
Well-Known Member
Aug 22, 2016
I enjoyed Skyrim until everything got easy. But when things got easy, I thought the game was shallow. I feel like the previous games had better quests. "I feel like the previous games had better quests," is what I say for every new Bethesda game :(
Hm, not that easy, change difficulty, or even even better : mods.
Add in new encounter, dungeons and quests, who have higher difficulty settings.
Then, if you (its possible) reached near godhood, there is the console (of course, this is if/when playing PC).
Lesser resistance, hp, mp and it should make the game quite less easy.
Also, its a gameplay issue, I more often play with 2 or more companion (quests+integration, they are quite some by now).
Which mean that by sniping the visible npc from afar then going for the cleaning, there was nearly no real challenge. Still, towers and others specifics locations can limit options.

Then, Skyrim when modded is a multi gameplay game.
Still, when OpenMW is there, it should open quite a new path.
(Potentially allowing for adults games until now nearly unexisting or better said, to difficult to create (3D with full visuals + heigts and others variable covered, add in dialogues (a Tool is tied to openMW, of course :D).
When there, from start, Morrowind + Tamriel Rebuild + some others old mods (knowing that it is quite possible that some of these mods get updated for the new engine (hm, the three hours cruise on a condola along the coasts of Tamriel, possible with a variety of stop and meteo settings (when tied with a mod enabling water activity or climbing, it allow for access to otherwise very complicated area).
Guess the first mod who could be updated = tea related, tea house + npc + story + quests. The TESC was to limited, with OpenMW tool, options are changed).
Scripts lenght, variable supports, advanced language etc.
Add in the Better Bodies who is also a candidate for uplift (..) = ....
And so on, future is possibly quite interesting.
This along with the incoming Crowfunded RPG, some having quite interesting engines/features (allowing for multiples interactions with environements, use of spell to change an area who then change bot the current encounter + npc and mobs tracks. Hm, 2018-9 ?
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Bawdy Ink Slinger

Monster Girl Farmer
Game Developer
Jun 1, 2017
Something who would be good :
A repertory as to have data as to each characters.
As it is, details are given each at a time, which is not that efficient as to imagination (visualisation).
Yeah, you're not the first to suggest something like this. My artist had the idea of creating a "year book" that you could flip through to see all the characters and put a face to all the names. Would that help?
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Well-Known Member
Aug 22, 2016
Guess it would be a start, although it would be better with details (which open the "features" part of developing :p).
So, is it possible to have a way to see what each character has experienced ?
Not like it is a real necessity, more than every details help. So far without knowing how long and the amount of content the game will get, its quite something to see with care.
Meaning, the yearbook, why not, albeit it would require creating the face of each character, is that alright ?
In any case, its good so far, creative and already give quite some mesure as to "see".


Jun 1, 2017
Hm. Pleasantly suprised by this. I'll have to add this to the quality bracket of projects I'm looking forward towards.
I think the writing is good. Very much so. It enables visualization with ease, as you're fairly strong at painting a picture and filling up a vivid description of whatever you're trying to portray.
I also noticed a few personal touches that enhanced the overall depth and quality of the whole experience, and even though you're probably aware of them, they must be commended all the same.

- your decision to have the gender of the protagonist be female is hella inspired. It adds an extra dimension to the narrative, I think, and at the same time, almost like a group of clouds that darken the sky, before a sudden downpour, there's this overarching feeling of a sort of...sensual kinkyness, you know? There's a sexy, but shy vibe of permeating eroticism there, which adds a lot of color to your story; a thing I'm sure that couldn't have been done with a male presence, considering it entails rather different streams of sexual mechanics and kinetics.

- caught off guard with the roots of a couple dynamics between a few students, namely Mia/Olivia and Luna/Amy.
Like that stubborn, rebellious patch of grass that sprouts through concrete sometimes. Reminds me of that.
You've got some gold going on there. Make sure you tie it around your neck so you don't lose it along the way.

As every upside has its downside, I'll talk a bit about what you could explore, in terms of solidifying your game.

- while you're good at writing scenes, the narrative, as a whole, leaves some to be desired. I can't see a solid structure to the story, and even if you create the ilusion of progress through a few choices and a couple of pseudo relationships, there just isn't anything here past moments. Good moments, sure, but at the end of the day, just moments. There ought to be a thread here, tying them together, see? Maybe you're working on this, maybe you're focusing on something else.
But know that it's noticeable if one starts to pay a little more attention. Some world building here and there would do you nicely. Going past that, of course, the possibilities increase. Like the aforementioned pairs, use those cute characterization skills of yours to drop some more color in a few more cheeks. Maybe have the option to pursue a more involved relationship with a student or a teacher yourself. Maybe expand upon the idea of the mysterious sponsor. Give it a jerk, see if anything comes up, you know? You know.

