Ren'Py - Onhold - A Wife's Phone [v0.6.0] [Bloody Ink/Scyxar Studios]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    This is the game that has kept me on F95zone and is my favorite game, hands down. Like many NTR games, it has two main paths to play: the "Alpha" and "Cuck/Beta" way. Aspects of both paths can be mixed around. In my personal opinion, it has a nice mix of fetishes and focuses, even if I personally have no interest in sissification.

    Subjective opinions below:

    - The in-phone game concept works amazingly well with the game's themes.
    - Fetish selection includes NTR, cheating, cuck, size play, and swinging.
    - Less rapey NTR focus than many other games I have played; characters are seduced or, at the very least, consenting in the scenes (if you ignore the mind control aspects).
    - If you don't like the focus of a given branch or any other thing about it, you can simply pause it in an in-game app.
    - Real live scenes that fit quite well.
    - The story, characters, and their interactions are often not just hot but also decently engaging and interesting.
    - Very large game with a lot of content and differing branches, allowing you to focus on whatever aspects of the game you like, with the multiple choices requiring more than one playthrough to experience everything.

    - Bad UI; in most cases, it truly is the most basic version of a phone app. Images are all just text like "image.png" unless clicked, and notifications and unread messages aren't particularly intuitively displayed (bad QoL).
    - The game uses a variety of stats for its characters, which can be directly influenced by the player. As far as I can tell, these stats barely and very rarely matter, especially if you continue to progress through the game.
    - It's tedious. Many branches are spread over the duration of in-game months, which require ridiculous amounts of clicking and skipping, especially as there are often infinitely repeating or otherwise story-irrelevant messages that aren't really marked as such unless opened.
    - The story branches aren't particularly in sync with one another, having your wife switch from openly cucking you to never having had sex with another man, being a QoS and never having had sex with a black man, etc. These things reduce the immersion of the story and are especially annoying if they take you from the "juicy parts" back to the annoying buildup.
    - The game loves slow building and useless talk between the characters; there is a lot of text with no real reason to ever read in the game.
    - Still quite rapey in its content, with some characters just sleazy and unlikeable (and not in the good, immersive story kind of way).
    - Too many branches; there are multiple characters and storylines which I simply cannot get myself to care about in the very least.
    - Branches "fighting": similar to the branches not being in sync, some of them can feel contrived or confusing as to how they connect, as the MC can simultaneously be very submissive, happy, and consenting as a cuckold enjoying being controlled while still wanting to get revenge, stop being controlled, and hurt the responsible character.

    There are more points for both, but I want to get to the conclusion:

    It's a fetish porn game, and for me, it does that very well. If you like cuck/cheating content and are alright with BBC and QoS content, this is an amazing game, even with its issues.

    The developer just seems to have been quite inexperienced at the start and never had the time to go back and resolve the issues coming from such a convoluted story and its multiple branches. They also never really bothered with improving the UI or removing aspects of the game along the way, as stats would raise the variations in the story to near-infinite and impossible to deal with.
  2. 1.00 star(s)


    Just played the latest update. Easily the worst one to date, cuck path contains no actual cuckold action just swinging/fam content, images and videos some are new some are rehashed from parts of the core game. Waiting on a bug fix for the sissy path to make it playable. Still lots of issues that don't actually fit with the path your on
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    It was one of the most exciting games I have played!
    A story that you can create from a lot of available options!
    A bunch of genres are around the storyline!
    This will allow you to roll and control the game's character!
    I recommend this game!
  4. 2.00 star(s)


    So far the game feels like complete mess because of these issues:
    • Your choices to avoid certain routes don't matter. The reasons for this aren't clear it could be either bugs or intended gameflow.
    • Some of these routes shouldn't start or at least progress if you don't have certain stats but it keeps going.
    • Routes are coincidental and every route ignores existence of other routes.
    • So it causes chronological mess where multiple Jennas each texting multiple wives and all of them living through different events in life.
    • Control app feels more like simple spy app. As was said earlier stats don't matter after certain point of the game and after that app can't control a thing. And if the route starts there will be no way to stop it(you can pause it but it's a debugging tool)
    • Spamming feature is a true spam, as u need either ignore the ! mark over the app or periodically "reed" the messages of all your subjects (there should be an option "mark as seen"). Or spam shouldn't be marked as an important thing to check.
    • The debt to collect that amount of money just the half of the problem, transferring will take far more efforts. Somehow this goal to reach feels awkward.

