Hmm. I got a conclusion to the prologue that isn't written yet (Status Quo... which, given the context of the conversation, I take to mean Lily is wanting to just stay friends). My questions are... is it possible to get other conclusions yet... are any of them written... and has anyone figured out what does and doesn't affect this outcome? Oh, and is it even possible to get any coment on your outfit choices other than "as slutty as could be given the choices"?
I was pretty understanding of the whole thing... both the accident and Lily's secret. But got Status Quo. I would say that just means Lily likes a more dominant, aggressive partner... except I see in her stats that she is naturally dominant. So I'm wondering if things like clothing choice might play a part... or if your physical traits post-accident might make you too unattractive to her (I went Viking/Amazonian Goddess... six-nine, copper hair, bronzed skin, muscular, big boobs, etc... which is not everyone's cup of tea...).