
Well-Known Member
Sep 30, 2017
I know this part was a reply to someone else but
Yes The fat guys are good though personally my favorite type is the burly muscular type but that's because that's what i like mainly, they overpowering her.
Also i don't remember that scene about the Villains of the Shelter? I need to watch it again, because Airi is just as you say, expresionless for most of the time.
And i prefer GOR type of events, because when it's battle rape and you just mash out of it like nothing it is kind of what lessens the connection for me, contrary to you haha.

And yeah same i like it that these are bad endings and if's scenarios. In the end i want the heroine to win and be happy
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Aug 24, 2020
Dude...I've been looking EVERYWHERE for something like Guilty Hell. I've tried again and again to search for threads discussing this, as well as trying to use tags to search around here.

People complain about Guilty Hell being full of big fat guys...but I love seeing them overpower Airi. I love how that make these awfully gross, lecherous laughing sounds when subduing her, and how they loudly groan in ecstasy and satisfaction when they cum inside her. I love how it's so wrong for such lowly, disgusting beings to sadistically impose themselves on and destroy such a pure, divine being.

My favorite scene in the whole game is the defeat event against the "Villains of Shelter", who end up gang raping you. Specifically, I've gotten off so many times to the part at the end where they're done doing anything sexual to Airi, but she's just crumpled on the ground sobbing. She hardly ever shows any emotion in the game, but here she is emotionally broken without the will to even get up. Not even sexual at that point, just pure (emotional) sadism.

As for your question: (Trial version 9 for Guilty Hell 2 just dropped a few days ago, btw!)

1) I'm with you on Night of Revenge. It comes the closest to Guilty Hell and is the natural 2nd place for me. It'll probably end up having more content and being a better game than Guilty Hell, of course, but...

Graphics: Aradia is very cute, with an interesting costume. Her body behaves too much like a ragdoll, however. Her limbs kind of feel boneless, and it feels like it decreases the impact a bit.

Sound: Aradia's soundtrack seems to have nowhere near the level of variety that Guilty Hell does

Overall: I don't know what it is...but something about Aradia almost makes me a little bit too sad. I'm not sure how to describe it given what I'd said earlier about Airi's pain. (I'm not even talking about the guro scene btw...I enjoyed it) If Aradia goes through just one grab animation, her clothes are permanently tattered. I don't know if it has something to do with Aradia just being a cute witch who just gets killed and that's it, vs Airi, a goddess who is both uncorruptable but also gets corrupted, and is immortal yet endures torment and suffering at the hands of these terrible creatures

The bar event is probably my favorite...and I do love how evil and sinister the enemies are. Maybe it's also the lack of multiple animations per enemy. I don't know!

2) I tried Unholy Creation here yesterday...and I'd actually probably rank it as my real #2 in terms of trying to achieve what Guilty Hell does. Really like the animations. They feel real and impactful, they cause you damage...

3) Hounds of the Meteor is probably the best after Guilty Hell for my actual pleasure itself...except I consider it in a very different way because I don't get much at all from the in-battle animations, but I just really enjoy some of the event cutscenes, which are really really hot. The first gang rape, the sexual harrassment by Laki, and, I'm not really interested in Reina's in-battle look, but I find her to be SUPER hot in her out-of-battle form.

I really like the dialogue. I like how Reina is cocky about fighting these low-level thugs and then super humiliated by losing to them. I also really enjoy when you hear her thoughts when she's reflecting on her rapes...

4) Holy Knight Ricca could have been the best of all of them. In terms of messed up things that happen, it could be at the top. Ricca's cute of course, but she looks too young for me and doesn't have that burning sex appeal for me.

Her scenes are great, with great dialogue, but they play out too slowly and unsmoothly. I love hearing her talking, thinking, and reacting to what's happening...but it's all too slow. Plus, everything is contained within a limited number of game-over scenes, which lessens the connection I feel of my actions causing this terrible suffering to her.

I really like that you experience her recountings of events and explore her journey of living with trauma...

But yeah that's all I've got, and nothing comes close to Guilty Hell. It's amazing that II makes changes to her appearance, yet I have the same overall feel about Airi and the game.

One thing that gets me I like feeling like I'm responsible for my beloved heroine's suffering. I want to play as her specifically, but then be the one at fault for letting her suffer, either because I am incompetent, or because I am an evil bastard who would let her suffer for my own pleasure.

It's fundamentally different from being the perpetrator, which I want no part of. In the Night of Revenge "Torture Room" feature where you can just control an enemy and beat up a defenseless Aradia...I tried it once, hit her with a light attack, and was immediately like "oh hell no, I can't do this". It was way too sad and terrible.

