
Game Developer
Jan 18, 2018
I have to agree that the walkthu is lacking. I found that on day 4 if you did the "pool -swim" after working on the tan, you miss the nights events. So skip that bit. On Day 7 of "Go on a mission an fail" the day ends before you go to the city Madea's Club - this is Day 8. The Hobo event for day 8 in the walkthru actually occurs after you go to Madea's Club.

There is also a path missing (at least one), where you leap of the bike (as per the mission fail route) and you can land successfully (not stumble). At this point you cannot select that option as you are two points short for Agility. So this as to be made up before the interview starts. Not sure how to fix this.

The V0.12 walkthru also varies from the v0.9 version as Nat does a pole dance and that is completely missing from the current walkthru. It is in the images folder tho.

Other wise it is quite a good game. Unfortunately I do not have the time to discect this game to work out the correct paths. Work/Uni/Sports etc. Hopefully someone can tackle this.


Cheers on the compliment about thee game, happy to hear you enjoy it for sure. One day we'll have a nice skip and proper scene finder function for it all so you can find your way through all 3 paths, preferably sooner rather than later, but that depends on which the fans want more between that and content.

Just a heads up, the walkthrough isn't actually ours and we've not looked at it in a long time, so we can't really say what what with any errors. We do appreciate the effort whomever it was put in to make one though. Fan creators are always cool. Cheers.


New Member
Dec 30, 2017
This may be too long winded, and I generally lurk. So yeah, I guess I'll do it anyway. Since I do actually feel something for this game.

Nat is easily my favorite character in this odd genre of gaming, you know, porn games. Not just from being a fan of Black Widow from the comics, and loving ScarJo's Widow on the big screen. Though that certainly is a play here. She's a well fleshed out character with an interesting story, but also properly exudes sexiness.

To one of my points, I'm saddened, maybe a little heartbroken to hear her game where she is the prime MC is close to coming to a conclusion. I think this story had great potential to be much more expansive. To add further sting in the wound, AoH's development has been interrupted by so many other things.

I know, you say all these other things, a second game, and numerous mini-novels had no delay in AoH. I'll never get that, so likely no point going round and round over it. But, I can't help myself from doing it. Man hours diverted to this or that is not man hours spent on AoH in my mind. Also, I'll never understand that other co-creators in your crew are incapable of working on AoH. I mean, I've applied for jobs before, I know if I can't do what is required, I don't get the job. It'll generally click in my mind with proper training. If not, someone else what can do what is asked gets the job. However, you never get the job if can not preform the task.

NTR never really grasped me like AoH has. Definite bias towards the comic characters, but even the NTR story it's self just wasn't as appealing. I tried to get into it. This is the proper response, that I hated the rival business owners character. He's supposed to be a slimy jerk. However, I disliked him to the point that I didn't want to see Noami and all of her friends eventually ending up on there knees sucking him off, ect.

Kriem also rubbed me the wrong way, like turning me completely off of the game. Perhaps the character hit too close to home. I just knew too many people just like her, and even had some of that obliviously self destructive nihilism myself back in the day. Yeah, lot of that crew is dead, or homeless, or methed out beyond recognition. There were some good times that were had, but I wouldn't go near the lot of them with a ten foot pole in retrospect. Hell, myself included. I'm not in the best place financially, as direct result of bad choices made during those years. I've only loosely followed the game since Kriem's mini novel. The mini game debacle really further decreased my interests. Sparse content nailed the coffin.

Frankly, I wish NTR hadn't been conceived, and AoH gotten 100% of those man hours. Gotta admit there were some mistakes made with NTR. Anyway, enough negative. I just wish full development had gone to AoH. It would have been great to have more cool characters added, and Nat's cool story widely expanded upon. Elektra was hinted at existing in Bewilderverse. Lara would have been great as a part of Nat's crew.

Mystique was in the banner. She's so awesome and is a bountiful fount of potential to add to a game like this. I mean in the comics she had straight relations, female-female relations, and as a male-female relations. Did she also have male-male relations? I don't know. She's been a groundbreaking character well ahead of her time for sure! You could tap the futa market with her, and it wouldn't be that far of a stretch from the cannon character! You could have some Nat on Nat action, with Mystique shifting into Nat haha! Really, just so many ideas. Sexually aggressive antagonist, occasional ally, you'd never know with her. I could see her and Nat fighting, Nat losing, and Mystique raping her! Tapping further into more edgy fetish markets. Maybe it was a mistake putting her in the banner if you didn't plan on doing anything with her, she's too great of a character for that.

