Next Update (R5) Report 56
Alright, time to give everyone a progress report.
Progress Since Last Update:
Been very busy, so haven't gotten as much done as I wanted.
I mentioned Lilith last time, to clarify the scope of her expanded quest. It has gone from one stage, you encounter her have sex and can instantly recruit her if you have space, to four stages.
Most of the work has still been organizing images and getting them ready for the new Residents for humans. I've also spent time on making a program to help speed up the process, which of course took time itself.
Something else I've been doing is working with the backgrounds for locations. Making sure that the time of day is reflected in the background and the season, since winter was hard to tell in the past.
Also here are the plans for where current characters will be after the update:
Right now, I know things are going to be slow. Just going to do my best to work on what I can when I can.
Sorry that I didn't have much to report for the time that went by.
Until next month's progress report, everyone take care.