it's didn't work in v0.11wisefoot
Use unren (found of F95) and select option 3. Bring game up and hit shift + O to bring up the console.
Find the hot zone mini game - start at the feet and work your way up.How that massage dana leg work?
I try on androi and it never full.
thanks very muchHere guys an easy to understand way to open the god forsaken safe
Start at 0
click right 24 times
left 17 times
right 5 times
place any safe with money or any cheat code to can get money
what cheat code to can get money
WOW I try to use Universal Ren'Py Mod to cheat the money but when I try that, it reset my money to 0 and now I think I broke the game since it not adding any more money to the inventory because I try to cheat the money to buy that $100,000 dress.
To cheat money, UnRen the game and edityeah, unren or or cheat engine, none of them work. And grinding is really tiring.
# 이 파일에 게임 스크립트를 입력합니다.
# image 문을 사용해 이미지를 정의합니다.
# image eileen happy = "eileen_happy.png"
# 여기에서부터 게임이 시작합니다.
label start:
$g_gold = 600
$g_menu_close = 1
show screen home_ui_system_button()
jump opening
label qfavor_say_soa_0:
jump end_say
# If true, the console is enabled despite config.developer being False.
config.console = False
To cheat money, UnRen the game and edit
$g_gold = and $SetEncryption in the script.rpy
So you start a new game with the amount you want. You still only loose 600$.Python:# 이 파일에 게임 스크립트를 입력합니다. # image 문을 사용해 이미지를 정의합니다. # image eileen happy = "eileen_happy.png" # 여기에서부터 게임이 시작합니다. label start: $ClearQuest("start") $g_gold = 600 $SetEncryption(600) $g_menu_close = 1 show screen home_ui_system_button() jump opening return #테스트용 label qfavor_say_soa_0: jump end_say
Just tried shopping at the store and it worked.
Way easier, but I just threw together a quick n' dirty fix on the problem, as I could not be bothered to dig any deeper than the surface level.You don't need to edit any scripts. Just use the setter app PutGold2() to add whatever amount you want at any time. This dev attempted to obfuscate the mc's money by using an encryption function to lock away the amount behind the variable. The trouble is, the game has to retrieve that value at any given point and thus has a mechanism to decrypt that value. So you just use whatever Byzantine mechanism they have in place to defeat their asshattery.
In the console just do the following to drop $1000 into the player's lap:
If you need the console and don't want to unpack everything to get to their scripts, you can simply edit the following file in the renpy runtime. Note this renpy runtime folder is at the same level as the game folder: renpy/common/00console.rpyCode:PutGold2(1000)
Look for the following and set the console override from False to True:
Code:# If true, the console is enabled despite config.developer being False. config.console = False