Poison Ivy deserves more time too. Already established in game, but not really living up to her potential. Lurking in the backgrounds mostly, like me on f95 forums.

Anyway, I know little merit is given to posts on a pirate forum. I love the game, if I was better off I'd support, especially now with better pay tiers. Sometimes I earn gift card cash with surveys, but haven't seen any way to pay Patrion through that method, with some kind of gift card. If there was I'd already be a supporter. Glad to see more effort is being made into game content, with this update being 50% larger.

I hope there's plenty more Nat related content coming even after AoH is done. Maybe some copyright wolves in fancy suites and spiffy white shoes have their teeth around your neck and you'd like to have some original content established before they sink their sharp pearly whites in, with the hope you're not decapitated entirely. I can understand that. Still though, I've grown quite fond of your interpretation of Black Widow.

Thanks for your interactions.


Game Developer
Jul 8, 2017
This may be too long winded, and I generally lurk. So yeah, I guess I'll do it anyway. Since I do actually feel something for this game.

Nat is easily my favorite character in this odd genre of gaming, you know, porn games. Not just from being a fan of Black Widow from the comics, and loving ScarJo's Widow on the big screen. Though that certainly is a play here. She's a well fleshed out character with an interesting story, but also properly exudes sexiness.

To one of my points, I'm saddened, maybe a little heartbroken to hear her game where she is the prime MC is close to coming to a conclusion. I think this story had great potential to be much more expansive. To add further sting in the wound, AoH's development has been interrupted by so many other things.

I know, you say all these other things, a second game, and numerous mini-novels had no delay in AoH. I'll never get that, so likely no point going round and round over it. But, I can't help myself from doing it. Man hours diverted to this or that is not man hours spent on AoH in my mind. Also, I'll never understand that other co-creators in your crew are incapable of working on AoH. I mean, I've applied for jobs before, I know if I can't do what is required, I don't get the job. It'll generally click in my mind with proper training. If not, someone else what can do what is asked gets the job. However, you never get the job if can not preform the task.

NTR never really grasped me like AoH has. Definite bias towards the comic characters, but even the NTR story it's self just wasn't as appealing. I tried to get into it. This is the proper response, that I hated the rival business owners character. He's supposed to be a slimy jerk. However, I disliked him to the point that I didn't want to see Noami and all of her friends eventually ending up on there knees sucking him off, ect.

Kriem also rubbed me the wrong way, like turning me completely off of the game. Perhaps the character hit too close to home. I just knew too many people just like her, and even had some of that obliviously self destructive nihilism myself back in the day. Yeah, lot of that crew is dead, or homeless, or methed out beyond recognition. There were some good times that were had, but I wouldn't go near the lot of them with a ten foot pole in retrospect. Hell, myself included. I'm not in the best place financially, as direct result of bad choices made during those years. I've only loosely followed the game since Kriem's mini novel. The mini game debacle really further decreased my interests. Sparse content nailed the coffin.

Frankly, I wish NTR hadn't been conceived, and AoH gotten 100% of those man hours. Gotta admit there were some mistakes made with NTR. Anyway, enough negative. I just wish full development had gone to AoH. It would have been great to have more cool characters added, and Nat's cool story widely expanded upon. Elektra was hinted at existing in Bewilderverse. Lara would have been great as a part of Nat's crew.

Mystique was in the banner. She's so awesome and is a bountiful fount of potential to add to a game like this. I mean in the comics she had straight relations, female-female relations, and as a male-female relations. Did she also have male-male relations? I don't know. She's been a groundbreaking character well ahead of her time for sure! You could tap the futa market with her, and it wouldn't be that far of a stretch from the cannon character! You could have some Nat on Nat action, with Mystique shifting into Nat haha! Really, just so many ideas. Sexually aggressive antagonist, occasional ally, you'd never know with her. I could see her and Nat fighting, Nat losing, and Mystique raping her! Tapping further into more edgy fetish markets. Maybe it was a mistake putting her in the banner if you didn't plan on doing anything with her, she's too great of a character for that.

