Ren'Py - Academy34 [v0.24.2.4 Public] [Young & Naughty]

  1. 3.00 star(s)


    Kinda boring, a lot of text, not very high quality art so full-screen is not a great idea. I didn't play much to be very honest, maybe an hour or so and I found it boring and not a lot of stuff/scenes going on. Maybe you need to spend more time but I won't be doing that
  2. 2.00 star(s)

    Kanley Stubrick

    If you are here for the trap content be warned that in order to get it you will have to "wait 1 week" in game and do another characters route.

    In reality that 1 week seems to be an almost random period of weeks, looked in the thread several people asked and found no clear answer.

    After finally getting to start said characters route it revovles entirely about some other dude fucking said character, and you go into some subpar plot around it.

    Doesn't help that this should have been a straight VN instead of attemping to be a sandbox game.
    You can farm money and stats!
    I have yet to find a purpose for this besides unlocking a handful of pictures, without story tied to them. But they do make sure that you have to click through the same repeating text boxes over and over again in order to progress the routes!

    Oh whoops, this person needs to be spoken to on the weekend!
    Go ahead and click through 5 days!

    Art 7/10 it is good when it is good, it's just a pain to get to
    Gameplay 1/10 there is none, it's a VN with added tedium
    Story 4/10 I got tired of it fast but it's not horrible enough to varant a worse score

    If you got interested in the trap content, either unlock the gallery and save your time or read a doujin instead. It is not worth the time for it.
    If you are really pressed for overwatch content maybe this will do it for you, but I found myself hard pressed to want to play more after following a handful of routes.
  3. 4.00 star(s)


    The game was nice , I enjoyef playing it. Im looking forward to play more game s like this and i will follow the game. i hope it gets quick updates real soon because i cant wait to play the next updates. the drawing style looks very nice and the translation is very well done. the story is very good too.
  4. 4.00 star(s)


    Not bad- still a long way to go. The characters and writing is great- the devs are good at creating personality which is super important in games like this.

    The art is inconsistent but there were good scenes for sure.

    The gameplay loop... has problems. A lot of story can only be progressed on the weekends but you soon run out of things to do during the weekdays so you basically just skip. There is a money system which you need to unlock Dva's story, but it's redundant otherwise. The game is kind of set up like you'll have a stat system, but if so it's not implemented yet. It might be tough to do but having some kind of combat or questing system would help break things up, but coding that in at this point might be a nightmare- and if so, don't follow suit of other games that try to tack on a new mechanic and basically destroy the game.

    Anyway, if you like these characters, it's worth checking out, but it does become tedious quite fast.

    I'm giving it a 4 because there are some good features and because it is earlyish in development. If some problems aren't fixed I'm dropping the score later.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    There are no real main line stories but only consists of relationship arcs with the characters in the game. The MC is a great protagonist whilst portraying the typical nice guy wins all girls in the world can be a bit too conventional it is done well with his humour and dialogue. Some of the characters are not just plain vanillas but also have kinks and fetishes for yourself to unveil and explore! A great variety of fetishes , I do love how the MC is a switch that caters to both sub + dom audiences whom is very open and explorative in exploring. The characters are done well with interesting stories and plot. Whilst no nobel prize winning plots, they definitely do intrigue the audience wanting to read more and to build that relationship.

    The gameplay is set in a 2D sandbox setting in a university campus where you can access through a map with also elements of point and click as well. The gameplay is quite standard and nothing too revolutionary but nothing exceptional.

    However, at the beginning of the game, it was very confusing albeit even borderline frustrating. I found myself mindless clicky to every person/thing to progress through the game. But to let you know as you get through struggle through the motion and immersing yourself into the story and characters, the game becomes worth it.

    One of the gripes I had with the game was the singular and repetitive nature of earning money to buy content from the store. It’s a mundane task that feels quite lifeless where I wish there was a variety of different of options or even possibly minigames to earn money that doesn’t feel like a grindfest.

    Another aspect that I was not a fan of was the progression of many arcs in this game are required to hangout on the weekend to progress through the arc. I feel like this limits the player’s choice and can impact the pacing of the game where it feels like you needed to endless rest and sleep to progress. A possible feedback is possibly when sleeping in bed, to make an option to sleep until the weekend to progress to that stage.

