Ren'Py A Wife's Phone [v0.6.5 Revamp Fix] [Bloody Ink/Scyxar Studios]

3.40 star(s) 157 Votes


Engaged Member
May 14, 2023
Расскажи, откуда ты взялся и почему вдруг появилась Ольга. У меня была Кристина. Нить ГГ и Кристины теперь канула в вечность. Заброшен разработчиком.
Olga came out of nowhere! xD
This girl about whom the app developers showed MC at the beginning. Who was too much perverted by her husband and started sleeping with everyone without control.
Follows of the plot where she tells MC wife that there is a certain app for husbands phones with which they can control the actions of their wives. Olga, Jena and Valerie come up with a way for Valerie to check MC’s phone, after making you have a choice to either delete the app or continue to control wife!

Urfin jus

Dec 31, 2023
Ольга появилась из ниоткуда! xD
Это девушка, о которой разработчики приложения показали MC в начале. Которая была слишком извращена мужем и начала спать со всеми без контроля.
Далее следует сюжет, где она говорит жене МС, что есть некое приложение для телефонов мужей, с помощью которого они могут контролировать действия своих жен. Ольга, Джена и Валери придумывают, как Валери может проверить телефон МС, после чего у вас есть выбор: либо удалить приложение, либо продолжать контролировать жену!
Спасибо, я понял. Это еще один баг в игре. Мне показалось, что я что-то упустил. Вместо Ольги у меня была Кристина, все остальное было то же самое. Кроме одного, она обещала помочь ГГ с Йеной, почему она вдруг стала такой стервой.


Engaged Member
May 14, 2023
Спасибо, я понял. Это еще один баг в игре. Мне показалось, что я что-то упустил. Вместо Ольги у меня была Кристина, все остальное было то же самое. Кроме одного, она обещала помочь ГГ с Йеной, почему она вдруг стала такой стервой.
Christina wife of your friend with whom you had a threesome! Although i didn't select this option, but threesome still be!


Mar 14, 2019
The slowest of slow burns, but good if you like something like that. Bit too much for me though, starts to feel like a grind when you're checking through multiple phones a day and employing Hypno Spam on your targets (which is often unclear as to what it's even doing a lot of the time). It might be a good idea to tweak the game's start so that you can just say that it's not your first time playing and define pivotal choices or parameters so you can skip ahead to bypass content you've already played. Otherwise, It takes a long time to get into the more open portion of Act 2 even when speeding through all viewed dialogue takes forever, and Act 2 itself is huge.

Also, I encountered a bug after Mr Salim asks your wife to strip in his club. I don't remember if there's a choice associated with this, because I chose no, and then the bug started. Afterwards, at every time increment, you get a notification that you got a new message from your wife, but then it's just the same conversation about the job offer ending in the MC saying no. It wasn't an issue at first because it wasn't stopping Wife from initiating other conversations, but much later on I found out it was locking me out of advancing quests because the repetitive message from her was suppressing the MC's ability to initiate texts. Therefore, he couldn't post her pictures online or message her to say he knows about the son's friend thing and is fine with it. Very annoying, because now the prospect of trying to rollback to a state before the bug started means losing a ton of progress and time, due to the aforementioned incredibly slow burn.

Ideally, it'd be nice to just have the ability to auto-fire events in the checklist to speed up quests you care about and automatically skip time segments where you have nothing to interact with on the phone besides one choice on the map or the skip time button.
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Urfin jus

Dec 31, 2023
Кристина, жена твоего друга, с которым у тебя был секс втроем! Хоть я и не выбирал этот вариант, но секс втроем все же будет!
Нет, у меня не было секса с Кристиной. Романтические отношения, да. Я помог ей уйти с Би-би-си и попросил подругу не подавать на развод.


Engaged Member
May 14, 2023
Нет, у меня не было секса с Кристиной. Романтические отношения, да. Я помог ей уйти с Би-би-си и попросил подругу не подавать на развод.
This is further in the story.


Aug 21, 2022
Jenna needs to get dicked down by MC at some point. She’s asking for it.
yeah hoping there comes a point where he takes over control from whoever took control of her/adding her as the target on the app on the Harem/conquerer MC, as well as Christina and Paula joining in the fun... additionally, While Christina's model is hard to find the funtimes media of you can find a body double with similar body and hair color just clip when there is no face and bookend with the "hero" pictures and clips...

Urfin jus

Dec 31, 2023
Это дальше по сюжету.
Maybe along my line where I play loyalty, honor, dignity. nosebleed but I have to help my family and friends. I didn't choose FFM. suppressed any sexual advances towards his wife. I never opened up about sex with Christina. In the gallery I only have photos and videos that Jena sent me about Christina.


New Member
Dec 8, 2022
game not working for me on android i copy the file to the destination mentioned and still sends me same msg when opening the game any help please?


Jul 4, 2020
Is there a way to remove Jenna and her influence on the female cast, or is she a permanent thorn in our side regardless of the route/s we take?

Urfin jus

Dec 31, 2023
Есть ли способ избавиться от Дженны и ее влияния на женский состав, или она является постоянной занозой в нашем боку, независимо от того, какой путь мы выберем?
Нет, это главный герой игры. Нет Йены, нет игры. Вопрос только в том, как много мы о ней знаем? Почти ничего.

Sleepy Kitty Kat

New Member
Aug 29, 2022
hey i just started playing and it doesnt seem like any of the video previews are loading any idea the reason?

i downloaded the compressed version if that matters

(edit) whoops i now realize those are found in the gallery when you finally get to the main game, disregard
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New Member
Feb 3, 2024
at step 38 in the route about my brother, it says to wait for the evening, but when the evening comes, it doesn't tell me anything. what is the problem?


New Member
Feb 3, 2024
at step 38 in the route about my brother, it says to wait for the evening, but when the evening comes, it doesn't tell me anything. what is the problem?


Mar 12, 2020
I am stuck with this serious of messages from here on loop , any clue how to fix it ? I know how to the console command but I don't know what I could put to advance this stage instead of it being on loop like this
Edit: found a fix for anyone dealing with this run the command " wife_salim_line_stage = 2"
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3.40 star(s) 157 Votes