Poison Ivy deserves more time too. Already established in game, but not really living up to her potential. Lurking in the backgrounds mostly, like me on f95 forums.

Anyway, I know little merit is given to posts on a pirate forum. I love the game, if I was better off I'd support, especially now with better pay tiers. Sometimes I earn gift card cash with surveys, but haven't seen any way to pay Patrion through that method, with some kind of gift card. If there was I'd already be a supporter. Glad to see more effort is being made into game content, with this update being 50% larger.

I hope there's plenty more Nat related content coming even after AoH is done. Maybe some copyright wolves in fancy suites and spiffy white shoes have their teeth around your neck and you'd like to have some original content established before they sink their sharp pearly whites in, with the hope you're not decapitated entirely. I can understand that. Still though, I've grown quite fond of your interpretation of Black Widow.

Thanks for your interactions.
Well thank you, i appreciate the kind words mixed with the sincere complaints and i really thank you for coming out of the shadows to let us know how you feel.

Theres a lot of stuff i cant say about what you said due to spoilers... i hope you understand that; but theres some stuff i can say! First of all you'll be happy to know that AoH:MoaR is, by no means, the end of Agents of Heels nor Natasha. We agree 100% with you on that we have built something special here and we like our Nat as much as you do (maybe even more :p ) so she will be coming back in the future no doubts about it.

We don't exactly know how the next game will be and our main focus right now is still on Nat so its hard to tell what our new experience in the genre allows us to do. It's an ambition project for sure but we are still putting the pieces together both storywise and game wise.

About the characters you mention:
Lara is in south america and she has her own comic style for now. We wanted to give the feeling that The Agency is a global thing, not just in the US but they get everywhere is needed and, also, that it's doing it's own things when the events with Ivy happen; with agents spread around and intern conflicts on its own (if youve read Laras comic you know shes not in great terms with Miller). This is what makes our characters special I think, they all have their own shit, they are not just sitting there waiting for Ivy to start moving and boom! how wonderful, our agents are all around, todays Lara day to shine, tomorrow might be another Agent. This forces Nat to go on her own, do her own style, build her own background along with the one of the agency and also find new allies she wouldnt need otherwise. This is also done to show that special people exist outside the Agency and the events happened during the Cold War. Cat may not have super powers, but she is special alright, special enough for Nat to consider her as a potential ally.

You'll also be happy to know that we do have plans for Mystique, sooner than you expect. That's all I can read.

Ivy is the antagonist, the super villain, the mastermind and also... kind of the hero. We know what Agents of Heels really is thanks to her being her and doing her thing... but shes not the enemy, is she? Maeda is the rival in AoH:MoaR, he's the one getting the attention and he's the one giving troubles to Nat, so he gets the screentime... for now.

About Elektra, truth is i never had plans for her; the tease is all I wanted. The game is focused on Nat entirely (since we are her, basically, we cant see anything she doesnt see) and at times it feels like the agency is just her and Miller. I want to remind the player that the agency is a big deal, its everywhere, its hidden and its powerful. Having Elektra's name in the locker felt like a nice way to accomplish that and maybe a way to put a smile on some players but thats all I ever expected from it. Can't say she won't make an appearance in the future tho, the universe we are building definitely has room for her, but shes not part of MoaR.


TLDR: all and all, AoH:MoaR is to us what Ironman is to Marvel... but in a much much much smaller scale. It's the intro. It's the start of a universe, the presentation of the characters and The Agency and the world they live in. If people like it you can expect the world to be built upon and more characters, more stories and more depth to the ones we have to be worked on.


New Member
Dec 30, 2017
Yeah, I can understand that with Elektra, no problem with an occasional name drop or small cameo.

I have my own theory about Mystique, don't know if I should add a spoiler tag or not, since it is just a guess.
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Thanks for reply, to sum up my attitude, I just want moar of MoaR haha.
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Game Developer
Jul 8, 2017
Yeah, I can understand that with Elektra, no problem with an occasional name drop or small cameo.

I have my own theory about Mystique, don't know if I should add a spoiler tag or not, since it is just a guess.
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Thanks for reply, to sum up my attitude, I just want moar of MoaR haha.
Haha cheers, its always fun to have a healthy conversation and get to good terms; and its great to hear from new people too; means you care enough to complain, thats an achievement in my books :)

Cant say anything about what you said about Mystique without spoiling if it is true or not so, as italians say, "si non e vero e ben trovato".