    Now wow, once you get through the beginning stages there is a plethora of content to go through. There are currently 14 arcs/storyline that have your beloved overwatch characters and new characters introduced in personified university personas.

    Whilst not all of the 14 arcs have the same quality standards, the really good ones are fucking awesome! The ones that are kinda meh are still pretty good as well! This game has clearly has love and effort put in to this project. Personally for myself, I love the Widowmaker and Mei arcs those are my current favourite.

    The sex scenes are super duper hot and very fappable as well. I do love have some of the sex scenes have these like very comic feel towards them with its overexagerration yet intimate feel to it (almost like hentai-like). However there are some sex scenes where it is just an animation of sex which at times were disappointing. The major iconic overwatch characters like Tracer and Mercy do have very disappointing arcs which I was very sadden about.

    Some of the sex scenes in the game has alternative costumes/outfits that can be bought in the shop. Let me tell you, they are freaking awesome!!! So many great scenes are reimagined through a different lens makes such a vary amount of content. This does feel like a hidden homage to like the loot boxes in overwatch where you get cosmetics for your heroes. Just alone for this, personally for me this made it worth grinding the content.

    I just wished that the gallery was more organised, you have to go through multiple pages to see the scene/replay you want. It would be awesome if they categorise it based upon hero would make the level of organisation and access that much better!

    The visuals are absolutely top notch in this game. The game has a distinct art style to it that makes it very unique from any other game I have played. It has I guess more softer art style??? But still presents itself as very much eye candy to look at. All of the visuals have these eye popping and eye candy quality to it that I have not seen in any 2D visual game I’ve played with. It’s 2D hand drawn in extremely high quality. There are some great funny scenes in that game with the visuals that made me burst out laughing. The sex scenes are drawn incredibly well, some of the sex scenes are so good it feels like some of the girl’s juices are popping out of your screen.

    The QOL visuals are great as well giving much of the overwatch vibes. From the menu and dialogue that gives it that personality.

    The sound is disappointing, at times there are some sounds in during some of the actions or conversations. Some background noise when navigating the map is acceptable. The lack of background music was also a bummer, just adding some background music would add much more ambiance to the game and making it a more pleasurable experience.

    Whilst it’s gameplay + mechanics and sound design lets it down. As well as the quality of each arc/story can widely differ so some of your favourite heroes might not get love. Intially it was a 4 star for me just because of my gripes. However, despite my gripes about the game, it is still an excellent play and warrants a 5 star in my eyes just because of I know how much love and effort was put into this game. This game is amazing especially if you are a fan of overwatch! And to fap as well hehe.
  6. 1.00 star(s)


    If I want one word to describe this game it would be boring. I mean it's basically your average college games with overwatch skins. Also The stupid sandbox mechanic where we have to wait 1 week to progress with the characters. The mc is bland and boring and is like a doormat. Cherry on top there are two unavoidable NTR secnes
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    Started out as a Rule 34 parody of Overwatch and is slowly becoming its own thing, which in my opinion is for the better! Writing is in my opinion very well done, it's genuinely funny and it makes me care about the characters, something which is rare for a porn game. Art style is subjective but i like it quite a lot, all the female characters look cute (especially Andre, best girl) and the art keep improving!

    It's clear a lot of care has gone into this game and is still being put into every update. Only complaint is it NEEDS MORE ANDRE
  8. 2.00 star(s)


    Best part of the game is the art, the story is meh, the early art is definitely poorer, and OCs take away from the setting.

    There's far better stories present here on the site to spend your time on.

    If you're especially horny, go find an OW hentai comp and think clearer after busting one.

    All in all, considering the time it takes for updates, the shortness thereof and branches they keep adding despite some characters having very small amounts of content, it's a hard pass.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    I'm writing this at 1 am, and I don't have the time to fully gather my thoughts for a proper review, so this might come off as rambling.

    I have been aware of this game for a while, and I played it a long time ago, but I fell off for about a year. I came back today decided to try the latest version.

