome, things are gonna start picking up" only to fall into a holding pattern where you constantly raise your wife's corruption meters and the most that happens is she starts flirting with some other people, eventually. Progression is super slow. And not slow burn slow, but grind slow. But even then the meters you're grinding seemingly have no impact on the content you get.

    The worst sin, though, is that with how long you have to sit and click through boring conversations to get anywhere, updates sometimes break your save completely. It's so frustrating. Especially since there's a kernel of a great game here. The hypnosis angle is interesting and should allow the player to customize the content he sees, the bad guy is genuinely dislikeable (even though he only works because the MC is an idiot), the scenarios that are set up are all potentially hot, but potential is all this game has. And it's not getting any closer to realizing it as the updates go on.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    I give it full stars after playing the Alpha branch. The other branches made me feel like shit, you are more in control of your Wife's fate but at the same time it is a porn game, so it leads you to make self destructive decisions you later can't undo. In the Alpha branch you can finally take revenge of those who wronged you and your wife, nevertheless your wife is gone and done, no self respecting person would take her back no matter what, only the alpha branch let you act like a normal person would.
  17. 1.00 star(s)


    As others have said, I do not understand how this "product" has any positive ratings above "average", which would be a generous rating and should be the ceiling for any reasonable person.

    Minus a few conversations and moments, the only remotely good part of this is the idea/concept. It's like mixing sugar with crap, baking it, then covering with icing to try and present it as a cake. Yeah, the "idea/concept" and some parts are really good, but ultimately it's primarily, overwhelmingly crap and no amount of "sugar" will ever change that.

    If you're one that's hellbent on at least giving it a try, go ahead, maybe your "taste buds" can tolerate a crap cake with enough sugar and icing...:ROFLMAO:

    There is certainly a lot of potential here to be great with this idea/concept and a lot of good parts.
    But this is a toxic dumpster fire of crap, sugar, icing, crap, gasoline, fire, etc, etc. A lot of good parts, but ultimately a hot mess of burning garbage, and that might still be too generous of a rating...:ROFLMAO:
    Likes: orba
  18. 4.00 star(s)


    I think the premise is amazing and the writing is great but the gameplay leaves a bit to be desired, no real questline to follow and thats necessary when the game is this long, yes i know the routes are a thing but its way too easy to get locked out of content in this game so unless you have a walkthrough u cant really assure u do everything which also defeats the point, just make it more intuitive. If that gets fixed down the line its a 5star
  19. 3.00 star(s)


    I have to say when playing the alpha parth the game is quite good. Some things are abit ludicrous like you suddenly have 1 billion debt.. this breaks the immersion.

    Also switching genders based on phone commands break thr immersion abit, but i understand some people enjoy it.

    The cuck/sissy path falls abit short, its too many cliché, and Jenna talks about worshipping bbc as if its her religion or something, absolutely bonkers. It went abit over the top here and there.

    There is also some sissify other in the alpha routr which is quite rare and nice to find.

    Tldr; alpha route 4, other routes 2, average 3.
  20. 1.00 star(s)


    I don't understand why this game has a lot of positive reviews. A terrible system of progress . There are a lot of incomprehensible unnecessary characters . The plot is also terrible. A ridiculous debt of $ 100000000000 . Quests don 't work, they fall off . Fetishes are not signed in the tips. It is unclear what the choice will lead to .
    There is a hot wife in the videos that are sent to the wife, but the hottest wife is still not in the game. in general, the game is terrible, long and tedious. I tried to play it 5 times, spent a lot of time clicking on the map and didn't find anything good.