Unity - Completed - AI deal Rays [v1.9 + DLC] [Riez-ON]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    I Love This Annimation in this Game, you can Fight and have Fantastic Grafics to.

    Gallary exist to and the FPS are awesome.

    fast Updates on this Games are perfect and i wish a grand Future of this Game.
  2. 3.00 star(s)


    The game is technically impressive. Graphics are good without exhausting your CPU/GPU like many poorly optimised 3D games.
    However, the dialogues are quite long, slow, and apparently unskippable--you can only skip the whole dialogue sequence.
    Sex scenes are disappointing because there is no interaction, you can only watch two pose variations before cumshot. Moreover, the game doesn't remember all your settings, you often have to readjust transparency and clothing at each new pose, which is rather annoying. Finally, you can somewhat adjust angles during sex, but it reinitialises during cumshot. Another annoying point.

    For the combats, I had no idea what to do apart spamming both right and left clicks, but it worked.

    The game has potential, but needs work.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    Rare 3d game that's actually decent and well made

    Combat is top tier
    Different actions and attacks
    Animated scenes
    Voiced cutscenes
    A lot of 3d H scenes
    Tons of different character customizations

    Sex scenes are clunky
    Voiced while in H scenes are obviously repetitive
    Too much UI clutter
    Main menu dependent for returning to house
    Still buggy

    (y) (y) (y) (y) (y) :coffee: :coffee:
    It's a great game overall. I'm still playing it now and I'm having fun
  4. 3.00 star(s)


    This review is updated, as I have now played the 1.0 Version. Long story short, it's basically the same as I said 2 years ago, but there's more story, more music, and overall is more fleshed out.

    Gameplay, 1/5: ...Poor.
    So, it is still pretty much "spam click to win" and has pretty poor overall combat. Now, it tells you what does what, but still feels clunky. For example, combos have huge end lag, dodging has some lag too, and also just due to visuals, some attack warnings are unclear, while others are very clear, but dodging seems to just be sort of hit or miss?
    Like, third chapter, I'm pretty sure you're forced to lose against "Elder Sister" since she spams the special attacks and they do huge damage, cutscenes happen, then you're powered up, but... It just happens right after many cutscenes so... Why not just have the "losing combat" occur then?

    It's hard to put my thoughts into words on the gameplay but essentially, it's still not good. You spam, and hope for the best. I really wish it could've played at least a bit better, like left click for melee, right for ranged, and actual WASD movement... It feels very limited.

    Visuals, 4/5: By Far, the Best Thing About This... But...
    There is a lot of... "Unity Asset" feel to this game. For example, the city cutscene environment feels very off and the apartment also has this "cheap asset" vibe to it. Hell, there's a shit ton of clipping everywhere too, from clothing, to the H-Scenes, and some positions look weird, like the morning blowjob, where her legs are up, it feels as though they are floating, at least from the camera view it gives you. Whenever characters talk, their mouths do not move either, and a lot of conversation animations are just... "Idle Animations" but they make a face, i.e., neutral, happy, playful, etc. It's not horrible, but seeing that they're breathing through their mouths is...

    Depsite all the problems, the combat/gameplay environments I have to say are very pretty/nice to look at. The afternoon sky in the second chapter for example, was very nice to look at. The character models for the AI/Girls are pretty good overall too, where I find the eyes to be particularly good looking. Also, when you launch the game, that load screen is great.

    In short, there is a lot of rough edges, but there's also a lot of shining done everywhere else. It's a lot of small things that are bad/annoying, but the major strokes are pretty nice. Also, just to note, there's censorship and MC's dick has been replaced with a lightsaber.

    Audio, 4/5: Good.

    Well, there's a lot of music now. IDK what genre it's called, but it fits in with the art style. Now, they're all pretty generic, but it's not as generic as some RPGM music, or the stock "moan sounds" in a lot of older Hentai Flash Games. They ain't bangers, but pretty nice overall as background music unironically, imo. In terms of voices, yeah they're good. From what I noticed, there's no mic peaking, nor potato-ness to it, and the VA's are good.

    In short, the audio from what I remember is pretty much the same to a bit better since there's more variety and actually just pretty nice to listen to. No mic peaking, no amateurish delivery, etc.

    Story, 2/5: A Bit of a Clusterfuck
    From what I understand... Terrorist attack, you get robo waifu, the other robo waifus are infected, something something, fate to meet robo waifu, get stronger together, reads your heart and browser history and sucks your dick, etc.

    As a side note, when our robo waifu got called a "Spare" it just reminded me of Megaman Zero 3, and well, Omega VS Zero, but just a lot shittier and more waifu tits.

    Overall, 3/5: It's (Still, Mostly) a Visual Spectacle.
    Gameplay could have used some work. It's more like a VN more than an actual game, so... Just spam click. Visuals are where it's at, though some loading screens are reminiscent of like, 2008 loading screens like that of Gitaroo Man, where it's "character, posing, and animated loading circle/text" so, you know. However there's many pretty scenes in the gameplay sections, and probably would play better as a picture taking game TBH. Lots of clipping and H-Animations are kind of funky, as a sort of funny and bad way. Audio is fine. Lots of music, and voices are good. Mic quality of VA's are not potatoes.