- "Academy Of Fetishes". I know, that's the title. But that don't mean we should just leave it at that. The biggest issue with pornography is its sheer quantity. It's a colossus with legs of clay. There's so much of it, there's this gripping, intoxicating feeling of instant gratification people grow within them over time, because of it. However, just like the release of an orgasm, at the end of the day, you're left feeling kind of hollow. That's because the jerk is almost always knee deep. We rarely dare to jump in and swim for it, for various reasons. Be it simple ignorance, shame of rejection, or the panic of losing control, we avoid watering our kinks for fear of them blossoming. Of course, from time to time, there be dragons, but life has to be fueled by the tonic of wildness, else it withers away.

Worry not, as this all has a point. Your fetishes. Kind of feels like you're checking things off a list. Sure, you might be chaffing a lot of folks' preferences, and it may be received positively, mainly due to them being starved for release by this carnivorous market of so called, barely put together, sad excuses of "porn games" (a few exceptions aside, with yours being one of them), but perhaps that's not enough. Maybe you gotta grip people's kinks real hard; like a woman tightly gripping a hard, throbbing cock, whispering how she hasn't been fucked in a week. And as she bites the ear of the man in front of her, exhaling a burning, throaty moan even she hadn't heard before, it becomes clear fucking won't do her any good. She needs to be ravaged.

So. Dude, dudette, mister, madam, or whatever attack helicopter you identify as. Your audience. Ravage them.

Bawdy Ink Slinger

Monster Girl Farmer
Game Developer
Jun 1, 2017
So, is it possible to have a way to see what each character has experienced ?
Yes, it would be possible. But it would be a lot of work. I'd like to understand why you're requesting this. If I don't understand and try to implement it anyway, I'm sure to do it in a bad way that doesn't help.

Meaning, the yearbook, why not, albeit it would require creating the face of each character, is that alright ?
Yeah, I think every named character should have a face eventually. Jessie just got one in the last release :)

Bawdy Ink Slinger

Monster Girl Farmer
Game Developer
Jun 1, 2017
I think the writing is good. Very much so. It enables visualization with ease, as you're fairly strong at painting a picture and filling up a vivid description of whatever you're trying to portray.
Thank you! I really appreciate these kind words and your post in general. The constructive criticism is helpful and fair.

your decision to have the gender of the protagonist be female is hella inspired.
I wish I could claim a strategy here, but it's just a personal preference. I prefer lesbian porn.

there's this overarching feeling of a sort of...sensual kinkyness, you know?
I think I can attribute this to my love of Japanese lesbian porn. There's usually this teacher/student relationship in those that is very sensual. I really like that.

Some world building here and there would do you nicely. Going past that, of course, the possibilities increase. Like the aforementioned pairs, use those cute characterization skills of yours to drop some more color in a few more cheeks. Maybe have the option to pursue a more involved relationship with a student or a teacher yourself.
I get it, agree, and I'm uncertain what you mean- all at the same time :) But I think the reason I'm confused is world building is my weakness. Does the Olivia/Mia relationship count as world building? You saying you want more of that stuff? Or just more character development of individuals instead of relationships? Or something else?

If you want more like the Olivia/Mia relationship, I'll say that occurred organically. I didn't realize they would have that bond until I was writing the scene in the hallway. My point of saying this is that I think the longer I work on the game, the more character dev like this will occur. I'll probably backfill it later when it comes to mind.

Another example is Jessie. She hates her body and is self conscious because Mrs. Ball always picks on her.

I have planned on a relationship between you and a student in the future. Jessie, Mia, Casey, and Sarah seem like good candidates for now. When I develop other characters more, they'll probably be added to the list.

"Academy Of Fetishes". I know, that's the title. But that don't mean we should just leave it at that.
I'm not sure what you're trying to convey in this paragraph in the following. Maybe you can reword it?


Jun 1, 2017
Does the Olivia/Mia relationship count as world building?
That's character development.
World building abides by the same theme of expanding upon the subject of your writing, in this case, the character being the world itself. The context in and around which everything happens. Of course, I'm not talking about pages upon pages of documentation of the second world war, Tolkien lore, or long winded adventures in neuro-science, since the entity of your game exists on a much smaller scale, but a drop of nuance here, a hint of history there, can make all the difference.

Filling the insular gaps in your narrative with a tad of context would provide it the needed "umpf" in consistency, to morph those moments of yours I referenced, into something more pronounced. A story.

Think about strong examples of compelling character defining choices (as in, decisions) in literature.
They are given breath through their implication; ie the consequences.

As much remains true in writing about a place, or a location. No, it's not capable of interactions or relationships, but it does have a past, a present, and based off of the first two, a potential future.
Cementing what I'm saying, think about your game. Are there other schools like so, or is it a one off project? What's life like outside of it? Is society "normal", or is it different, unique, in whatever shape or form? Who's this mystery sponsor? Surely not a run of the mill, rich pervert. Is there any presence of authority on the school grounds, aside from the teachers? What keeps those students there? Promises of punishment hardly tame teenagers' desires for the forbidden. The authenticity of a task is fueled by the contrast between the reward of completing it, and the consequence of failing it.
Maybe students can climb ranks. Both up and down. Maybe exemplary students get to be a substitute teacher themselves.
Maybe expand on the protagonist herself. Her identity, past or current motivations. I suppose this last one all depends on whether you want to portray the sensibilities of a defined character, or subscribe to the pubescent, Dr. Gordon Freeman formula.

