OK, for those wondering what was added to 0.4.1 since 0.3, IMHO this update really is about laying some more groundwork for the story.
As far as sex, yeah there isn't much more of that than in 0.3, but a few of the subplots have been advanced a bit.
The 'comic book pane' style that allows you to recap the last few frames is intriguing, but is a bit annoying if you are trying to rapid fire click through older story elements.
An option to replay at the end (instead of just the link to Patreon splash page) or an actual 'end' button (as opposed to just clicking the 'x' in the upper right corner) might be nice.
Some of the added actions add to varying stats, but as far as I can tell the stats aren't doing much as of yet. There's also a 'corruption level 2' thing, which influences the skimpiness of your outfits, but again this seems like something that will come into play more meaningfully in future updates.
The story continues to be rather linear, although there are certain events at certain points during the day that you'll have to arrange your schedule around to 'catch' those events. I'm guessing that these will develop into longer branches in future updates.
Overall, It's a nice looking design, and continues to have much potential. If you liked 0.3 and are wanting to see a bit more story, it's probably worth the download, but otherwise you can probably wait for the next update for more content to be added and not feel bad about it in the meantime.