(Warning: apparently I ended up writing a huge wall of text

I like the concept behind this game a lot. I've tried to play it a bit earlier and have read the active changelog often, but hadn't had time to properly try it out. Now I finally did. Here's a hopefully helpful review, with some constructive criticism on how the game could be imo fundamentally improved.
The Good:
- Constant, numerous improvements. This is a great sign that the dev is truly involved and wants to make their game better
- Open world, with lots of content.
- Dynamic systems to mimic irl, like the approaches on the street etc.
Then the major aspects I feel the game could be improved upon;
- Weird unwillingness of guys to have sex with a hot chick:
It seems frequently that unlike in the real world, male npcs in the game are not that interested in getting laid. For example;
-The girl offers to have sex for money with 7 guys. They lead her to an apartment and pay...then promptly 6 out of the 7 decline the actual sex

-Or similar encounter, 4 guys are ready to have sex with her. Then she suggests they do it at the same time - and suddenly not only do they not want "group sex", but don't want any sex at all...
That's just a couple examples, but basically the in-game male npcs seem to behave like moody, hormonal females, changing their mind at the drop of a hat. That's quite unrealistic, and honestly really ruins the immersion. The vast majority of guys irl pretty doggedly pursue sex until they get their rocks off, especially if they have a chance to get laid by a "model quality" chick (attraction 70+, which is what I tested the game with).
Another aspect that really reinforces the concept that male npcs aren't interested in sex, is the lack of initiative to persuade, cajole, coerce etc. the pretty female that's with them to have sex. The current interaction perhaps works ok in 1 girl, 1 male situations (which I haven't really tested). But it completely fails when a group of strange men are interacting with a solitary female in the game. Yes there's the initial approach, and at some point (after sometimes a long time) they might ask her if she wants to have sex. But both when walking (or driving) around the city, and when in their apartment, there's no sexual initiative from the male npcs. None of the actions/conversation that happen has any sexual content to them, and are pretty boring since they are just a couple different generic 'one liners'. Basically whereas men should lead and drive the agenda towards what they want (sex with a hot chick), the instead girl basically has to be the one to pursue any action by choosing relevant topics (alcohol, sex etc.), which is just really off-putting since it's so unrealistic.
In the real world that situation (1 girl, group of males) would basically progress along 5 (likely simultaneous) options. The men would:
1. Make dirty, suggestive jokes, looking to have sex w her
2. They would ply her with alcohol, wanting to get her wasted/passed out, in order to have sex w her
3. Try to subtly touch her, kiss her, blatantly grope her, spank her etc. looking to progress it all the way to having sex w her
4. Ask her to perform progressively more promiscuous actions; flash her tits, suggestively suck her finger, streak, lick a guy's dick etc. so that they'll eventually get to have sex w her
5. Lead her to a secluded spot where they can use force and get to do whatever they want with her, all the way up to penetrative sex
I really hope both the 'city strolling' and 'apartment socialization' with a group of male npcs could instead consist of this type of interactions. It would make the game so much more interesting.
Speaking of which, if the girl eventually gets past guys' reticence towards sex (LOL), the sex itself is kind of meh. The first few times seeing new smutty pics is kinda cool, but then it very quickly becomes the same old. Honestly having to click ~ 20 times per 1 male npc orgasming, while cycling through the same few pics - is more of a chore than any source of enjoyment. And that's not good, since for a game like this, the erotic situations should be the main 'reward' for playing, not a punishment.
I believe the main reason why the sex system pretty much sucks, is that there's no immersion behind it. Every single situation (with the same number of dicks) feels exactly the same, and even the ones with different # of guys have very little variance to them. I understand changing this would be a major effort to first figure out something meaningful to improve it, and then the implementation. However I would really recommend mustering the energy and time required to do it, since the sex system is such a central part of the game.
Whereas to the question of how to improve it? Well that's tricky to answer. But so I won't be accused of non-constructive criticism...I believe relying less on images (especially the same repeating ones), and many clicks (ugh!), and more on immersive text would be the way to go. I would be happy to brainstorm this further, but for good examples - I think both "FemLife" & "Life Choices" have ok systems for this.
Minor situation I know, but still. Currently it's basically "something happened to her while she was passed out", no images, no nothing. Perhaps you could give it some substance?
Yes this is a strong personal kink of mine, so if you aren't really interested in improving this aspect of the game, that's fine. However if you do want to - I found it rather unfulfilling how little there's in the game. For example just guys plying the girl with booze and having their way with her, when she's uncoordinated and unable to object (before passing out) would make for some easy material.
Also yes, there's that one guy w a knife who might rape her (who seems more often to want to rob her though). But the vast majority of the time when she's walking the streets at late night (past 2-3 am) or in the park, or walking from one city neighborhood to another etc. there's nothing happening, which is...less than thrilling. The city should feel dangerous at night imo, but currently it really doesn't tbh.
In addition, apart from more straight up rape events, it would be cool if when she's out on the street in the evening/night, guys could approach her in an aggressive manner. To randomly grope her and call her degrading terms, whip their dick out when she's sitting on the bench in the park and look to cum on her/get a bj etc.
Also when she's walking on the streets, if she has cum on her or is really intoxicated, guys being really forward with her - propositioning her straight away, and perhaps even directly dragging her to an alley to get fucked, would feel pretty immersive imo.
-I have no clue what's the purpose of the "apartment basements", but if the girl tries to visit, there's a broken image, some russian text, and then she gets kicked out.
-Unless I'm mistaken, taking a taxi seems to take almost the same amount of time as the subway, which would be counterintuitive.
-"Water closet" should be "bathroom" or "toilet"
Anyways to finish up, I wouldn't write such a detailed 'review' if this game wasn't portraying a really intriguing concept. It certainly has many of the main parts very well done - and with the right tweaks it would be very compelling to play. For example I was pretty interested in the storylines of becoming a model or a stewardess. Just get the interaction and sex systems built right, and I feel this will become a great game to play.