    This is now easily one of my favorite VISUAL NOVELS ever. Not just porn game. Visual Novels.

    What so many porn games focus too much on is having as much tits and ass and peens going in vahooganas as possible, and while I get WHY they do it, they always seem to forget one of the most important elements of a visual novel. They need to be charming. And this game nails it with all their characters, but one character in particular knocks it out of the fucking park.


    Who would have thought that the best character in a parody porn game would be one of the original characters. But she just feels...human. she feels like the kind of character you don't typically see in a porn game, in that she's flawed. She seemingly has an anxiety disorder and, by my assumptions, she's written to be on the spectrum? This is rarely something that I see done in porn games, and it's done so well. Andre best girl, easily.

    This game is so fucking good, I feel like if there were a version released appealing to a broader market by removing the porn aspects, we'd get YouTube video essays talking about why it's an underrated gem.
  10. 4.00 star(s)


    (This review is based off of version for Windows)

    Came for the porn, stayed for the plot.

    Seriously though, the game is pretty good and the art is great. It's a bit jarring to see the updated Phara and Sombra models in contrast to the older models, but I can deal with it.

    The plotlines vary in how interesting they are. For example the Widowmaker and plotlines are genuinely pretty good and interesting, while the Tracer plotline is kinda bad and really short. I mean, she gets a grand total of 3 scenes and about 40 minutes of content before the game completely forget she exists plotwise.

    Only reason I'm giving a 4/5 is because the map goes unused a bit and sometimes the plotlines taking a week to advance gets a bit annoying if you are trying to focus them one at a time.
  11. 2.00 star(s)


    I feel like if there's any fandom to bring your A game for making porn of it's overwatch, and I really don' think this game does.

    The art isn't bad, but you can sure as hell get access to way better without forcing yourself to sit through the most bland and uninspired sandbox so why bother?
  12. 2.00 star(s)


    Incredibly bland and boring.
    I played it for a while but never got to any interesting content.
    Basically it is one of those sandbox games where there is only one thing you can do at a time, making it completely useless.
    To add to the lifeless atmosphere of the game the same characters are standing in the same spot every day shooting you the same dialogue every time, should not be difficult to randomise or make at least a little bit of variation here.
    Another gripe with this game is that half of the used images are 1920*1080 (which is somewhat of a minimum standard nowadays) while the other half is only one quarter of this resolution, making images very blurry in full screen.
  13. 2.00 star(s)


    Academy34 [v0.16.1.2]

    I think this game is incredibly boring and lacks any depths.
    First off, the visuals. The drawings look decent, but the image quality is really poor.
    For a moment I thought I downloaded the compressed version, because the preview pics look way better, but nope, thats the official version.
    Not sure if the Dev downgraded the pics, but they look so washed out.
    I´m still searching for a story and a purpose to this game.
    You have a questlog, but the quests just have no meaning, like do homework with person X, and the next day she just offers you sex. Meh.
    These quests just feel so boring, just like the sex scenes that are way too repetitive.
    I don´t care for any of these characters, because the game doesn´t offer you any reason to care about them.
    The sandbox gameplay is not good and grindy and doesn´t offer enough content to justify the grind.
  14. 2.00 star(s)


    More air than in a bag of chips
    Version reviewed:

    Academy34 could be named a wolf in sheep's skin, but it is actually a ship in wolf's skin. You expect a mighty predator, but you get... a sheep. I was very close to saying "my disappointment is immeasurable and my day is ruined" throughout playing this game, but it somehow redeemed itself just enough to keep me going every time I was about to drop it. Now, from the point of me having suffered through the entire content the game currently has to offer, let me share my thoughts.

    The setting.
    The Overwatch, duh! Or is it?

    John Cena rips paper wall and says: "Are you sure about that?" And, after careful thinking, I am not so sure. Well, the game "features" Overwatch characters, but is it REALLY the Overwatch setting? Is it really how the heroes of the world are trained in the prestige elite academy? Always empty shooting range? Goddamn literature as a mandatory subject? Characters doing whatever EXCEPT actually training to become the heroes they should be? And then it hit me.

