Hey guys. Just wanted to share with you some information. I'll start off with what you want to know. I am aiming to get Build 5 out next month. The exact date I am not aware of. It will be available free to the public right away since I was gone for so long. I don't think it would be fair to charge money for something people have been waiting so long for with no updates. In case you weren't able to figure it out from the New Years picture and this update, build 5 will focus on the MC's cousin.
That being said, once I do get back in the saddle I will try to do regular updates like I used to before my hiatus. I will be updating the tier levels as well. I'll share more details about that once I come to a conclusion that I am comfortable with.
It warms my heart to see all of the positivity about my return. I am excited to be back and I will say it again, don't give me money just yet! Wait for me to earn your trust and donations again!