This game will be complete the day after Bannerlord is released.
Oi, Bannerlord at least has shown off some ACTUAL visible content progress. It's not like Warband won't hold the line for a few more years either. Bannerlord's problem was that it was announced too early, this game's problem is that it's creator doesn't actually know how to make a game.
It's all fine and dandy to work on backend systems, but at least add some events or other content to show off that backend in full function. So that those that don't want to basically play with spreadsheets get a more reasonable showoff of what you are capable of. A in-depth character creator is worthless if you can't actually do anything with that character. Don't want to have to reprogram events every time you make a change? STOP REWRITING PARTS OF THE BACKEND CODE EVERY COUPLE MONTHS!
I've been giving this game a pass since a couple of months into it's development, because the 'game' isn't a game. It's a code toy for the dev to play around with. There is still basically nothing for the players. It might climb out of the hole, but it's already overdesigned to the nth degree and I get the feeling the dev will either never get around to content, or lose interest once they start trying to do it.