That's not helpful at all to anyone. Very vague criticism. Please elaborate in-depth on this opinion.awful game dont waste your time with this garbage
What is fixed?Agent17 [v0.12 Fix 1] [Hexatail]
Original PC : 713 MB
Compressed PC (171 MB) : Mega
This Compression is Unofficial and may break your game.
If it have not implemented yet it mean not in the game yetcan somone share save please ?
you can make money by selling panties, opening the vault and by blackmailing the teacher if you don't wanna make the cleaning, more ways to get money should appear later in the game.the dev should be making ways to earn money to blocking ways to get it. the grind to do anything in this game is painful although without the grind there is like 10 minutes of content i do not hate the game i just want better for it
I'll think he's changed it in minigame.rpy from PutGold into PutmoneyThis game deserves 1 star just because the dev spends so much time blocking all means to cheat money. Give low money for in game tasks and actively blocks all cheat = major dick move
def CheckEncryption():
global g_gold, m_encryption
if m_encryption == Encryption(g_gold):
return True
return True
def PutMoney(gold, ac):
global g_gold
if CheckEncryption():
renpy.show_screen("put_gold_screen", add_gold = gold)
close_screen_delay("put_gold_screen", 58)"audio/effect/getitem.wav")
if GetActor(ac).Gold() < gold:
g_gold = g_gold + gold
g_gold = g_gold + gold
return True
g_gold = gold
return True