If you want moar of MoaR youve definitely come to the right place, cause moar is coming alright.
Dec 7, 2017
Cheers on the compliment about thee game, happy to hear you enjoy it for sure. One day we'll have a nice skip and proper scene finder function for it all so you can find your way through all 3 paths, preferably sooner rather than later, but that depends on which the fans want more between that and content.

Just a heads up, the walkthrough isn't actually ours and we've not looked at it in a long time, so we can't really say what what with any errors. We do appreciate the effort whomever it was put in to make one though. Fan creators are always cool. Cheers.
Thanks for the info. I have just some a fair bit of page surfing thru this thread and am impressed with the "un spoliers" you have shared throughout.
I just had a quick play with your NTR game and not liking it any where as much as AOH. So new Patrion heading over your way.

Just wondering about the AOH family/series of games. Is there a series of comics etc preceding this AOH: MoAR? Is there a playing/reading order as you have established with NTR series?

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Game Developer
Jul 8, 2017
Thanks for the info. I have just some a fair bit of page surfing thru this thread and am impressed with the "un spoliers" you have shared throughout.
I just had a quick play with your NTR game and not liking it any where as much as AOH. So new Patrion heading over your way.

Just wondering about the AOH family/series of games. Is there a series of comics etc preceding this AOH: MoAR? Is there a playing/reading order as you have established with NTR series?

Thank you! Im really glad you enjoy Agents of Heels, always great to hear people like what we've built. I'm not sure if the "un-spoilers" is an actual compliment or sarcasm... i'm known for not being able to keep secrets that well :D.

About the story/stories :

*AoH:MoaR (Misadventures of Agent Romanov)* is the first game of the saga and it's still in development (late stages tho).

*AoH: The Last Raider* (the comic book) happens exactly at the same time as MoaR but in a different place. There are many references from one to the other and even characters between them have conversations you will only be able to read fully if you read both ends.

*AoH: Croft and the Coveted Seal* is a short mini VN that shows an early Lara and the reason why shes not in NY, nor an agent (shes a Raider). This one is chronologically the first one; it happens around 1 year earlier than the events at NY.

I hope that helped!


Game Developer
Jan 18, 2018
Hey-ho! I'm a little late to the party and Unshi has already covered a whole lot, but I'mma say a thing or two myself also. Cheers all!

This may be too long winded, and I generally lurk. So yeah, I guess I'll do it anyway. Since I do actually feel something for this game.

Nat is easily my favorite character in this odd genre of gaming, you know, porn games. Not just from being a fan of Black Widow from the comics, and loving ScarJo's Widow on the big screen. Though that certainly is a play here. She's a well fleshed out character with an interesting story, but also properly exudes sexiness.

To one of my points, I'm saddened, maybe a little heartbroken to hear her game where she is the prime MC is close to coming to a conclusion. I think this story had great potential to be much more expansive. To add further sting in the wound, AoH's development has been interrupted by so many other things.

I know, you say all these other things, a second game, and numerous mini-novels had no delay in AoH. I'll never get that, so likely no point going round and round over it. But, I can't help myself from doing it. Man hours diverted to this or that is not man hours spent on AoH in my mind. Also, I'll never understand that other co-creators in your crew are incapable of working on AoH. I mean, I've applied for jobs before, I know if I can't do what is required, I don't get the job. It'll generally click in my mind with proper training. If not, someone else what can do what is asked gets the job. However, you never get the job if can not preform the task.

NTR never really grasped me like AoH has. Definite bias towards the comic characters, but even the NTR story it's self just wasn't as appealing. I tried to get into it. This is the proper response, that I hated the rival business owners character. He's supposed to be a slimy jerk. However, I disliked him to the point that I didn't want to see Noami and all of her friends eventually ending up on there knees sucking him off, ect.

Kriem also rubbed me the wrong way, like turning me completely off of the game. Perhaps the character hit too close to home. I just knew too many people just like her, and even had some of that obliviously self destructive nihilism myself back in the day. Yeah, lot of that crew is dead, or homeless, or methed out beyond recognition. There were some good times that were had, but I wouldn't go near the lot of them with a ten foot pole in retrospect. Hell, myself included. I'm not in the best place financially, as direct result of bad choices made during those years. I've only loosely followed the game since Kriem's mini novel. The mini game debacle really further decreased my interests. Sparse content nailed the coffin.