    As it have been said by many users: game feels like at some point you (as player) loose control over the game and game merges into kinetic novel.

    But the concept: the design of game "in the phone" with texting/sexting - is good. Feels like somewhere on the stages of development dev stepped into the wrong direction.
  5. 3.00 star(s)


    This game started out as a 5/5 for me. Maybe 4/5. And the early content still is. The images chosen are great, the dialog and situations get pretty hot, the characters are consistent, the game does a good job of sticking to its premise (doing things with a phone), the bugs are few and far between given the number of hours you'd be playing. It was borderline addictive to play, and I always looked forward to updates.

    There were issues, sure. The stories sometimes diverged and created weird situations - like a loyal loving wife ready to tell you everything and only do things together (or after discussions) who has a simultaneous thread where she's just cheating on you with a ton of guys and lying about it. That gets a bit weird but its not earth shattering. You just kinda play each branch out and mentally handle the discrepancy because it is just a game.

    And if you stick to the early parts of the game (which is a Lot of content), that's great. But. ..

    Eventually you hit this point where things just suddenly shift gears under you. And it is sudden, and it is super-jarring. The app seems to stop really doing anything other then spying on what's happening. Almost all the important characters you'd built up to have a strong relationship with you seemingly start to ignore you. Bad things happen to them, stuff you may want to happen, or stuff you may want to skip / avoid, but your app no longer seems able to do anything but let you watch the trainwrecks. One of the characters starts messaging you to taunt you about how everything is collapsing, and you (the player) just have to sit there and stare... Wondering why your Control App seems to be useless, wondering why you don't seem to have any meaningful choices anymore, and wondering why the game seems to be taunting you (the player) about not being able to actually 'do' anything in the game.

    It.. it just gets weird. It put me (the player) into a pretty unpleasant headspace rather then a hot one. And I don't mind any of that content, my reviews are full of games I love with that kind of content. But its like you're on the highway enjoying the wind in your hair when suddenly you're off the road, there's just air under your tires, and somehow your engine is on fire. Fun if you're playing mario kart from the beginning, weird when you thought you were taking a scenic route to go hiking.

    I'll check back in from time to time, look at the changelog, and if it seems promising I'll try it again and update this review accordingly. Right now just.. I guess play it but when that feeling I mentioned kicks up just don't feel bad about pulling the ripcord before you get too frustrated.
  6. 3.00 star(s)


    Not really a good story, many strange behaviors of the characters including MC, Events are not following a chronocial line e.g. more than one date in the evening.
    3 Stars for the good idea and the including photos and videos.
  7. 1.00 star(s)

    Love Blonde & HugeTits

    This game very boring, route to nowhere.
    Same messenge just spam, repeat manytime.
    Video, picture can't show while you skip text, many text look boring as hell.
    Many icon do nothing, why need many icon to what? This make game heavy for nothing.
  8. 1.00 star(s)


    Good premise and some genuinely nice and unique writing at first that is absolutely ruined by the implementation. Some scenes and situations are really hot, but they're buried in a sea of waiting and meaningless clicking and reading that don't progress the plot. I need to reiterate how much clicking needs to happen: using only my mouse to play this game caused me to start getting pains in my index finger and first knuckle on my clicking hand, and I could feel it putting wear on my keyboard as well. It just takes too much time to progress the plot once the "open-world" structure takes effect. You're disincentivized to roll back to prior pivotal choices to try a different outcome because of how much time you've lost and how much repeated content you have to view if you do, and the game basically lulls you into thinking that a bunch of choices don't actually matter because of how long it takes for them to amount to anything. Other reviews have mentioned the hypno spam issues already, but the underlying parameters they seem to modify don't appear to do anything either, or work so incrementally slowly that they require an enormous time sink to do anything. It has intensely negative replay value after you get a tease.

