FEMLIKEGROUP [NPC#] This variable describes the female NPC's attitude towards group sex and orgies. The value 0 is not acceptable. A value of 1 may accept and participate.Hello,
I am quite fed up with how few of the female NPCs are bisexual or lesbian in my game (the chances are really low to begin with, and I clearly had bad luck). I downloaded QSP Save Editor to change that a little bit, but I can't make head or tail of the variables to find those that determine what orientation an NPC is. Could someone help me?
I also wonder if there is a variable that would allow (if the game has them) a bisexual group sex scene. I had one time where one male and one female neighbours came to visit me, but I couldn't get them to have sex because none of the female neighbours are currently interested in women (see point above). Is FEMLIKEGROUP [NPC#] the right one? What are the values? Is it simply 0/1 for false/true or is there a gradation with 2 meaning "love it" and 1 is just "interested"?
Thank you for your help
Ah, thank you very much. I applied it to several neighbours and it worked...on most of them. I imagine I am not friendly enough with the others to get this type of answer when flirting. Anyway, the others are changed, so I don't care if some don't.FEMLIKEGROUP [NPC#] This variable describes the female NPC's attitude towards group sex and orgies. The value 0 is not acceptable. A value of 1 may accept and participate.
sexTipFem [NPC#] This variable is the NPC's sexual orientation.
The value is 1 - hetero, 2 - bisexual, 3 - lesbian.
It may be a bug, actually. Out of curiosity (and a little bit of stubbornness), I changed this NPC's sexTipFem value to 2 (as well as 3), went to talk to her, failed with the Coquet/Flirt/Gallivant/Kiss actions, then checked again in the save file and... she was back to 1!I applied it to several neighbours and it worked...on most of them. I imagine I am not friendly enough with the others to get this type of answer when flirting. Anyway, the others are changed, so I don't care if some don't.
Consider the fact that the array of all friendly characters (which are fixed in the phone and MC statistics) starts with [1].It may be a bug, actually. Out of curiosity (and a little bit of stubbornness), I changed this NPC's sexTipFem value to 2 (as well as 3), went to talk to her, failed with the Coquet/Flirt/Gallivant/Kiss actions, then checked again in the save file and... she was back to 1!
Note that she is married, but, even if there is an automatic correction to prevent her from being exclusively lesbian so she can stay with her husband (which would make perfect sense), she should be stable as a bisexual.
Thanks for your help!!! It's always easier to fix than to find a mistake.Stumbled across a bug:-
Bank deposits - once you have placed money on deposit, you can add to the value on deposit (fair enough), but the value that you add to the deposit does not get removed from your purse but does get added to the deposit total, so you can add infinite cash into the deposit account if you have the patience to do so![]()
Well, while I indeed misunderstood this part, I did not make that mistake because I “worked” differently: I checked the numbers through their names and then sought out the other variables. And I can confirm it worked because I checked the progression of the statistics before and after a conversation, thus making sure it was the right NPC key, since she was the only one to which a change should apply here.Consider the fact that the array of all friendly characters (which are fixed in the phone and MC statistics) starts with [1].
The array of acquaintances begins with [0] (this character is used to create a company, so that there is not a large variation in financial wealth and age) . So when you change the characteristics of a character that, for example, 3 in the list, you must use the number [2] in the array variable.
You should take this with a grain of salt, because there are only presumptions. Also, it's going to be a long text.Well, while I indeed misunderstood this part, I did not make that mistake because I “worked” differently: I checked the numbers through their names and then sought out the other variables. And I can confirm it worked because I checked the progression of the statistics before and after a conversation, thus making sure it was the right NPC key, since she was the only one to which a change should apply here.
I just tested it again. I started the conversation with one neighbour NPC (#22 for her name, sexTipFem and DrujbaFem stats), with her being at 2 in sexTipFem and 96 in DrujbaFem. I talked with her, growing her DrujbaFem to 112 (I made sure to do that before trying to flirt). Then I flirted with her and got rejected because "I misunderstood her sexual orientation".
And, lo and behold, her DrujbaFem fell to 92 and her sexTipFem switched to 1!
(note that, when in doubt at one point about the NPC indexes, I just forced all NPCs' sexTipFem to 2 or 3, just to be sure I did not miss the one I tested)
Yes, I understand what you mean, and, as a whole, I agree with you. By the way, as I understand the latest changelogs, changing an NPC's sexual preferences in game is only possible for a roommate for now.You should take this with a grain of salt, because there are only presumptions. Also, it's going to be a long text.
1. that's not cheating, it's creative gameplay, ok?Yes, I understand what you mean, and, as a whole, I agree with you. By the way, as I understand the latest changelogs, changing an NPC's sexual preferences in game is only possible for a roommate for now.
But that was not my point. Initially, my problem here was that I was unlucky and got really few female NPCs that were bi/lesbians, and all of them at work (meaning that interactions were few and far between). So, I asked how I could change this directly in the save files (not in game, but by cheating). And that's when I met this issue that, even after changing it in these files, the value would revert back to the default “1|straight” value, which is probably linked to a bug somewhere in the code (I imagine to a justified feature that would prevent a married woman to be a lesbian but should allow her to be bisexual).