Frankly, I wish NTR hadn't been conceived, and AoH gotten 100% of those man hours. Gotta admit there were some mistakes made with NTR. Anyway, enough negative. I just wish full development had gone to AoH. It would have been great to have more cool characters added, and Nat's cool story widely expanded upon. Elektra was hinted at existing in Bewilderverse. Lara would have been great as a part of Nat's crew.

Mystique was in the banner. She's so awesome and is a bountiful fount of potential to add to a game like this. I mean in the comics she had straight relations, female-female relations, and as a male-female relations. Did she also have male-male relations? I don't know. She's been a groundbreaking character well ahead of her time for sure! You could tap the futa market with her, and it wouldn't be that far of a stretch from the cannon character! You could have some Nat on Nat action, with Mystique shifting into Nat haha! Really, just so many ideas. Sexually aggressive antagonist, occasional ally, you'd never know with her. I could see her and Nat fighting, Nat losing, and Mystique raping her! Tapping further into more edgy fetish markets. Maybe it was a mistake putting her in the banner if you didn't plan on doing anything with her, she's too great of a character for that.

Poison Ivy deserves more time too. Already established in game, but not really living up to her potential. Lurking in the backgrounds mostly, like me on f95 forums.

Anyway, I know little merit is given to posts on a pirate forum. I love the game, if I was better off I'd support, especially now with better pay tiers. Sometimes I earn gift card cash with surveys, but haven't seen any way to pay Patrion through that method, with some kind of gift card. If there was I'd already be a supporter. Glad to see more effort is being made into game content, with this update being 50% larger.

I hope there's plenty more Nat related content coming even after AoH is done. Maybe some copyright wolves in fancy suites and spiffy white shoes have their teeth around your neck and you'd like to have some original content established before they sink their sharp pearly whites in, with the hope you're not decapitated entirely. I can understand that. Still though, I've grown quite fond of your interpretation of Black Widow.

Thanks for your interactions.
Glad you like AoH my friend! It's always nice to hear. Cheers for saying you enjoy Nat's character so much too, we do put in the effort to make our character stand out and be as full as we can make them (sometimes too full). It's great when people pick up on that and enjoy our efforts, yay! As Unshi said though, fear not, Nat might not be our leading lady on Unshi's side of the content forever (she's still got a few updates in her left!) but she's not going to go away forever either. We put in the time and the love with her, you all have too, and so she'll be apart of stuff we do in the future for sure. Not everything, but she'll be around. Anytime our stories take a turn for the shadowy and the suspicious... you can sit on the edge of your seat and wonder if she'll make an entrance in the next CG... it's more than possible.

To NTR, I'll not do a whole thing here on that specifically since it's got it's own thread/place to discuss, but I do have a few quick points
- Bummer that you didn't like it as much or that much, but that's fair. Its a different kind of story in a different part of our world, so it won't be for everyone, and it does have things that need improving. It's alright though, enjoy what you can and what you like, we still have AoH and more.
- Sal is a shit. I don't like him either, but he is fun to write. I wouldn't worry too much about him, Noe can beat him if you try, just keep that fight alive. She can even cheat and fuck other guys while doing that, and they don't do the whole "Magic big cock" thing to do it.
- Sorry to hear about Kriem and your personal experiences. She is the kind of girl you either like a lot or despise. She's not without her redeeming qualities though, she just needs a woman like Noe to help her, Roy thinks the same.

To the bigger NTR point though, wishing it was never conceived, that's a tricky one you might not want as much as you think. I understand the disappointment that the time away from AoH for it is not something your for, we'll disagree on that respectfully and leave it at that, but let me open up a little something on this actually, it's not a thing most people know.