    For those of you specifically interested in the feminization: The MC feminization plot may as well not exist. There's some brief intriguing parts in the very beginning where the MC gets a thrill from chatting with horny guys on his wife's Instagram and looking at their erections, but then nothing. Maxing out since even maxing out the MC's feminization stat does nothing to affect his behavior after that, and the relevant plot trigger for him to act on it is buried behind a 56-step storyline that takes something like 5-10 days to trigger the next event for each step, and that only begins after the open-world section is even available (which is hours into the game). In the interim period, there's no foreshadowing or reference to what's happened, absolutely nothing. It was the main draw for me, but I've probably put tens of real-life hours into the game, amounting to hundreds of in-game days with a maxed feminization stat and tens of thousands of clicks, with absolutely no development on that route whatsoever.

    As for improvement: ideally, massive portions of the open-world section would be gutted, removing all "false choices" (ie either go to work or skip time, with no other options because you're waiting on quests to fire) and massively editing the text for conciseness and faster plotting. Less is more. This isn't Charles Dickens, and the writing isn't serving the larger demands of the product. I don't need to read the boss's wife's shipping negotiations or her demands of her driver in exhaustive detail to understand her social class and possible vehicles of corruption down the road. One such conversation would be sufficient. In general, linearize a lot of the game back to its structure closer to the beginning. Parallel to that, make the parameters actually matter by having them bypass extraneous buildup steps or cause events to fire immediately if a relevant statistic is high enough.

    Failing that, if the developer is too invested in their unnecessarily-detailed writing to cut it (which is why editors exist), trepidatious about the amount of labor going into a rework, or it would break too much of the game's code, there are other improvements that could be made. Cut out all hypno spam notifications and dump the relevant videos into part of the gallery for those who want them (which would by itself remove ~7ish clicks per spam target approximately every 3 in-game days), remove the false choices that cause more time-wasting, and give players an option to automatically trigger the next stage in a storyline from the to-do list the next day. Then, it might be moderately-playable again and therefore actually titillating.
  9. 4.00 star(s)


    This game has a lot of potential but there are some serious changes that need to be made.

    For instance, I'm not a big fan of the husband seeing every message. I would rework the game's beginning so that the husband puts the app on his phone and starts the process of corruption, but then loses/gets his phone stolen by someone he trusts, and they are the ones running the corruption of the women in the husbands life.

    The husband gets a new phone and discovers that he's not able to add the girls back, and therefore believes that becuse his phone is lost he's in the clear. When in reality he's not, and someone close to him is preying upon and corrupting the women in his life.

    Then you have this nefarious actor conveintely hit up the husband at times when the wife is wanting to go out and party/dates etc, to keep him preoccupied.

    But all in all the game isn't bad, it's just all over the place, branches intermix and even when you turn some off, they still seem to play out. Just needs a better direction than what it currently has, but it'll get there I hope.
  10. 2.00 star(s)


    Game version: [v0.4.9]

    This game has no idea what it wants to be and it's just a fucking chore to play. Trying to do a cuckold playthrough is immediately ruined by constantly having to fuck your girlfriend. Everything takes fucking forever and then when something happens you're like "why would I want that?" I guess you're a big dick millionaire until some random stereotypical black dude steals your shit and then you're like "now I'm 10% more comfortable with my girlfriend selling pictures of herself completely clothed for $200" Jesus.
  11. 1.00 star(s)


    It's like a TV show that devolves into 20,000 filler episodes just to get to the plot. There IS good content in here, but finding it is like pulling teeth, and by the time you reach it, you won't even be horny anymore.

    A tl;dr of the experience is that it starts out incredibly linear, and it does okay with this formula.

    Somewhere along the way, it develops into a more "free roam" formula, and does ABSOLUTELY TERRIBLE AT IT.

    To give you an idea, you have 4 different times during each day to do an action in: morning, noon, afternoon and night. You can also influence what kinks you want the wife (and others) to have via an app, and this takes time to kick in....a LOT of time.

    A typical three day period goes like this:

    You wake up, check the messages and phones of anyone you're spying on for something new, then you click "go to work" for both morning and noon.

