Does you Academy34 folder look like this?Hi, really wanting to enjoy the game but having some issues: namely, that the game wont even start for me. I'm sure it's something on my end (it usually is; I'm not the most tech-literate) but I've downloaded the game from the official site twice, extracted, and clicked the application, only for nothing to happen. I tried googling for the solution but came up mostly short. The only real clue I might have to why I'm having this problem is that the folders are empty, but the files I assume are supposed to be in those folders are right under. Additionally, when I extract, it asks if I want to replace files. I've said yes to the first try, no to the second, and nothing changed. Dunno if it factors, but figured I'd add.
Can anyone help me out, please?

Are there any files in the "game" folder?
What is the total size of the Academy34 folder in megabytes?
Make sure you're clicking the regular .exe file, not the -32 one.