You play such games and every time you catch yourself thinking that it’s time to sit down and make your own. With the same plagiaristic concept of a phone or computer (let’s admit it’s easy and doesn’t require any special troubles), but with a different plot.
That's actually what i've started doing. I spend way too much time thinking about how to fix stories and branches in a way that they make some sense here, and over at the Wife's Life game, that i got so many nice ideas i had to start writing a story of my own.
And i've done something outrageous and incredibly wild...but please hear me out and let me explain, and please don't judge me...i thought of a story that features such a laptop/phone UI that isn't centered around NTR.
Well, there might be lesbian scenes, if you consider those as some kind of NTR that let the MC appear to be something less of a man, than I can calm your nerves, in that case there will be NTR.
There will also be a former co-worker of the MC's father that is named "Jaina" and might use Lela Star as a model, MC will call her Jenna at first because he just overheard her name slightly from his parents talking to each other in the kitchen.
She will also show up a bit late in the middle of the story because she was occupied with helping her former boss, since she is such a nice and caring person.
I guess i shouldn't tell too much or people might start to have expectation.

For now i just have how it starts, how it ends, and the major events inbetween. Still needs a lot of "fluff" content to deliver the porn scenes it should contain, and to prevent the player from getting rapid fired with one story event after another without any breaks to calm down.
And besides having to figure out what of the source material should go where, i still would have to convert the story into a fully conversation-only experience without any narrative commentary.
It's more of a passion project i'll only work on when i'm in the mood and got some time, so the only release will be when it's done. No point in pressuring myself with partitial releases and having to force myself to work on it because people pestering me for another update.
If i should no longer be able to make time for working on the story, or i run out of motivation, it won't bother anyone but me since i was the only one that was ever invested in that story to that point.
The main reason for a non-NTR story for me was i dislike to have MC's acting obviously stupid, oblivious or against their own character just for the sake that certain events are able to happen.
The NTR setting has most of the time a way too depressing vibe, i prefer a more lighthearted mood that leaves some room for a comical conversations.
Something like:
friend: i've hacked their site to gain access to the members section
MC: i know your "hacking"-skills, you most likely used your sister's computer and stumbled across the site in her browser history and it was set to auto-login 
friend: fuck you ... anyway, i've used my sister's pc and got a look at their members section...