Bad or MTL Eng Warning!
First of all, we really need a mod to replace the pure white fking dick. i tried to demosaic it, but I realized it just origin white after 1hour.

Then, the graphics is chaos, I have some strategy to be helpful for finishing the game. If there are troops on the ground, wheels up to lock one, dash to be close, keep dash until u have a bullet time, drain it to get energy points, dash away, wheels down to lock boss, use the long range skill(never miss). If u have to take close combat, left click 2 or 3 time then dash, keep looking on the energy points, use skill at once when u get 1.(to reduce the chance of boss using skill or drain)
Thirdly, seems the Eng translation is awful(or there is some Cultural gap). Chs translation is better. The story is based on a theory that Super-AI is much smart than human, so human can't understand their methods, but to trust them. And Super-AI dont have goals(maybe Ray is an exception), so their owner need to give one(even vague), they can finish the goal. MC is naive, flabby, bovine and weak, but he won at last because he can FULLY trust and love AIDEAL. The story is a bit messy and jumpy, but at least AIdeal and Ray are very shining and lovely. (When AIdeal pointed out that Ray was lonely because of a lack of owner, the contrast moe is so great!)
At last, the sex part is 50/50, at least the girls are very cute. But i still want more sences and more clothes for girls.(particularly Ray). And i don't know why, the NTR sences seems better than MC's.

(By the way, i want to know if Re-On have the ability of future calculate, if it can do that, if the whole story and good ending is calculated by it?
