Age of Consent (general) in USA

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Bobber Tail

Well-Known Member
Nov 28, 2017
My whole point is that this seems like a weird topic for a porn game site and it seems like a gross thing to be caring about if you yourself aren't the one who is a minor concerned with giving consent.

Oh, I believe pedos can be women.

I just also know that society, in general, doesn't care about minor males being with adult women to the same degree it does the reverse. That's a whole separate discussion.

I specified daughter, because yes, guys getting in trouble for hooking up with younger girls is the first thing that came to mind.

Hey, I just found this whole thing super weird.

OP's post, before any explanation, and minus anything, was just a thread title "Age of Consent in USA" and a map with ages on it, posted on a porn game site.

Sorry if I found that to be WTF, random, and weird. "Concerned parents" aren't the ones I see always discussing age of consent on the internet, nor is it the "consenting minors" I see discussing it.

I don't give a shit what anyone does as long as it isn't hurting anyone else and everyone is consenting.

Obviously I touched a nerve, (and I have no idea why) so I'm just going to quietly back out of this thread.
I have no idea who touched you in a white van, but you lived to suffer the pain and cast it upon others.
I'm a researcher, I explained why I began this thread, yet you continue to insinuate lies about me.
In America it is generally Ice Cream Trucks associated with Pedophilia, White vans are associated with rapists and/or serial killers.


Well-Known Member
Apr 25, 2020
If you ARE NOT a lawyer, or work in some field of child protection, having encyclopedic knowledge of exactly how young a girl you can legally get away with screwing and the exact jurisdictions, locations, and circumstances where that applies and can be done in, is one of those suspiciously specific areas of expertise that will make most people give you the side eye.

Yes, white van enthusiasts was my way of trying to be funny and not just yell 'Pedophilia!!' in the chat.

And no, I'm not necessarily including ANYONE in this thread with the statement. I just wanted to point out that, like I replied above to anne O'nymous , publicly being passionate about the details of age of consent is going to get you weird looks.

Don't know anyone's ages here, and you might care a lot more about this stuff if you are say, 20, and want to hook up with that hot 16-17 year old, but I'm old enough that a perfectly legal 18 year old girl could be my daughter, so . . .

See? Even my memes are old.
You seem to have a huge over sight all of us were younger at some point. I first became aware of state laws when I was 16 that 37 years ago. Most people became aware of state legality regarding sex in high school. Yea, there were some kids that are clueless but they were generally in the same crowd of people who just never made an effort to learn unless forced to.
It was 20 years ago out of necessity I studied family law but that is still 17 years after when I already knew it.

The way I see it you made the assumption not knowing is the norm and it would be abnormal to know maybe weird. I don't believe that I think there are groups maybe even a generational selection of people that might fit but for most people or the total population it is wrong.

Think about it the age of consent isn't something new. Statutory and so on also aren't knew crimes.
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May 3, 2018
I'm a researcher, I explained why I began this thread, yet you continue to insinuate lies about me.
Ah, yes, your explanation that you posted AFTER I made my post. You had nothing but the damn map picture posted for nearly 13 hours.

And I'm not insinuating anything. Your explanation was great, and would have worked great, if you had given that explanation WHEN you posted the map.

Here's an idea. Next time you start a thread, actually give some context in your INITIAL post and maybe we all won't be left wondering all the hows, whats, and whys, of why you posted something like an age of consent map. And then no one will wonder about your motivations for doing so.

The way I see it you made the assumption not knowing is the norm and it would be abnormal to know maybe weird. I don't believe that I think there are groups maybe even a generational selection of people that might fit but for most people or the total population it is wrong.

Think about it the age of consent isn't something new. Statutory and so on also aren't knew crimes.
I didn't mean to imply that "not knowing" is the norm.

Here is my point, as clear as I can make it:

I think you should not need to know, or, more precisely, care about knowing age of consent laws, unless you are trying to sleep with a teenager.

That's it. That's my point. Or have I missed the meaningful discussion this thread was supposed to engender?

This is my question to everyone, if they want a discussion - Why do you need to know - as an adult - what the age of consent is? Because the way I see it, after you get out of high school you really should have no reason to know all the details anymore. As a high school junior or senior, attending school with freshman and sophomores, yeah, it could be really important to know.

So I would find this all a perfectly normal conversation topic for teenagers to have, but I think it's a weird one for adults.

Because . . . why would it ever come up for an adult? It's like deer hunting - you don't need to know all the local laws, regulations, and ordinances on hunting deer unless you plan to hunt a deer.