If you listen to it, a story writes itself.

As for your request of rewording what I said, I guess if you didn't get it, you didn't get it.
I just went on a tangent about the shallow, desexualized exploration of the miriad of fetishes presented in media, and by extention, in your game. Don't worry about it. Or do. Whatever floats your boat. Alas, 'tis but a porn game. Or is it?



Well-Known Member
Aug 22, 2016
As to why it is interesting, it seem I did not bring the subject here still, its depth and modding related.
With more data, each add in an option for extended content.

This being related to the design of the game (its features).
The game use about 30 characters (names, less have actual content), but what matter is the structure (keyword as to html ?).

Edit : rewrote part, more clear now ? :x
Last edited:

Bawdy Ink Slinger

Monster Girl Farmer
Game Developer
Jun 1, 2017
Cementing what I'm saying, think about your game. Are there other schools like so, or is it a one off project? What's life like outside of it? Is society "normal", or is it different, unique, in whatever shape or form?
Gotcha. Yeah I think all that stuff will flesh out naturally. It's in the back of my mind a lot of the time, I just don't let it "distract" the scenes. Sounds like a little distraction would be enjoyable, though.

@seden I apologize but I'm still not understanding. Any way you could write that differently?


Well-Known Member
Aug 22, 2016
Modding = content added from user side, mainly.
Then, its a matter of both understanding + perspective (view and acceptation).
This said, the more anchor the more options to use.

Three guy once decided to check what verity is.
So, one gone for the mountain, spent week climbing, reached the top and seen branches.
Another gone for the land, plain and easiest track. He arrived first and see the trunk.
Last one found a hole and go underground, there are found racines.

Once back home they all had seen the very same thing (verity), where still unable to understand each others.
(That story should go further with the discussion, still, that is not the point here, where we link toward Links and being).

Quantic philosophy + General Semantics, are so far the main and most efficient option as to understanding.


Forum Fanatic
Jul 4, 2017
Another example is Jessie. She hates her body and is self conscious because Mrs. Ball always picks on her.

I have planned on a relationship between you and a student in the future. Jessie, Mia, Casey, and Sarah seem like good candidates for now. When I develop other characters more, they'll probably be added to the list.
I wouldn't mind seeing a relationship build up with Jessie. I did feel a bit bad for her when she was being tortured in gym. Felt like I should take her under my proverbial wing and probably end up doing odd things to her if everything else is any indication but still, it would be fun.

Bawdy Ink Slinger

Monster Girl Farmer
Game Developer
Jun 1, 2017
I wouldn't mind seeing a relationship build up with Jessie. I did feel a bit bad for her when she was being tortured in gym. Felt like I should take her under my proverbial wing and probably end up doing odd things to her if everything else is any indication but still, it would be fun.
Odd like how? ;)


Forum Fanatic
Jul 4, 2017
Odd like how? ;)
Well you'd consider a normal'ish relationship with a bit of cuddling on the sofa, watching TV, bit of a sexy time.

I have a pretty good idea that a normal relationship for the women in that school probably involve some rope, a ball gag and various sizes of butt plug.

And that's foreplay.

Bawdy Ink Slinger

Monster Girl Farmer
Game Developer
Jun 1, 2017
Well you'd consider a normal'ish relationship with a bit of cuddling on the sofa, watching TV, bit of a sexy time.
Cute! I like that. I wrote it down for later. The second hucow scene transforms Jessie a little too far for that to make sense, but it could be something that happens if you stop her transformation after the first scene.


Forum Fanatic
Jul 4, 2017
Cute! I like that. I wrote it down for later. The second hucow scene transforms Jessie a little too far for that to make sense, but it could be something that happens if you stop her transformation after the first scene.
Don't change anything on my account buddy.

You do what you feel is best.


Well-Known Member
Aug 22, 2016
Modding can be done as long there is either the required tool(s) or in the case of this game, when knowing how to handle the changes.

So, it has to be considered as to how development is handled.
Out of some crowfunded games where backers where used as to test + input as to the game features + content, seeing community based development is still quite unusual. Guess its logic as it often lead to worry then bad end, but its not that easy. OpenMW is a good example of that, with a development of over 5+ years and developers changing, some going, sometime back, new head etc.


Forum Fanatic
Jul 4, 2017
0.7 doesn't work for me, just a white screen.

I take that back, it sends me to godaddy to register the domain name.


Sep 20, 2017
0.7 doesn't work for me, just a white screen.

I take that back, it sends me to godaddy to register the domain name.
I second this, I was playing just fine 1 hour~ orso ago and when I restarted it is just now, it only shows a white shows or something behind it /AfjLkD or something similar (no numbers as of yet)

Though I don't get a redirect to godaddy.

Might also explain why half-way trough playing the images stopped showing up. :<
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