This should be right up my alley. I love female prota games, I love side scrollers with combat and grapple h-animations and I love zombie games But sadly the combat in this game really holds it back
I actually thought this game was unfinished but based on their itch page it seems this is intended to be a finished product as in the combat system to their minds is finished?!
First off, the h-content is top tier. An easy 10/10 in terms of the adult content. The combat rape is well animated and has multiple stages to the animations. Each enemy seems to have 2 animations and you even have a few tagteam animations as well. On top of all that you have two fully animated game over sequences that are well made and top tier animation quality
But the combat, my god is the combat god awful
The enemy movement speed is much faster than your character animation speed so not only does it look and feel very yank it makes the gameplay very tedious as you literally have to move slowly and then stop in front of every enemy and keep attacking them until they die. You have to time your attacks as god forbid we can attack stunned enemies
But oh get this, you have a dodge roll as well, can it dodge enemies? Nah! If you roll past an enemy they grab you instantly. If you roll past a stunned enemy that is immune to attack? As in you attack them, they get stunned you can't damage them again so okay can we at least dodge roll past them? Naaah
The dodge roll only works on trap type enemies (ceiling and ground tentacle traps) and if you knockdown an enemy with a jump kick but even then it is 50/50 if it works or not
In most games of this style you can dodge enemies at the appropriate height. As in normally you have 4 hitbox zones; flying, middle and crawling. With the 4th hitbox zone being standing enemies that can hit all 3 zones
And how it normally works in this type of sidescroller is you can normally roll under flying enemies, jump over crawling enemies and only middle and full height enemies you have no choice but to fight
The issue here with is that rolling under flying enemies you still get grabbed. Rolling past stunned enemies you still get grabbed and jumping over low enemies you still get grabbed as well
The only low enemy you seem to be able to jump over is the dog and again even that is very iffy with a 50/50 success rate due to the bad hitbox sizing
The devs of this game really need to go play some KooooN Soft games like Shinobi Girl or to see how it can be done even better than that is to go play the original adult sidescroller that started this entire genre, Demon Girl by LineMarvel
And again it is such a shame as the adult content is top tier but the combat just completely ruins the game. I really tried to love this game but I just can't get any enjoyment out of it with the horrid combat system currently in it
I actually thought this game was unfinished but based on their itch page it seems this is intended to be a finished product as in the combat system to their minds is finished?!
First off, the h-content is top tier. An easy 10/10 in terms of the adult content. The combat rape is well animated and has multiple stages to the animations. Each enemy seems to have 2 animations and you even have a few tagteam animations as well. On top of all that you have two fully animated game over sequences that are well made and top tier animation quality
But the combat, my god is the combat god awful
The enemy movement speed is much faster than your character animation speed so not only does it look and feel very yank it makes the gameplay very tedious as you literally have to move slowly and then stop in front of every enemy and keep attacking them until they die. You have to time your attacks as god forbid we can attack stunned enemies
But oh get this, you have a dodge roll as well, can it dodge enemies? Nah! If you roll past an enemy they grab you instantly. If you roll past a stunned enemy that is immune to attack? As in you attack them, they get stunned you can't damage them again so okay can we at least dodge roll past them? Naaah
The dodge roll only works on trap type enemies (ceiling and ground tentacle traps) and if you knockdown an enemy with a jump kick but even then it is 50/50 if it works or not
In most games of this style you can dodge enemies at the appropriate height. As in normally you have 4 hitbox zones; flying, middle and crawling. With the 4th hitbox zone being standing enemies that can hit all 3 zones
And how it normally works in this type of sidescroller is you can normally roll under flying enemies, jump over crawling enemies and only middle and full height enemies you have no choice but to fight
The issue here with is that rolling under flying enemies you still get grabbed. Rolling past stunned enemies you still get grabbed and jumping over low enemies you still get grabbed as well
The only low enemy you seem to be able to jump over is the dog and again even that is very iffy with a 50/50 success rate due to the bad hitbox sizing
The devs of this game really need to go play some KooooN Soft games like Shinobi Girl or to see how it can be done even better than that is to go play the original adult sidescroller that started this entire genre, Demon Girl by LineMarvel
And again it is such a shame as the adult content is top tier but the combat just completely ruins the game. I really tried to love this game but I just can't get any enjoyment out of it with the horrid combat system currently in it