honestly, i like the concept idea, but the realisation is very basic and honestly bad.
basically, to make it simple. you are "stuck" in an island with a dumb girl (yeah, more dumb than that, you die)
your goal is to grind, grind and grind various kind of shit to get ressources and craft a house or more. you can craft some cool shit. sadly its still pretty limited, but the building concept is very nice and open opportunity for futur games.
the girl do her own stuff all around the island, no need to give her orders or else. obviously, she do everything useless, soo you still have to "teach" her how to do stuff or ask her to do specific usefull stuff.
there is another girl, merchant, wich is as dumb as the other one... but whatever. that merchant will exchange stuff with you, soo more grind. yayyy.....nope -_-
on the sex side, its a critical way down compared to , let say, honey select.
yeah, no joke... not only because you cant have sex with the girls unless you grind (again) the relation with them. but also that they arent as much options as on HS (or even the other game home-something, i forget the title)
to be honest, this is a very dissapointing game from illusion.
it have some great idea (crafting , building for exempl or even cooking). but the realisation is terrible. additionaly to the abused grinding part of the game and the lack of feeling "rewarded" with the sex for all the hard work you do on that shitty small ass island.
i m taking free to give you a warning, this is NOT an open world at all, the island is basically some small places linked with corridor (kind of "dragon age" style levels)
yeah.. again, another dissapointing thing when we consider how (kind of) open world game like "sexy beach premium resort" was made.
soo, to make it short resume :
this game is dissapointing, an good opportunity to build something good being fucked by the lack of development concentration on the essential part.
its grindy, linear, boring, and lack soo much stuff that was accessible on the older games.
aint deserve more than 2 stars.