It's really pretty odd, because their first three or four updates came within the span of a few months. Now it's been half a year. I could've finished my degree by now. I'll so, so happily pledge to these guys again if they get consistent again. I seriously hope
@Cipheos and company figure their shit out for the next update and return us to that Golden Age of the first few updates. I don't think I'd even be annoyed if they were just clearer about what's left and why it's taken so long, but I can't imagine sprite packs (the only explanation really given so far) has taken this long, you know?
That's actually because our artist had most of the stuff for those four updates finished. I don't think they have the whole development sprint thing all figured out yet. Also a lot was done for the next version which people are probably not going to appreciate, mainly rewriting and restructuring stuff.
A few personal reasons were given by the artist and the writer in our Discord. Otherwise the updates will indeed take a while as long as we need to make both new sprites and locations. I suspect things will pick up a bit once we have all sprites and locations. Then again, we promised to at least introduce one major character (like tracer) every update, so new versions will generally have more new content than the first updates.
For the record, Young is the writer / team lead and Naughty is the artist. They live in the Ukraine whereas I live in the Netherlands. I honestly have no idea what is going on there half the time, but they did promise in our Discord to be more transparent about it in the future.
It is amazing to work with these guys. Seeing everything come together for v0.5 right now is really exciting. But at the same time it took a ridiculous amount of time to get here. I really hope this update won't be a let down for you guys, but don't be afraid to be blunt about it when the time is there!
As for where we are at right now, bars are filling up and most of the hard work is done, but I haven't received the final versions for the h-scenes yet so it might still take a while before we have it all bundled, tested, and ready to ship. The project does count 36 merged branches since the last update, so that's a lot of new stuff so far...
Honestly I appreciate how active you guys are watching us, but I don't want you guys to be let down constantly. I myself just assume every project is dead and check back with it like once every two or three months. I try not to expect too much, and then every time something gets a major update it's like freaking christmas up in here.