
Aug 6, 2017
A lot of the fucking enemy placement is bullshit. Fix your fucking game man.
I don't know why sidescroller games like these always put two enemies together that just stunlocks you unfairly especially when you know the controls don't allow for any escape and the hitbox is already janky.

Two trapdoor next to each other? Fuck you your jump doesn't cover both.
A grate on the ceiling? Well then roll over it, nope fuck you, there's an enemy after that roll that you can't escape from because there's no i-frames. Nevermind your fucking rolls being inconsistent because you just want to crouch and you accidentally roll because the stupid controls are mashed together.

Like one thing I'll praise is the amazing animations on the movements, but fuck, these Hentai Sidescrollers always have the most unbalanced gameplay. Your only hope is to hope these randomized enemies are fair.

Fuck, I'm sorry, I've never been more pissed off at a game when its being unfair.

P.S. I finished it, losing scene and winning scene are amazing. In fact, everything not pertaining to the gameplay is amazing. The sex animations are good. Would want the Asian girl to be playable at some point to see her sex stuff, but man, fix the gameplay. The jumping attack never worked, sometimes I just had to take a hit, which is bad because on the last level they throw so much enemies at you that the horde behind can easily catch up.
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May 24, 2018
A lot of the fucking enemy placement is bullshit. Fix your fucking game man.
I don't know why sidescroller games like these always put two enemies together that just stunlocks you unfairly especially when you know the controls don't allow for any escape and the hitbox is already janky.

Two trapdoor next to each other? Fuck you your jump doesn't cover both.
A grate on the ceiling? Well then roll over it, nope fuck you, there's an enemy after that roll that you can't escape from because there's no i-frames. Nevermind your fucking rolls being inconsistent because you just want to crouch and you accidentally roll because the stupid controls are mashed together.

Like one thing I'll praise is the amazing animations on the movements, but fuck, these Hentai Sidescrollers always have the most unbalanced gameplay. Your only hope is to hope these randomized enemies are fair.

Fuck, I'm sorry, I've never been more pissed off at a game when its being unfair.
You can roll over the trap door and it won't activate.


Jul 28, 2017
Is there way to change the resolution without opening the game? Its opening up in a resolution thats too large for my monitor so its unplayable. I already tried to change the settings in gameusersettings in AppData\Local\MyProject\Saved\Config\WindowsNoEditor but when i open the game back up my changes get reverted.
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Aug 7, 2017
okay, I like this game very much , but it's short and got some serious bug, like now the rolling correct? last update you roll but you hitbox still in the first place now follow the lady move.


Aug 7, 2017
I passed the game. It's pretty hard. The level design is too random and the character hitbox is too big. Once you meet a dog, you can't knock him down and roll away first, you'll get hit by him. Then you're stuck in a situation where you can't counterattack three times.

The ending is nice and worth part of the price of admission.

I hope the author can continue to improve it. I used to like the old chalk-throwing storyline. Maybe it's easier to do now version.

Guyin Cognito

Gentleman Pervert
Feb 23, 2018
am i missing something? this doesnt open up the gallery
Did you get the .rar file attached to that message?
Did you unpack the .rar file into the designated folder?
If the answer to both is yes, then I don't know what to tell you. :(


Jan 13, 2018
I like the character designs and the art, really like the animations, but the process of experiencing those things is agonising.

The controls are absolutely awful. Can't jump over dogs, tentacle men and low-flying snakes, can't seem to roll past anything other than both kinds of vent. Ultimately, you only really need the roll. Running attack just gets you grabbed because for some bizarre reason it has no priority over enemy actions, even if you've just knocked them back.

Low down enemies are annoying as fuck mainly because if you crouch while moving forward you immediately roll, which just gets you grabbed. Gotta move forward, stop, crouch and then attack which is clunky and irritating.

Enemies are way too tanky, it should be like 3 kicks maximum for anything.

Also, I love when games go fullscreen, resize all my windows and for some bizarre reason run really hot? This game makes my PC run like it does when I play Wild Life for fuck's sake. Probably because it's running at 144fps since there's no settings at all. I'd like it to run in a window with an FPS limit, because there's no reason my PC should be getting warm playing a game like this.


New Member
Sep 18, 2020
Well Dev you have done it. you have made the worst combat system in any game ever made. how the fuck did you play test this even for a minute and think this level of stun-locking the player. super slow attack animations. and giant hit box that makes enemies completely unavoidable was a good idea. I mean holy shit balls.


Active Member
May 28, 2017
Well Dev you have done it. you have made the worst combat system in any game ever made. how the fuck did you play test this even for a minute and think this level of stun-locking the player. super slow attack animations. and giant hit box that makes enemies completely unavoidable was a good idea. I mean holy shit balls.
How are you getting stun locked? Took me 10 minutes to finish this entire thing.

You push all the enemies away when you break through their grabs, after that you just attack and hit all of them at once.

Very poor and boring gameplay, but definitely not hard


Dec 12, 2018
Like this game but i see zombies prefer ass than pussy. I want to see more pussy creampies, barefoot option, footjobs and pregnancy if possible. THen i can said that this game is amazing !
Edit : Maybe add x-ray ?


Conversation Conqueror
Nov 2, 2017
well can i make a option for the game you can use it if you like but how about a choice like if they want to follow them are escape one there own. then my other ending story could work. also mybe make it were if they don't go with the others have them pass by the girls getting fucked. i think there should be a nude play through after you beat it lol
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Sep 30, 2018
first of all, Stop complaining about the game being buggy or is poor. Ive tested far worse games, most not even close to this level. second, the game is a demo and early in its creation. ive never seen a game (that isnt one of those POS money grab crap games) that was perfect right out of the gate. ok now that ive got that out of my system, critique time. For a game jsut out of the gate, its pretty decent art and concept wise. yes it could use some polish and a better menu system. The game speed is a bit fast when you are learning the control but once you get use to it, its fairly easy.

Now for some suggestions: first. slowly increase the zombie spawning speed incrementally, so not to overwhelm new players. second, need a way to replay game without restarting game and third, need a way to skip intro for those who know how the game works.

overall, well done for a what it is. look forward to seeing your next few updates and testing them.


Conversation Conqueror
Nov 2, 2017
look i was not tring to put the game down sorry if you toke it that way


Sep 30, 2018
wasnt directed at you zargupang, just general. dont like when people bad mouth games that are basically here so they can be publicly tested and get feedback on how to improve there games. sorry if you thought i was directing my comments at you, wasnt my intention


New Member
Feb 3, 2018
Should be called the A D game cause thats all you will be doing. The dog is not something you can recover from. atleast make the dogs stun animation longer.
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Aug 21, 2017
Dog literally worst enemy only low kick hits but moves faster than the kick animation especially after you broke a grab, as soon as you can launch an attack it's too late, can't even jump the bastard, Jumping is useless anything you can skip with a jump can be skipped with a roll, anything past the first level's enemies jump kicking is too risky as all the low enemies can both grab you mid jump as well as not be hit by a jump kick.
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3.00 star(s) 33 Votes