    There is not actually any other option of things to do for morning and noon, and the money you earn is like "Whose Line is It Anyway?" The money doesn't matter whatsoever because the dev gave you a comically large debt that isn't feasible to pay off regardless of what you do. You can safely ignore the debt and not even go to your job and absolutely nothing bad happens as a result.

    In the afternoon, you might have a date with someone, which usually just involves in.....more dialog. Or a selfie. Or some other mechanic of questionable value.

    And night? What is night for you ask? Night is for you to press the "skip time" button. I am not kidding: Night as a time slot has zero function and just exists for you to skip it.

    So you repeat this for three days and you get a message: the brainwashing program you've been using on your wife FINALLY did something! You are now 10% done with corrupting her! Huzzah! Only like 30 more days to go before it actually does something! MORE MEANINGLESS CLICKING!! HOORAY!!

    To make it worse, for some reason the dev thought it was a brilliant idea to flag the brainwashing methods you send your targets as new messages FOR YOU. This means you will periodically get an indicator there's new content that needs your attention, only to discover no, it's the same generic brainwashing message your targets got that you MUST READ before it stops being marked as new in your inbox.

    There's also "quest paths" that simply get resolved over time, and instead of simply ending, the dev programmed the final step to repeat every couple days. There's no variation here and no reason to repeat these, so it just floods you with more time-wasting mechanics. These CAN be turned off in the quest list, but now you have to dig through the game's quest list to find the culprit and shut it off.

    Speaking of, there's near-zero direction on what to do at all. There's one little checklist app that if you find it, you will get info on what to do, though in a questionable format. By questionable format, I mean it usually says something like "Wait 0 days and talk to wife. Step 55 of Wife and Alanah must be triggered." This then has you hunting for "Wife and Alanah" to try and trigger that first. The actual sexual content behind these paths is usually vague, so you don't know what exactly you're getting. For example, one path with one character seemed to lead to group sex scenarios, but from the names of the characters alone, you can't deduce that.

    And you might think hold on now, step 55?! Surely it can't be that long.

    I was young and naive too once, and unfortunately now I can confirm that step 55 is as ridiculous as it sounds.

    Let's imagine a scenario: you want to see your wife participate in an orgy. So you look up the appropriate content and discover it has 70 steps; this was the longest length I spotted. And what do these steps entail...?

    "Wait 3 days then check your messages."

    "Wait 7 days and check your wife's messages."

    "Wait 14 days and check your wife's messages."

    EVERYTHING about this game is an absolutely infuriating time sink. It is not even GRINDING, because grinding implies the player is somehow engaged and has to do something. If I'm grinding in Final Fantasy, I'm at least engaging in combat or the like, but here...? You can legit play this game by spamming the "skip time" button.

    And the excuses for why these things take so long are absolutely asinine. Two real examples I discovered while playing:

    -You find out someone has set up your niece to be brainwashed by the app, and you want to stop this. After ~5 days, your niece contacts you and you tell her to check people's phones at work and delete a certain app if she finds it. After another ~5 days (sometimes more, sometimes less) she informs you she didn't find it, so you tell her to try checking the bosses' phone. After ~5 days she says oops nope couldn't find anything. After another ~5 days you're warned whoever used the app on her can read her convos, and thus you must change your approach. After another ~5 days, an ex-co-worker contacts you offering to help and check phones at work. He finally finds someone (after another 5 days) and you check their phone and.....IT'S A DUD! He doesn't have it! He got the wrong guy! Someone ELSE has it. You contact the co-worker to tell him this and of course, he needs another ~5 days to check the stupid phones again. He doesn't find anything, and AFTER 5 DAYS, you're contact with a hint to "look closer." You deduce this means the ex-co-worker is behind it himself, but since you can't contact him directly and the DEV IS SUPER SUPER INTENT ON WASTING EVERYONE'S *#$!ING TIME, after 5 days you establish contact with his wife and lead her to do it.

    You thought it was done...? Oh no: she fails to get into his phone, you wait 5 days, then he "hasn't been home since" and you wait ANOTHER 5 days, and then OH WOW HE STILL HASN'T BEEN HOME!!! +5 days!! Finally he admits to it when he shows up at home and you are FINALLY at the resolution of this stupid quest. Holy crap. And don't worry: even the resolution where you see what happens to the niece in the aftermath is segmented by needless time gaps.

