Bruh, we have the exact same 3 breeding fix lol i hope this suggestion can also help scratch the itch:
- Slave Matrix
- Portals of Phereon
- not really H games per se but sometimes when i REALLY want to scratch some breeding fix i also played sims 4 or crusader kings 2 with sexlab mods (from what i see, CK3's breeding system also gonna be so good when mods finally made for that game since the character renders are generated based on parents)
Haha! Yeah man. I don't need breeding games every day but when I need em, I fucking NEED em. Thanks for the reply. Portals of Phereon is one of my favorite games under development right now but the breeding in itself is a bit too impersonal and unrewarding in terms of breeding-specific content. Downloading Slave Matrix right now! Gonna jot down that sims 4 mod, I've been actually thinking about going back to that game just for funsies without the mod
Breeders of the Nephelym
Clouds Meadow (wouldn't recoment it, since it's part of the Reason Breeding season died and the Dev is still releasing buggy builds)
Slave Bar
Gonna check out Slave Bar! Thanks friend. Clouds Meadow is so glitchy I can get passed the first day after the intro... tried a few times now and I've pretty much given up on it. Breeders of the Nephelym is pretty good but it's lacking in the MC's influence on breeding outcome, customization/interaction post birth, and impact on sexual performance from inherited stats. Good game though. Thanks for the reply!
breeders haven: reconception
stationmaster also has some breeding in it. unfortunately the game runs like ass
I tried making stationmaster work, I had to draw the line at when humans spawned the first time resembling whichever race was shown previously. I'm gonna check out breeder's haven. Thanks my friend.