But, again, hey, "hunting deer" is legal as long as you follow the law, so everyone can do what they want.
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Active Member
Aug 3, 2017
Ah, yes, your explanation that you posted AFTER I made my post. You had nothing but the damn map picture posted for nearly 13 hours.

And I'm not insinuating anything. Your explanation was great, and would have worked great, if you had given that explanation WHEN you posted the map.

Here's an idea. Next time you start a thread, actually give some context in your INITIAL post and maybe we all won't be left wondering all the hows, whats, and whys, of why you posted something like an age of consent map. And then no one will wonder about your motivations for doing so.

I didn't mean to imply that "not knowing" is the norm.

Here is my point, as clear as I can make it:

I think you should not need to know, or, more precisely, care about knowing age of consent laws, unless you are trying to sleep with a teenager.

That's it. That's my point. Or have I missed the meaningful discussion this thread was supposed to engender?

This is my question to everyone, if they want a discussion - Why do you need to know - as an adult - what the age of consent is? Because the way I see it, after you get out of high school you really should have no reason to know all the details anymore. As a high school junior or senior, attending school with freshman and sophomores, yeah, it could be really important to know.

So I would find this all a perfectly normal conversation topic for teenagers to have, but I think it's a weird one for adults.

Because . . . why would it ever come up for an adult? It's like deer hunting - you don't need to know all the local laws, regulations, and ordinances on hunting deer unless you plan to hunt a deer.

But, again, hey, "hunting deer" is legal as long as you follow the law, so everyone can do what they want.
You're a making a mistake here, instead of just saying "Oops, my bad sorry..." or "I was wrong, no hard feelings" you are doubling down on something you are clearly wrong about.

I think you should not need to know, or, more precisely, care about knowing age of consent laws, unless you are trying to sleep with a teenager.
You are a parent and want to educate you child / children.
You are a teacher, (not all parents discuss these things with their kids) and you want to educate you pupils.
You are in politics and want to be able to accurately read and understand information crossing your desk.
You are a member of the general public and have been asked to vote on changes to existing laws and want to make an informed discission.
You are part of a youth organization and want to help educate youths.

The following I should not have to explain...
You are a volunteer at a crisis center....
You are a doctor....
You are a nurse...
You are a police officer...
You are a researcher....
You are a Lawyer....
You are a school counselor.....
etc. etc. etc.

The list goes on but I'm sure by now you can clearly see the point you made is clearly wrong. In general it is always good for people to educate themselves so that when they are asked to help change laws and the society around them they can make informed discissions, not only that but when they are asked to accept new changes they are able to tell if those changes are good or not.

If someone is given the chance to learn something new, does it really matter if it's on a porn forum, in an anime or in a cat video?


Well-Known Member
Apr 25, 2020
I didn't mean to imply that "not knowing" is the norm.

Here is my point, as clear as I can make it:

I think you should not need to know, or, more precisely, care about knowing age of consent laws, unless you are trying to sleep with a teenager.

That's it. That's my point. Or have I missed the meaningful discussion this thread was supposed to engender?

This is my question to everyone, if they want a discussion - Why do you need to know - as an adult - what the age of consent is? Because the way I see it, after you get out of high school you really should have no reason to know all the details anymore. As a high school junior or senior, attending school with freshman and sophomores, yeah, it could be really important to know.

So I would find this all a perfectly normal conversation topic for teenagers to have, but I think it's a weird one for adults.

Because . . . why would it ever come up for an adult? It's like deer hunting - you don't need to know all the local laws, regulations, and ordinances on hunting deer unless you plan to hunt a deer.

But, again, hey, "hunting deer" is legal as long as you follow the law, so everyone can do what they want.
So what about parents who have children that want to make sure they don't get into trouble.
Ignoring the reasons to know the information. What do you expect adults to magically forget about a fact that most knew because of high school. Most senior knew better than to date a freshman. Most of them are between 14 and 15. If you are a senior you are skirting the line of the 3 year mark in most cases. In some states it's only 2 years. I guess if you didn't date in high school you might not know it. Then again most sex education classes and health classes cover it in most states.

Just to be clear there are plenty of highschool students taking college class at the same time.
It also isn't even remotely uncommon for 17 year olds to enter college after completing high school. 17 year olds make up a large portion of the high school graduating body.

NC requires any going through high school in the state to take hunters safety. We used to be able to bring our hunting rifles to school even and other firearms. Most the time they would remain in the car but during hunter safety we could bring them in and they would go over cleaning and care for them and more.
Why would someone want to know hunter safety when they are hunting so they can know what to watch out for when other people hunt. A little knowledge seems to save lives. As to regulations the more people that know them the less likely illegal hunting is gotten away with.