    The setting is NOT Overwatch setting. It is a cliche university setting for hundreds of adult games starring a random freshman. The only difference is that the Overwatch characters are pasted on top of generic students and teachers and their personalities somehow loosely ducttaped to make at least any sense. This game is not Overwatch setting. It is a bland university setting mixed in a soup with a generous drop of Overwatch characters on top and some attempt for this to make any sense.

    The plot.
    "Are you sure about that?" Again? Plot? What plot? The character studies in bland university setting. What did you expect, an epic journey alongside the heroes of the world? Saving the planet from all things imaginable? Rescuing cute girls from evil villians? Nooooooope. Nope. Just studying. Just generic ducttaped filler for a plot with this "sandbox" game. It is a sandbox game after all! Do what you want. But wait, what CAN you do?

    The characters.
    The game features these character arcs:
    * Tracer - this one is so generic and scuffed it looks like a "beta", "proof of concept", and probably was one. 1/5.
    * Mercy - featuring 3-4 scenes, this one is tied to abyssmal time constraints, forcing the player to skip an entire week to advance to the next step. The heroine's actions seem forward and unnatural, barely explained and barely understandable. 2/5.
    * Andre - this is not even an Overwatch character! +1 to my point of the game being a bland university setting with some Overwatch characters ducttaped over it. Why is it even included? What is the point of this character? How is it even relevant? Alright, rant is over (at least, about this one), what is this arc? Basically, some random shy girl, for which the player has to do some things to uncover her hidden, eh, sexuality? Some events are well made, some are not, maybe a 3/5. But do you care? You are here for Overwatch stuff, are you not?
    * Mei - the entire arc is plagued with some random crap about meteorology. Yeah, maybe the character background should be relevant, FOR ONCE? But here it is just another extreme. As is with the main character, I constantly found myself asking the same question: why do I care? And, answering it, I started fastforwarding. 2/5.
    * Brigitte - it revolves around one particular fetish - bondage. Do you like bondage? 4/5! Why not 5? Because the author likely does not, at least he didn't care to add much detail into the actual scenes. Don't like bondage? Buckle up. The fastforwarding goes brrrrrr. 1/5.
    * Widowmaker - there is absolutely nothing there except for some boring introduction featuring one unavoidable NTR scene and a tsunami of text. 1/5.
    * Sombra/DVA - here is where all the effort went. This is the only character arc worthy of playing. The only developed enough to feature several scenes and have at least some meaning to it. The only with some plot and character development. The only with quality sex scenes. 5/5.

    The gameplay.
    One word. Grind. The game offers no content except the character arcs described above. But to get those, the player needs to be at certain places at certain weekdays/weekend to advance them. All the while also earn money to buy stuff for some of those arcs. The gameplay is incredibly grindy. It is atrocious.

    The game has a large map with like 10 locations, ALL of which are useless in freeroam, as they only serve as a trigger for a specific arc to continue. These locations are half entirely empty and half filled with random people, with which the player cannot interact in any meaningful way.

    All the arcs can be advanced on certain days, so if the player is targeting specific arc, one has to skip weeks to get it going. And be careful when skipping, it can accidently ruin some other arcs! So, the player is required to micromanage everything the same time. Eventually most of the arcs end and only weekend and one other day in the week will be used, the rest of the days will be skipped entirely as they contain nothing of value. But why does the game insist on being a sandbox then? Just link the events in a list one after another in a VN fashion so the giant gaps are removed, it will be so much better.

    Why the stupid map if it is not used for anything meaningful? Just force move the player into the next location which triggers something. Why all those useless characters the player cannot interact with? Why even bother drawing their sprites? Keep the player always engaged with the main characters and free the screen from rubbish!

    But no, let's grind another week for one subpar sex scene.

    The art.
    Well, outside of Sombra/DVA arc, it is simply bad. Lazy. Low quality and also low quantity. And Sombra/DVA arc is, what? An exception? It features pretty nice scenes, but they all make like 10% of what the game has, so, well, not doing good here. The backgrounds are fine, but they are also generic. Why bother making a Loss joke and ligma joke on random boxes of pills in the background of Mercy's office, when Mercy herself has a face less detailed than a chunk of soap?

