Next Update (R5) Report 55
Sorry for the radio silence.
Fallen Utopia Overview:
Fallen Utopia Main Quest
Writing Breakdown (43k words):
Fallen Utopia Lewd Extras
(126.3k words currently)
Word counts listed now.
(* means written)
(** means written and scripted)
Fallen Utopia Misc Extras
(12.6k words currently):
The Far Coast Main Scenarios (R6):
(20.5k words currently)
The Far Coast Extra Scenarios (R6):
(0 words currently)
Insanity: 2000%
Progress Since Last Update:
Fallen Utopia Writing: Not much.
Far Coast Writing: None this time.
Coding: Integration, Feature Finalizing, and Testing continues.
Haven't had the time to do a lot of writing, so there is some movement but I'm going to wait it's a bit more organized to lay out what was done.
I was trying to wait until I had more concrete plans on how things were going to proceed before I wrote a post, but it's just taking too long so... I'll at least lay out my thoughts.
I'm going to try and push a bit more and get things overall in a more complete state so the next update will be the final version. At this point I don't think I can go forward with having them be seperate and actually do another release cycle.
There is prep work that I can do to speed things along with the final elven questline writing (I have done some by at least giving myself a direction to write the remaining daughter scenes vs just going where the flow took me). This had been done for Celeste's quest which is why it got done faster than everything else and why 'The Far Coast' segment sort of stalled.
Other things to note, I'm unfortunately going to scrap trying to transfer progress from R4 to R5... there have just been too many changes to the town system and changes I plan to make with Encounters / Residents.
One of the things I've been spending a lot of time on is sorting things and reorganizing the random generation pools into more definitive 'ethnicities'. These ethnicities are still roughly based around the zones where the human characters are encountered and are the backbone of how monster races were divided anyway.
This division does mean some of the old ids won't match and would cause problems with the old data.
This division does mean that now descendants will match the ethnicity they come with much better...
For Example: the old 'desert' encompassed dark skinned females and light skinned females with purple/orange hair.
Those are now split into desert (dark skin) and wilds (purple hair).
Orange hair will be 'wellspring' and only from Nephthys or her decendants.
'Mountains' had 'blonde and red hair'.
Now spit into 'mountains' (white hair) and 'delta' red hair.
Something else that will change with Encounters in general is that they will now run out once all the available ones have been recruited or killed. So you won't have clones and clones of the same setup appearing. Their will still be an attempt to regenerate the encounter list if it's empty, to allow for custom content to be added, but it will then be filtered by a list of ids that have been recruited/killed.
Also some people are getting shuffled around, and their questlines expanded (Lilith is going from an instant completion to a slightly longer quest for instance.)
I might have forgotten some things... I'll try and have my notes more organized for the future updates, I just wanted to actually make the post instead of a letting another Friday slip by without saying anything.
Thanks to everyone who stuck around, inquired as to how I was doing, and is still interested in this crazy thing I started years ago.
I'll come back on March 31st with an update on how things are shaping up.
Until then take care everyone.