The 1 thing that I never get porn games doing is making smashing A and D the main function to escape, why is making the loudest noise the default for porn games, mostly you want to be quiet, even if no one is around, the last thing you want to do is stop everything your doing and smash the living fuck out of 2 keys. Also if your beating your dick or fingering your pussy, the last thing you want to do is to remove your hand off of your junk and start finger banging the keys putting all your energy into it, specially with this game where they made the beak free bar a bitch to get up so you will need to use both hands to go fully out since your racing against the horde, just find a better and more suiting system please.
Also the tentacle zombies break the entire gameplay flow, you can't jump over then, you can't roll past them even when they are down, they instantly get up the moment you can fight if you get fucked, you have to stop, squat down and slowly and painfully kick them wasting so much time, the fact the spawns are RNG can also just make it so unfair with them, everything about them is just poorly designed and completely spoils the rest of the game.
It's the 2 things that annoy me with porn games, they don't get tested much so a lot of them launch finished with sections that are so insanely hard or broken it just kills the mood and defeats the point, and mechanics that take more effort to do then beating your own meat or pistol pumping your pocket. Just find a better system and test your games to completion before throwing them out there, even for people to test, you should give them a test too just to understand what flows with your game and what doesn't so you know the right feel it needs with the rest of the enemies.
The animations are good, though the ending needs a little touch up, but I like the fluidness of most of the animations, I like the whole theme and concept, just needs tweaking on the gameplay. I discovered that the dogs are worse then the tentacle guys, with the tentacle guys you can at least do something after they fuck you, but the dogs you can't do anything and it's best to let them finish, the moment you are in an animation with them or someone and break out, that is it, they need a ground kick but they are to fast and you have no time unlike the tentacle guys, you can't jump because they are to fast again, they need a tweak to be set back a bit, or to have longer cool down.
Overall I like what the game has, I like the style and everything, love the idea of more characters, love the ending and defeat scenes, hope there is more, and love the idea of having different characters, I hope they at least have different anims and endings/defeats. just needs some tweaking to the low enemies and also a tweak to some of the secondary animations as some like the bully when a second character in the sex animation, kind of just feels like he is placed there and not actually interacting with the scene. Also would be nice to have the background sex animations that is going on in the game to be viewable in the gallery in the future. but overall I'm excited to see more and see where this goes.
One extra question I have is, does the Steam version contain this or is it just the NSFW version and if not, will it be added to the steam one or added as a separate game to buy on there? I would like to buy this game on there in the future to support it, even if it's in early access there.