    The summary.
    The game is definitely not as bad to be terrible, but it is simply poor - 2/5. Poor in quality of scenes. Poor in setting. Poor in character development, girl arcs. Poor in text quality, poor in gameplay mechanics.

    The meaningful stuff in the game is about 1h tops. But to unlock it all, be prepared to play at least 5 hours. Be prepared to skip almost an entire week to get a wall of text and mediocre scene. Be prepared to be forced into a weird fetish which the character is obsessed with, and which is the only way to get close to this character. Be prepared to grind. Grind money. Grind character arcs. Grind everything in this game.

    I am not recommending it in its current state. Maybe in 2-3 years when the content arrives and can push the score to like 3/5. Or maybe the developer opens own eyes and remakes the game putting content before grind.

    This game is like a bag of chips. You open it and there is a whole bunch of nothing inside. And even the chips themselves are mostly not worth eating.

    P.S. My ideas for improverment of the game, as requested by the developer.
    1. Old character arcs need to be remade. Yes, Tracer and Mercy may really be the first ones, but now, with the quality of latest content rising, those are tanking the overall impression the game has on the players. They are the weakest link and need to be dealt with.
    2. In this game "money" does not contribute anything to the story. The parts revolving around money in this game should be free or should take money from imaginary "bank account" the player character has. The "extra" stuff currently buyable from Sombra should be automatically unlocked when the player unlocks the "base" version of the same event. The actions which result in player earning money should be removed completely. This alone removes a huge part of the grind.
    3. The calendar (meeting organizer). A submenu of sorts which displays current week and shows head icons of characters the player can meet in certain places/timeframes. Something like meeting organiser? A week with 6 intervals with faces opposite days. Click on one day, it unfolds into timeframes for said day with faces opposite each timeframe. Hover over one face and it gives the location. This is just an example of what can be done, anything would do. And yeah, the button "skip until the next meaningful event".
    4. "Chekhov's gun". If something exists, it should have meaning to it. For everything currently in the game, ask the question. Is there currently any meaning to this location/event/character? If there is none, remove it from the game. Remove or restrict all the game content which currently makes no sense, until it does. F.E. Block bus stop when the player has nothing to do there, so the player cannot even enter it.
    5. "Linked List progression". Linked List is an array of objects, in which each object contains a body and a link to the next object in the list. Most university setting games operate on a linked list progression. Once the player finishes an event, the player is immediately teleported in time and space to the start of the next event. This will effectively cut all the needless time the player currently spends skipping days. But it will turn the game into a VN. If the game is intended to stay sandbox, it should be focused on the player always having something to do, in any location, in any timeframe. Sandbox is a sandbox because there is sand! Everywhere within the borders of said sandbox. If there is no sand, it cannot be called a sandbox.
    6. Progress tracker overhaul. An arc is an arc. If it is Sombra/DVA, it should be named Sombra/DVA and not 4 separate quests. Within the arc there are events/quests. They should be labeled as "future", "in progress" and "completed". And each event/quest should have the description currently provided in the progress tracker.
  15. 1.00 star(s)


    bad story
    art is alright but sex scenes are meh
    devs scaled down the public release out of spite, I'm sure
    the image quality in public releases are like 160p, very noticeable but the artist claims that it's """""""not noticeable""""""""

    would be 1 star if not because of OW

    2 stars were too generous
  16. 3.00 star(s)


    v0.14.1.5 update

    TL/DR Exceptionally average. Will probably improve over time as the sandbox gets filled in more. Your enjoyment will vary pretty significantly based on the type of protagonist you like to play. He is relatively easy to trample on, childish, weak-willed, and occasionally borderline moronic. Still, he is somewhat tolerable since he doesn't internal monologue that much and he is a decent human being. At some point he needs to stop acting like a horny 12 year old virgin as character growth. There aren't that many routes but a good chunk of them are eaten up by kinks that are really hit or miss for most. 3 routes dabble in exhibitionism, one route is very mmmf sharing focused, 2 routes are very femdom focused(n). Art is exceptional but there isn't much of it. The animations are simple two frame loops. I prefer the stills where you get more unique frames. Sandbox feels a bit empty.