When Unshi and I came to work together, we were both in difficult places in our lives (relatively that is). I was a fan of AoH from day 1, in large part because of the pun title, and I stuck around to help him out and support him. Eventually we teamed up and started planning NTR, but originally I wasn't at all apart of AoH. I wanted to stay out and enjoy it as a fan. That set up lasted about 8-10 months actually. All of v04-05 were done by Unshi alone without me having a part of it, and v06 was going to be too. He was working on those while I put together all the NTR stuff with his consultations. It was only after he read the early NTR stuff I put together did he really push for me to join AoH too and for use to not compartmentalize, to become beWilder. I jumped in and wrote v06s scenes literally days before release (my first scene was Cat's rescue after Mission 1) because he wanted me to be apart of what he was doing with Nat too. If not for that (and that I wanted to do bad things to Kate in her school uniform), and if not for NTR, it might well be that I never would have joined AoH, or it would have been a whole lot later... so I think NTR existing has helped improve us all around even if it's been a bummer to Nat-oholics in other ways. I believe AoH has only gotten better since we became a team (even if I write a little too much some times).

Anyways, that's a little insider story for y'all. I'm not trying to say people are wrong to like what they like, but sometimes it's interesting to see how things interconnect in ways and to see how the sexy is made.

To AoH again!

Yes, Mystique is a wonderful character and I'm glad we have her. I'll not touch on the theories on her just yet though. We have a special story in mind for her and another lady that would make a great rival for her, but we're not at the point in the story to have it happen yet... and who knows when we'll make it when we are... but we do have smutty ideas to use her more.

Ivy too, is definitely a woman to make more of. It's been a point against us that we painted her in to a corner of being behind the scenes for the most part in the game. She should have been more visible and more fucked by now, but that's something we've learned in retrospect. All we can do now is make sure she has some memorable moments in the future, and depending on the canonical end, she might well be poised to make many more appearance like Nat.

Alrighty, those are my things to add said, cheers again for the supportive words, the feedback and the genrally constructive criticism. It's all good in keeping us going strong! Hope to keep that love for Nat super tight as we keep moving ahead with her and putting her parts to various uses!

Thanks for the info. I have just some a fair bit of page surfing thru this thread and am impressed with the "un spoliers" you have shared throughout.
I just had a quick play with your NTR game and not liking it any where as much as AOH. So new Patrion heading over your way.

Just wondering about the AOH family/series of games. Is there a series of comics etc preceding this AOH: MoAR? Is there a playing/reading order as you have established with NTR series?

Thank you kindly also, and thanks for the support too! It's highly appreciated and every bit helps. Just wanted to tag you and say cheers personally myself. Great stuff!

I believe Unshi already laid out the chronology in a post above, but so far all of AoH's media can be enjoyed alone (but are and will be better in the order he gave as we expand the comic some more).


Oct 14, 2017
I like this game, I really do, but there are major problems with it.

The main problem is that creators thought about different type of a game when they started this one. All this interactions with the neighbours, the subway guy, the corruption levels are more fit for slow pacing corruption games about sinking deeper into depravity whlist attending parties and interrogating witnesses to learn crucial information, while those action scenes and quick plot progression is best suited for mainstream games or the games of the "kill them not to be raped" genre. Don't get me wrong, I like both, but those two mix badly and now we have some storylines which had been cut short and just don't look natural in all this "larger than life" scenarios.

The second problem is the old "corruption is incompetence" trope, when to be corrupted or see high corruption scenes you need to act stupid or betray your allies etc which just rubs me the wrong way.

The third is bad saving system. Different routes in this game look similar (which is fine on it's own) and, after a while, I just can't understand, how different saves correspond to different routes.


Game Developer
Jul 8, 2017
I like this game, I really do, but there are major problems with it.

The main problem is that creators thought about different type of a game when they started this one. All this interactions with the neighbours, the subway guy, the corruption levels are more fit for slow pacing corruption games about sinking deeper into depravity whlist attending parties and interrogating witnesses to learn crucial information, while those action scenes and quick plot progression is best suited for mainstream games or the games of the "kill them not to be raped" genre. Don't get me wrong, I like both, but those two mix badly and now we have some storylines which had been cut short and just don't look natural in all this "larger than life" scenarios.

The second problem is the old "corruption is incompetence" trope, when to be corrupted or see high corruption scenes you need to act stupid or betray your allies etc which just rubs me the wrong way.

The third is bad saving system. Different routes in this game look similar (which is fine on it's own) and, after a while, I just can't understand, how different saves correspond to different routes.
The side stories havent been cut, they have been postponed until we finish the main storyline, we said this several times. The game is longer than we anticipated so we are pushing the main story forward which is what most players want; when we finish that we will release batches of side content to fill the side stories (like dlcs, but following the same release methods we have).