    -Your wife is considering an orgy or sleeping with another man or whatever. I'm not going to waste your time like the dev with another "5 days" wall-of-text, but basically imagine the above scenario with just as many delays, except instead of any actual plot, she just repeatedly needs 5 days "to think about it." Your wife spends so long thinking about going to an orgy party that the actual party goers have probably died of starvation just waiting on her to make up her mind.

    And what sparked me writing this and fueled my anger: once she finally went to the damned orgy, OF COURSE she got absolutely drunk and can't remember anything that happened. That means it's merely insinuated she participated, she has no recollection, description or emotion attached to whatever happened, and you are left waiting AGAIN for some further step in the quest where something might FINALLY happen.

    For reference, skipping a day is 4 clicks to skip 4 stages of the day. It's actually more like 8 because hitting the skip button causes a slow animation informing you of the new time of day, and this is skipped by clicking again. This means if you see "wait 7 days," this actually translates to "click on the skip time button 56 times." But not TOO fast! If you click TOO fast, the game bugs out and you need to back up and try again!

    This is like Dragon Ball Z except instead of spending 200 episodes shouting at each other, it's always "Will your wife finally decide to become more adventurous? Will she get another text message from one of her slutty friends??? Will she change her mind? FIND OUT NEXT TIME ON THIS STUPID #$%!ing GAME."

    I should also add the conversations aren't short. FFS at some point I'm pretty sure I was rushing through dialog where the antagonist's wife was negotiating gas prices per litre or something for her job or something. It's like the dev focused on making the messages realistic to an absolutely painful degree. Dude if you're simulating 10 minute conversations as loyally as this, then it means people also spend a good chunk of time just thumbing through them and constantly scanning for relevant info.

    I have no idea why the dev insists on torturing people with this kind of asinine time wasting, but trust me, he does. There is soooooooooooo much in this game that is somehow WORSE than ordinary grinding, because it's not even engaging in the slightest. This is "spam the time skip button: the game."

    There are SOME moments this game is alright, and under calmer circumstances I might give it 2 stars.

    Given how this game is genuinely rage-inducing with how mind-numbingly stupid the design decisions are and how little respect it has for your time, I think the 1 star is fair. The sheer stupidity of the needless time wasting heavily outweighs any good this game has, so much so that I feel dragging the score back down to 1 star is warranted.

  12. 5.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 1511030

    The story is nice, the situation is not far from life, no stupid reactions. Nice character choices. Sometimes feels a bit grindy but far the best phone game that I tried. Keep up the good work! Recommended.
  13. 2.00 star(s)

    Templar Knight

    Wife phone, a game with a promising future but is currently not doing well, this analysis will be from someone who has been playing since 0.2.5, I will talk about the positive points, negative points, explaining the negative points and I close with a conclusion:

    - positive points: idea for the game very different from the other games here, a good selection of pornstars, constant updates, game easy to understand and progress.

    - negative points: lots of bugs, routes that don't make sense because they contradict each other, dev is trying to put two different groups like harem / male dom and ntr / cheating in the same game which many games have proven to be basically impossible, game plot doesn't work sense, stupid LI, mc even on the dom route is retarded, grind a lot of grind, a lot of mouse clicks and once again, BUGS.

    explanation: wife phone had an idea that could be said to be innovative and therefore attracted a lot of attention, however after update 0.2.5 bugs began to infest the game to the point that in many routes to progress it is necessary to execute commands on the console such as route mc dom about wife sister. Furthermore, many routes currently contradict each other, for example, if the mc doesn't allow his wife to be corrupted by Jenna (a character in the game who basically has the objective of corrupting all the women close to her to the BBC, I'll talk about that in a moment). , will close the wife - jenna route but will open later routes such as wife - wife sister and in this route the wife acts as if she is corrupted by Jenna and basically acts like a BBC whore for her sister, something that should not happen if the player avoids for the wife - jenna route to continue and this is one of the route bugs that happen, as there are several other bugs like this.

