Ren'Py - Completed - After the Inferno [v1.0] [Classy Lemon]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Great game so far, and I definitely going to keep it on my watch list. The animations are nice and I like the style the dev is going for. At first I did not think I would like, but it's grown on so far. The only thing I wish is that you could name the main character. Other than that keep up the good work!
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    I am very impressed with what I saw.
    The first thing that struck me was the animation and voice acting. There are also good characters, interesting dialogues and a rather unique UI.

    But the main advantage of this game is the plot and its book presentation. Hence the special atmosphere and the constant feeling of despair and inevitably impending disaster.

    For me, this is one of those games where lewd content comes second and is a tool that serves the story.

    Of the minuses of the prologue for myself, as for someone who played on the phone, I would like to note a little inconvenient navigation.
    But this is insignificant because I suspect that the author did not plan the game for mobile devices)

    In general, I look forward to new updates, support the author and hope that he will stick to his vision.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    It's hard to analyze a game in its first release, sometimes things happen later that make us hate having wasted time with it. that's why I almost never rate a game on the first release. But this one deserves it.

    The story is very good, we have an MC who is not an idiot, which is already a big positive factor. The female models may seem a little strange (many are paying a lot of attention to the eyes a little too big), but in my opinion it's ok, the cut scenes are excellent work, the H scenes don't look like those weird loops, among other things that already talked here. The DEV is to be congratulated, and I am extremely looking forward to more of that.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    This game has a lot of love put into it. If that wasn't made clear from the very well animated and edited cutscenes interspersed throughout, then take a look at the codex entries. The dev is creating a whole world with a world map full of different nations and cultures, each with their own codex entries. Even if you're not interested in reading any of it I feel you still can't avoid appreciating the work put into it.

    The characters so far have potential, I'm interested to see where the dev is going with them. The mc feels like an actual character with his own goals and problems, which is pretty refreshing. I don't mind the Pixar-inspired eyes, but I can see if people aren't big fans of it, though I respect that the art has something different to it.

    The music caught my attention already at the main menu, and it kept catching my attention throughout. Occasionally it's not needed, but it's mostly well placed and impactful.

    The UI is pretty simple but it works without any issues, I especially like the journal which is pretty enjoyable to scroll through.
  5. 4.00 star(s)


    not really sure how i feel about this game but for now i like it, just worried about the direction the game might head, wasnt really a fan of the girl moaning a other guys name in the middle of sex but i can overlook it since its just the beginning of the game, that being said i like the cutscenes they are smooth and the voice acting is solid story looks good and i like the humor show so far mixed in with the seriousness the MC feels, anyway im curious to see this game develop further
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    Just one word. Telltale

    That's what it reminded me of - especially the art style, and the choices that alter game play. Character(s) choose to join you or not based on your decisions, and we see that very early in the game as well.

    The cut scenes are very well done, with sound effects, music and superb animation. Its an example of how to make the best with what is available. Its honesty surprising and refreshing to see this level of quality on renpy.

    Another thing to admire about this game, is the amount of detail that's put into it. The rich codex entries with their lore, and the journal (especially with the sound effects, and the background - you actually feel like you are reading it in a tavern, or opening it up in a park. Absolute genius). Oh, and did i mention there is some pretty decent voice acting?

    Hope this game takes off and gets all the attention, cause it deserves no less. One of the best games on this site. Period.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    This is my first review but I figured this project needed some support.

    Art - 5/5

    What stands about most about the artstyle is the bigger than usual eyes. Though I can see why some prefer more realistic looking characters, I really liked it. It reminds me of Pixar, which is what I guess they were going for.

    Renders are high quality, some of them are a little grainy but it's not that distracting. A lot of them are very cinematic and beautiful to look at.

    Also, they manage to avoid the lifeless, staring eyes that most Daz games suffer from. Don't know if that has to do with the bigger eyes.

    Animation - 5/5

    This is where it stands out I'd say. So much work has been put into the scenes and honestly I think they blow most other animated games out of the water. All scenes are fully voiced and facial animations and lip sync are insanely good.

    Story - 5/5

    It starts out a bit out of nowhere but it hits its stride. There's a lot of focus on story and characters here. I think they're going for more rewarding and meaningful sex scenes by building up to them, which I am personally a fan of.

    Also worth mentioning, the world building. The game not only starts with a well voiced and animated intro movie to explain the world, it also has a whole section of lore entries. Hopefully they will keep putting work into this world.

    Writing - 5/5

    I'm not really good at reviewing writing, it doesn't take much to please me here. What I can say is that the english is pretty much flawless, and I couldn't notice any grammatical or spelling errors.

    Sound - 5/5

    The music really stands out, from the beautiful main menu music to the fitting intro music, to the various piano tunes throughout the game. It's all very fitting and really manages to set the mood.

    Sound effects are almost constant, mostly ambient background noises. Some sounds are clearly lower quality than others, but it's not so bad as to be distracting.

    Overall I really like this game and I appreciate how much love they're putting into it. I hope they continue on this path and I think this could be a really great one in the end.
  8. 4.00 star(s)

    Boehser Onkel

    a very good looking game so far
    the renders and animations are very good
    ...the eyes.. of Kyra ... scared me :D
    i wonder if its a "race" trait - the codex dont mention this
    (for now i think ;) )
    well - the codex : nice feature with detailed infos about people and lands
    cant say much about the sandbox part (content)- i think it will be good
    the story is plausible so far - lets see where its lead us too
    the journal - well written , nice feature

    4stars for now (4.5 if it would possible-may change it at time)