It's a great framework and I'm really looking forward to seeing a more fleshed out game, but it's very ambitious, being made on a not ideal engine, and is a solo project.
I don't mean this the wrong way, but your comment has piqued my interest.
Please describe what is an ideal engine to you?
What makes you think that Twine/SugarCube/NodeJS is not adequate for creating a simple text adventute/life simulator game?
Progress will probably be slower than most games on here.
To me ot seems quite the opposite when I look at the project and on the posts of the developer. There's a lot of progress here. I wouldn't compare backend/infrastructure/engine improvements to in game content, where the latter as many have pointed out are unfortunately almost non-existent in Accidental Woman.
I personally would not put up a game of mine on a public website in such an early state, unless I wanted backing (eg.: money, fame).
Though I'd like to add that this is not the case with ThaumX and his game. Simply because he seems to care a lot and he is very pationate towards his project and seems to know what he is doing. His coding is very solid, his project managment skills are on par with any big software company's.
Seriously, just look at his current work. It's examplary and promotes many good practices.