    After saying all this, as I said there are other types of bugs, for example the route pausing system no longer works as it should, now the player every time he restarts the save must pause all routes again so that he doesn't see them or continue the routes. Furthermore, although the dev said that he intends to add a male dom route to the game currently, wife phone is basically a cheating, ntr, interracial and bugs simulator, the minority of content is for male dom, an update prior to this (0.4 .5) was focused on male dom, in addition to being a minor update and one of the dom routes there is the involvement of Jenna and she says that MC's LI (love interest) was once a BBC whore, imagine putting a character clearly from the mc sub/cuck route in the mc dom route and also saying that LI has been fucked by other guys before and is known to have had several orgies out there, and it doesn't stop there, the other route added was the mc fucking LI for only fans, something that in my opinion makes the slightest sense, mc posting photos of your li being fucked online.

    MC and LI in this game are incredibly stupid, the MC has worked as a businessman for years and out of nowhere he loses his company, LI, like his wife for example, cannot realize that Jenna is clearly a bad influence, the level of stupidity of the characters is something never seen before .

    conclusion: wife phone should go through one or two updates focused only on fixing bugs in the routes and in the game's ui/configs as well as the pause system, this would guarantee better gameplay for players and in addition, dev should start or give the equivalent of content for the dom route or simply officially saying that this game will not have a focus or will not have dominant routes, being a game 100% focused on ntr/ cheanting / bbc/ so on.
  14. 2.00 star(s)


    Version v0.4.5.
    The start of development was awesome. You controlled a puppet master and decided how a roster of characters behaved. This was at least at v0.2.5

    Unfortunately, as the development goes on, the 'decide' part stops at some point of your puppet story,
    and suddenly your are not playing a game anymore, but reading a kinetic novel.

    And instead of providing a gameplay in new versions, the developer adds more models with the same or even more kinetic approach.

    On top of that, every day you receive so much notifications about what is happening to your puppets, so that you just get lost in this spam. And you also need to click and click and click and click and... getting to a menu to advance a story.

    The good point is that you're provided with the menu to put any character's story on hold. Another nice-to-have option is that you may influence a story to completely reject it (not for every story). However, again, if this point is missed, the story transforms into a boring kinetic novel.

    If you like clicking menace and kinetic cuckold novels -- the game is definitely for you!
    If you are fond of the puppet-master games -- this game becomes disappointing pretty fast.
  15. 3.00 star(s)


    The game is decent, so this is mostly my personal review of the game. I'm not a NTR Fan I hate it but if you are into that you will not be disappointed in this one because there is alot of it. The premise in it self in my opinion is good I haven't seen a game like this game on this site before but with the success of this game we will see more. I really enjoy the solo kinda romantic paths like Wife's Sister, Stepsis, Cecilia and a few other paths. I can tell the Creator puts alot of time into the game and it is easy to navigate. I like that fact you can turn off paths if you don't want to see the ntr but at the same time you'll be on a solo path then all of a sudden "Oh someone added them to the app" so then you gotta try to "attempt" to stop it but you really have no control, so they end up blowing the dude and becoming a slut. It can get frustrating. The mind control in the app doesn't really matter at all. I put Valerie cheating stat to zero and her BBC Stat to 0 but she still ends up fucking behind your back its really annoying. You can turn off different paths but it seems it doesn't really matter because the bitch "JENNA" is constantly fucking with your life. All in all tho I do enjoy the romantic paths, I saw in the genre of this game that NTR Was avoidable that's why I picked it up but you have no control over it and that sucks. I hope when the game is finished there is a avoid all NTR At the beginning of the game so I can enjoy it without being pissed while playing this. I'm not knocking the Creator or knocking people who enjoy this game, just my personal assessment of my experience.
  16. 4.00 star(s)


    Review of version 0.4.2.

    The good: Many hot situations if you are into the kinks listed. Good usage of messages. Attractive people in images and videos. OnlyFaps is a brilliant concept for corrupting your partners.

    Could be improved:
    At times confusing and contradicting paths. You could at the same time see your wife cheating and in another thread being faithful. You could be really concerned of her faithfulness while you are banging three ladies yourself..
    If you say no to someone early you could be locking down content much later (looking at you Kirely). There needs to be some control of what paths are compliant with each other and a logical sequence of them.
    I think half of the people should be removed, and a more focused story developed.