The second point you mention, yes. If you can tell me a way for nat to voluntarily fuck with anyone while in the middle of a mission without acting stupid im all ears... I think what you want is more side content so you can have fun without consecuences... but that brings us back to the first point of this reply.

Id say this savefile system actually is much better than the norm in terms of identifying your path... if you place your cursor over your savefile you can easily identify how far in the story you are and what has happened in the crucial points; something you wouldnt have in renpy for example. You can also see your stats, place you left the character, etc... so you can always save your corrupted path savefile in the pool for example; your bad path in the suburbs and good path at home... if the 'milestone text' (which is so ovbious i wont even post it here due to spoilers) isn't enough for you.

All and all, sure, you are right in some regards; but again, game is still in development; side stories will be developed further and savefile system is likely to be worked on when heading towards the final product.
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Game Developer
Jul 8, 2017
If you can tell me a way for nat to voluntarily fuck with anyone while in the middle of a mission without acting stupid im all ears...
That was uncalled for and unprofessional on my part; we developers should not be allowed to do PR work after crunch periods, i apologise for that.

What a smart Unshi (me) would have said is: yes; we do give the player the chance to make silly decisions at times that risk allies and have big consequences but we strongly believe in those. I think the story we have built allows us to do so and the reasoning behind Nat's apparently silly decisions is strong enough to make them believable... but we still feel the game should punish you for taking them. Once the game is complete there will be enough non-consequential sex for you to enjoy not to feel the need to explore every path in the game... but they will still be there for those who want to replay it and have a completely different story.

As we always say... we wanna bring a story based game with sex... not a big sex game that has some mediocre story behind it.


Oct 14, 2017
If you can tell me a way for nat to voluntarily fuck with anyone while in the middle of a mission without acting stupid im all ears...
Did I say anything about "in the middle of the mission"? I think not... And it isn't about consecuences either. I LOVE when choices have consecuences. I want them to have consecuences. The problem is that there is no middle ground and there aren't corrupt and yet competent choices. You either don't have scenes (or, at least, full scenes) or you fail. You either are corrupted and controlled or boring and competent. And you still can't just side with bad guys as well. Also, while playing as a spy I want to seduce and provoke, to use Nat's charm against her enemies and to her advantage, not to suffer for it.

The problem with "sidestories" is that they are "side" and have no influence on the main storyline. Or am I wrong?

And, listen, you don't need to be so defensive about it. I'm not trying to slander your project. As I have said, I like it
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Mar 22, 2019
Also, while playing as a spy I want to seduce and provoke, to use Nat's charm against her enemies and to her advantage, not to suffer for it.
I think they did this brilliantly with the interrogation scene which for me personally is the best scene so far. There is also a scene with the general where he tried to grab the documents from Nat's breasts and failed. But yeah, wish we have more options for Nat to seduce and provoke.


Game Developer
Jul 8, 2017
Did I say anything about "in the middle of the mission"? I think not... And it isn't about consecuences either. I LOVE when choices have consecuences. I want them to have consecuences. The problem is that there is no middle ground and there aren't corrupt and yet competent choices. You either don't have scenes (or, at least, full scenes) or you fail. You either are corrupted and controlled or boring and competent. And you still can't just side with bad guys as well. Also, while playing as a spy I want to seduce and provoke, to use Nat's charm against her enemies and to her advantage, not to suffer for it.

The problem with "sidestories" is that they are "side" and have no influence on the main storyline. Or am I wrong?

And, listen, you don't need to be so defensive about it. I'm not trying to slander your project. As I have said, I like it
Some of the side stories might have an impact in the main story, yes, probably those that do will do so towards the end (during or after the final mission).

And yes i know that wasnt the appropiate attitude, been a couple of rough days lately; i did notice it after posting and tried to apologise for that, didnt want to delete the message tho, thats just hiding the hand. My sincere apologies again.

markus T

Engaged Member
Jun 11, 2017
This one always takes awhile to pop up here for some reason and I'm sure the dev is pleased with that (what dev wouldn't?) :LOL::cool:. I usually do it a week after release but I'm not a patreon to him atm...who knows....maybe someone else will do it this time:D


Active Member
Mar 8, 2017
Hi, 0.13 has been uploaded to svscomics and to other sites. Could anyone upload it to mega or google drive? :)
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