    + Writing is well crafted, with good prose, some decent narrative progression, and characterization.
    + Game is very consent positive
    +2 d art is very pretty.
    +BG art is all gorgeous.

    + Mothra and Blaze's routes look like they have a lot of potential for people who want do to routes without femdom , sharing. or voyeurism. Should improve the content diversity.
    + Hana's content with the protagonist is hot. Her being a cam-girl is a buzzkill though.

    - Stat and money systems are so rudimentary they take away from the game more than they add- just by being a clunky grind you have to get through than feeling like something impactful.
    -Too high of a % of the content is femdom / exhibitionism / sharing. If you don't like those tags you aren't left with very much to do in an already content impoverished sandbox.
    -MC is too much of a bitch to actually have good dom content- he practically runs away from it even if it is given to him on a silver platter.
    -Quickly run out of things to do on days that are not weekends. So you end up skipping multiple days at a time just to finish all the content.
    -No options to be a more dominant partner in the rope club. Its sub time all day every time.
    -This protagonist has a very childish mindset about women. Reminds me of myself when I was about
    12 in terms of mental fortitude.
    - The game doesn't really do a ton with the Over-watch training theme.
    - Pretty porny. The relationships rarely feel that meaningful.
    - MC is very average. Suffers a bit from being a very generic porn protagonist. It isn't very interesting.

    -The main character needs to grow up a little. By the time he hits Mothra's content he has had quite a bit of sex. He needs to stop acting like a horny virgin idiot all the time. It is not good characterization at that point in the game,
    - Andre would be one of my favorite routes- but I find the fact that she is infatuated with lots of larger stronger men and unsure if she actually likes the protagonist or if he just reminds her of the better dude pretty annoying. I get that the author wants to create some drama and tension but this sort of thing is meh on the routes for the 'purest' character. Hopefully, blaze's arc will be better. I'd love a route with a cute character, without feeling like she'd prefer to have a better man. Or maybe the protagonist can grow up a lil and become one- dunno.
  17. 3.00 star(s)


    It's a decent game, wasn't as good as I'd expected but was still better than most, landing right about 3 stars.
    The art is ok although didn't find it as hot as I'd hoped. The women almost all fall within a narrow body type range (the bustiest isn't that much bustier than most, the most petite isn't that much more petite than the others) so if you like one you'll like them all but if none stand out for you odds are none of the ones you haven't seen will.
    Soooo many events being gated behind only being able to trigger them once a week ended up adding a lot of wasted time and grind, especially as more content was completed and some of the days became useless. Sleeping for 4 days and a weekend to get back to the one time you can trigger something wasn't really gameplay.
    The quality of life features are nice, in game WT, map's not too hard to get around, probably the best thing about the game was it's ease of play.
    If you like the source material add a star, since it does have a lot of fan service.

    Overall I'll give it a 3, maybe leaning 3.5, and say try it if you like the previews. It's a solid game just not one that cracked any top lists for me.
  18. 4.00 star(s)


    "Came for the porn, stayed for the plot."
    Sounds dumb but that's true, I do really enjoy the story and it's goofy-yet-Chad MC. His relationships with other characters feels genuine, and I really can't wait to see how he'll befriend and/or fuck the whole cast.
    There's some OC's too, and not just as extras to fill in content but as real characters with their own arcs (limited at Andre for now, but there is some interesting perspective for others).
    Overall very good game, although the porn aspect is not what interests me the most.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    Nice art and nice story, i love the attention and the BDSM in Mei and Brigitte stories . I'm curious to see more of it.

    I hope to see new characters soon and more contents with the old ones.

    I'll root for your work and keep following it.
  20. 4.00 star(s)


    Oh I like this. A game about a hero wanting to be overwatch (but obviously fail because he's not in the games lol get rekt) meeting characters from the game and help them or sex them or both. I really like how the devs portray the characters, both canonical and original (although Tracer is a thing that you can sex in this which means she's bisexual maybe? Might be something to explore in future updates considering her canonical sexuality). Really nice art and story.