I get you were just trying to be funny.
But the premise behind it just doesn't really hold up well if any logic is applied to it.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 25, 2020
You're a making a mistake here, instead of just saying "Oops, my bad sorry..." or "I was wrong, no hard feelings" you are doubling down on something you are clearly wrong about.

You are a parent and want to educate you child / children.
You are a teacher, (not all parents discuss these things with their kids) and you want to educate you pupils.
You are in politics and want to be able to accurately read and understand information crossing your desk.
You are a member of the general public and have been asked to vote on changes to existing laws and want to make an informed discission.
You are part of a youth organization and want to help educate youths.

The following I should not have to explain...
You are a volunteer at a crisis center....
You are a doctor....
You are a nurse...
You are a police officer...
You are a researcher....
You are a Lawyer....
You are a school counselor.....
etc. etc. etc.

The list goes on but I'm sure by now you can clearly see the point you made is clearly wrong. In general it is always good for people to educate themselves so that when they are asked to help change laws and the society around them they can make informed discissions, not only that but when they are asked to accept new changes they are able to tell if those changes are good or not.

If someone is given the chance to learn something new, does it really matter if it's on a porn forum, in an anime or in a cat video?
Yep, and you can add about 10,000 more to that list.
Teacher, you volunteer as a chaperon or assistant, Child Advocate, Anyone who is part of EMS or the response for a mass casualty situation, fire dept, school janitorial, cafeteria staff, school facilities and maintenance,
All of those and more have to usually do annual refreshers on them in many school districts.
Anyone in a school district that may come in contact with a student or adult that may report an issue has to know.
Judges(not all are lawyers), law clerks...
It is a long list. Which is why people tend to get seriously pissed when abuse cases that were ignored come to light because it isn't usually just one person who didn't do something. Usually there are a number of people who didn't do what they could or should do.
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anne O'nymous

I'm not grumpy, I'm just coded that way.
Respected User
Jun 10, 2017
Sorry if I found that to be WTF, random, and weird. "Concerned parents" aren't the ones I see always discussing age of consent on the internet, nor is it the "consenting minors" I see discussing it.
Well, starts going on "concerned parents" forums, you'll see way more of those discussions. I'll not say that they are frequent, but they aren't rare. In fact, globally they are as not rare as here.
Generally it's starts with something like, "so, my boy/girl is X yo, and there's this person (s)he love who's X yo, what worry me a bit". And since this parent is worried, there's people who will present the legal options, in case the child is really under influence, what will inevitably pass by some talk regarding the age of consent.

And it's not the only reason to be worried.
I had to tell my son that, no, he don't have to stop having sex with his girlfriend because he now turned 18yo, while she's one and half years younger than him ; they were dating since three months, I feel the need to say it since you see p*d*shit everywhere and your first thought will be that she was underage when they started dating.
And would I haven't know the answer, I would have searched for it because, like him, I would have wanted to be sure that they don't do something illegal without knowing it.

I don't give a shit what anyone does as long as it isn't hurting anyone else and everyone is consenting.
Yet you start a drama about a map posted on a forum...

This said, when my daughter was in primary school, one of her classmate was hurt by a map that fallen from the wall. So yeah, maps can hurts, by bad.

Obviously I touched a nerve, (and I have no idea why) so I'm just going to quietly back out of this thread.
You're throwing insinuations that could trigger the moderation even on the off topic section, and you wonder why people don't like it...

Go on a bikers club, and starts saying that only gays wear leather jackets and have a mustache. Perhaps you'll understand it better.
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Count Morado

Conversation Conqueror
Respected User
Jan 21, 2022
Stop derailing the thread.
Thread could be locked - it was never on the rails to begin with. Possibly could go in #off-topic. There was never a discussion started by OP about the map. The OP even stated it was only posted for informational purposes:
I made no input in this map, it was from a web search. I posted because I've seen many discussions/comments on many threads about this.
Either that, or they posted it as a troll to bait people to go off the rails about it. Either way, since OP never intended to have discussion about it - locking it could be a good step.

Icarus Media

F95 Comedian
Game Developer
Jun 19, 2019
Thread could be locked - it was never on the rails to begin with. Possibly could go in #off-topic. There was never a discussion started by OP about the map. The OP even stated it was only posted for informational purposes:

Either that, or they posted it as a troll to bait people to go off the rails about it. Either way, since OP never intended to have discussion about it - locking it could be a good step.
I disagree with locking it, if people want to rant, rave, discuss etc then they should be free to do so unless it gets to full on abuse. Sending to off-topic lets both sides win by letting it be discussed and at the same time removing the pain of having to monitor and moderate it.
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