I figured out how to review games for this one.
Probably spoilers ahead.
So, some people are more critical of this game, and they're not wrong at all. Completely valid things are brought up, things like writing complexity, tone shift, thematic headscratchers like the idea of the noble mercenary, clashes between world building and writing style.
But I ain't here to play through a game written by the greatest writers in the world, I'm here to NUT
So going by the criteria of I'm playing this 18+ Adult visual novel game for the purposes of 18+ adult reasons, this fantasy adventure VN is one of the best I've ever had the pleasure of experiencing. I can only imagine the developers wanted to do a specific thing here, and in my mind they have achieved it extremely well.
The game lured me in, like most games on F95, with the promise of adult content, and the fantasy medieval theme. And then I got hooked on the worldbuilding, as it slowly introduced more and more aspects of the world and it's political sphere, and where our protagonist and his company fit into it.
Sure, it's no GRRM's Song of Ice and Fire, but I bring up my original criteria, I'm here to NUT, not to read a thousand pages of historically accurate political scheming and warfare. I got my nut and then more, and the game never forgets why I'm playing an adult visual novel in the first place. I give it a lot of credit for that, for slipping in aspects of worldbuilding in while not forgetting why we're all here in the first place.
So , from the standpoint of a very simple, does it satisfy?
It does satisfy, it has incredible animations, light hearted writing that won't keep you up at night, moments of seriousness just enough to give the scenes gravity, a varied cast of characters and body types. A paragon aligned protagonist that can bring out the best in the people around him, someone who isn't stupid or blind.
I know I said simplicity comes first in this review, but the protagonist is someone who's sticking with me, someone who is a mercenary, he knows the world is a rough place, but he trusts and is kind anyways. He could very easily be a brooding, edgy mercenary commander, who only seeks out money and glory. But no, he doesn't. He has the skill to, the people strong enough to, but he doesn't lead them down that path. In a world where the overwhelmingly powerful rule, why doesn't he seek to be among their number? I'm reminded of the film EEAAO, how Waymond says his kindness is how he fights. Strategic, and necessary. And just like Paragon Shepard in Mass Effect, it's not the strength of our MC's sword arm or the thickness of his armor that is his true power. It's his kindness, willingness to trust others, his capacity to slow down and help others, that earns him the loyalty of his companions, and thus adding their strength to his. In this world where the strong and wealthy clearly do the best, our MC fights back not with righteous crusade or brutal rampage, but by being a nexus. By binding others to him, with some chatting and then sex, because this game doesn't forget it's here to fuck, he's binding others to each other, through him. Without him, the city would have never succeeded against the challenges presented against it, because everyone would have stood alone. For a game that has sex as a major selling point, I think it certainly does a good job at a bunch of other stuff too.
And I'd really like to see a sequel to this, our lad still has adventures to go on, and I'd like to see them. Our MC in this game is a great Paragon protagonist, actually refreshing to be with. And he is an adherent follower of that anonymous Japanese 4chan poster, the one that said, "Through dick, unity." Unlike most Male Protag games in the sphere of adult gaming, the protagonist in this was actually a highlight for me.
If you want a pretty lighthearted romp through a fantasy world, this is one of the best. And it has an ENDING. My god, there's so many games where it wants you to dump some crazy amount of time like 50 hours in order to get anywhere, and sure some people are into that but not here, this VN doesn't meander about. It has a story to tell and goes and does it, and if you've liked it like I did, it leaves you wanting more.
tldr my probably incoherent review
Liked it a lot. Straightforward fantasy VN. Strong paragon protag makes me feel good.