    User interface. Sooo much klicking to make things happen.
    Silly background story, but on the other hand it's a porn game.
    Did I mention the carpal tunnel syndrom you might develop while clicking ?

    Anyhow. The concept behind the game is sound. Improve the implementation.
    Worth playing already now if you like the kinks, and you can avoid some of them if you like (e.g. feminization is a simple "I don't want that").
  17. 4.00 star(s)


    Definitely an 4/5 Star Game.

    Just based on sheer amount of content currently in game.

    Very well written and can feel a bit grindy.

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    The only reason this is not a 5/5 is because this can be showcased as a classic example of content creep (On in this case Branch/ Route Creep).
    As most routes are based on Patreon votes, there is no clear direction for the story and with multiple routes, the story can get confusing.

    My 2 cents would be to focus on 1-2 routes MAX per update until that route is finished as per the bigger picture. Once they are finished, re-divert to the next route.

    What I mean by that is THIS UPDATE ALONE (0.4.2) had 306 Steps spread across more than 11 route/branches. if that had been reduced to 3-4 branches we are looking at close to 100+ to 75+ steps PER ROUTE. More than sufficient to Finish a route.

    I have spent the last 3 days trying to finish this skipping most of the texts of chars that I didn't find interesting and it STILL ISNT FINISHED!!!

    tldr; Easy recommend, Tons of content and TOP OF THE LINE models.

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  18. 2.00 star(s)


    Came back again to finally give my review after a second chance. Version 0.4.2

    I'm not a big fan of the mind control gimmick, mostly cause it's used to cover lazy writing and this game uses it but I was willing to give it a shot anyway cause the concept is good, the phone interface is neat and nice even if I think it should have some more interactions at this point...not much creativity since first iteration.

    The downside of the phone concept is that every interaction to the story is very limited cause it's over text messages, which leads me to another downside. FAR TOO MUCH USELESS TEXT. when people text, they use abbreviations and "lazy" typing, none of this is seen in a supposedly phone centric game which is just missing the ball big time. And since the story happens mostly over text, or the rare update on one of the characters instagram it feels so stagnant and repetitive. The text message are just more of the same, hardly any new or exciting story developments, just the same verbose text dialogues. Find another medium to tell the story, and not just in text messages over the phone. *spams mouse*

    Give a character a blog that you can snoop on, or maybe let me see their search history, what they are looking up and browsing for. I don't wanna see even more text messages from another point of view...stop it...just stop. Such a lack of creativity since first release is just sad. There's so little things I can do with the phone and we're so many updates in...
    Either limit the text in these interaction over the phone, or let me scroll the text instead of clicking it.

    Another downside, arbitrary grinding to get to the "storyline" you are interested in. Just one irrelevant text message after the other with no actual story driven dialogue or INTERESTING exchange at all. Interaction between the wife and the MC is incoherent and completely detached from the chosen story line in many cases. It's like there's no actual sense of character progression at all within herself and her interactions.

    Which brings me to another downside, Too. Many. Storylines.
    Pick a kink or two, make 2 paths, 3 at most. Willing cuck, forced cuck. Qos path or no qos path and insert this mind control app if the player wants it. Now you can focus on the story and the erotic parts.
    Otherwise you get this incohesive mess, with no actual meaningful story, and since you've already limited the story telling by using this phone concept you are already in trouble. Telling parts of the story with the rare instagram posts is not enough as I said earlier, but it's better than another long-winded text message that's for sure.

    This game had such an amazing start and potential and ended up being this mindless clicking simulator with a crawling dull story...what a shame.

    *click click click click click*
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    This is the best game on this site, and one of the few where it's a pleasure to slow down and read the text. Completely orgasmic writing, and I find myself often on the edge my my seat waiting for the next line of text.

    There are some foibles (pictures on one of the "apps" which don't flow with the narrative, etc.), but dang it's good.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    It's one of best NTR games there is and very addictive. I usually don't like games with too many characters but this one handles the interactions between them just perfect without losing the focus on the main female character (the Wife). (y)