Ok my experiences only.I'm trying to get farther in the prism content and she can hang out at the house and we can discuss all topics, but I can't seem to get beyond that, it says I have to have rapport at 60 and do the costume and name events before hanging downtown. How do I check rapport? And what is the costume event? I have Kiara and Mine's codenames, and I've had her look at costumes while shopping with her mother, but not sure beyond that, any help is appreciated. Also, love the game! 5 star 10/10.
Prisms Rapport will rise mainly though the conversation options you have when she comes around (once you have her number you can call her daily for a visit.) just select all the conversational options that don't come with pitfalls.. ie: don't ask about the downsides of things or information that is too personal. (at the start at least) If you manage to make rapport climb too high the into text when prism arrives will stop appearing.. (its a bug. but has no effect on game play beyond the missing text.)
As I recall the "costume event" is just a conversation when you invite her around, its one of the non-innocent questions you can ask
The Name event will be her telling you her real name.. (though the text for this only appears once.. so if you don't pay attention to this text you will miss it, though you will use it from then on when she comes around. I actually thought I had encountered an beta version of the character super name.)