I love how much pure ryona that Guilty Hell has, non-sexual acts. I love when she gets her arms broken so that they dangle helplessly, when she gets electrocuted, stabbed, punched in the stomach until she goes limp, beat in her face until her arms fall away and she gives up protecting herself...

All of Airi's pain sounds are very convincing too

Guilty Hell 2's newest trial version added an arm-breaking animation and one where Airi's lit on fire. I like those, but sadly they are committed by a female enemy :( I like it better when it's done by big, fat, lecherous, disgusting men/male creatures

Yeah, I am totally with you there. That's definitely something I'd change. There's not really a way to play the game "naturally" and get the sexual content besides dying. Getting grabbed just ends up being a minor nuisance and interruption to your gameplay that you instantly break free from.

It would be kind of cool if there was something like how it is in Hounds of the Meteor where, during the progression of animations, you basically struggle to break free before penetration occurs...and it really is tough to. Sometimes you do, sometimes you don't

Yeah, they just sap her magic. I think the text said that their saliva has the property of making her (or possibly magic-users in general) go weak.

And...those are also the enemies I'm not really interested in. Lol. I always go for the penetration and injury...

Oh I didn't realize that's how it works in Guilty Hell 2. I think that's very clever and on the first game made some illusions to how Airi regenerates herself pretty quickly

My guy, you wrote a novel in response to my comment. I admire your passion for your fantasies. I'm genuinely in awe of finding someone as questionable in the head as I am. I'm actually smiling right now.

I'm not even talking about Unholy Creation anymore, we're just chatting Guilty Hell at this point, haha.

Anyway, I've tried Hounds of the Meteor but at the time I couldn't understand what the hell was going on, as what I downloaded was in Japanese and I'm too tech illiterate to know how to use translation software. What I saw was... okay, but doesn't hold a candle to Guilty Hell. Maybe my lack of comprehension for the general premise or mechanics brought my impression of the game down.

I've also played through Holy Knight Ricca. I like the art style, and I adore that the protagonist can be customized in terms of body appearance and clothing, and clothing breaking in response to taking damage is ALWAYS a plus to me as long as it's gradual and not just "get tapped once and everything gets exposed". The animations and motion CGs are also A-tier. The only problem I have, I guess, is... I don't know. The H-scenes don't look as visceral or ryona-like as Guilty Hell's. I appreciate Holy Knight Ricca, though, definitely in my Top 5 adult games of all time.

Night of Revenge I played through once, but yes, I think the extreme ragdoll physics kind of turned me off a little. I haven't gone back to play it again since, and this is coming from a guy who loves Guilty Hell 1 and 2 enough that even if he's seen everything in both games, he'd fall back on either when he's feeling like squeezing one out.

If you've played Eliminator Kaede, I wanted that so badly to have more adult content. It had a better-than-average third-person shooter mode and a decent map to fight monsters on. I was highly disappointed when the actual hentai was just tacked-on, like it was a mere afterthought.

You might also want to look into a game called Bioasshard Arena, although to temper your expectations, the devs of that game are very, VERY slow to update. What they have right now is getting to 'good', but they update their game maybe once every six months, which is far from optimal. And there's not much 'injuring' Julia - the protagonist - to the extent that Guilty Hell has, but there's a good bit of overpowering from the... 6 enemy variants in the game. Ugh And the clothing break in response to taking damage.

I'm starting to write a novel here myself, so I think I'll finally download Unholy Creation. I've yet to try it, but since you're rating it so positively, I figure it's worth a try to try scratching my Guilty Hell itch (I also already played Part 9 of Guilty Hell 2 - it's good stuff, as always!).

Have a good one, dude!
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Active Member
Mar 16, 2021
I know this part was a reply to someone else but
Yes The fat guys are good though personally my favorite type is the burly muscular type but that's because that's what i like mainly, they overpowering her.
Also i don't remember that scene about the Villains of the Shelter? I need to watch it again, because Airi is just as you say, expresionless for most of the time.
And i prefer GOR type of events, because when it's battle rape and you just mash out of it like nothing it is kind of what lessens the connection for me, contrary to you haha.

And yeah same i like it that these are bad endings and if's scenarios. In the end i want the heroine to win and be happy
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Yeah I'm with you there. I definitely like the burly muscular guys overpowering Airi too. I enjoy when the bad guy jeers and gloats too when he's about to do terrible things...

I don't know if linking to other sites, especially porn sites, is allowed here, so to be safe: if you just search "villains of shelter" on x v i deos, that scene will come up. I don't even know if "villains of shelter" is the correct name for it in-game. It's just what the video is titled.

I also love how wrong and evil it is that a gang of armed men are beating up on one lone girl. I wish there were more ryona in the cutscne, like them beating her up more when she's restrained...

Have you watched [the Japanese-only-VN-turned-animated hentai] Himekishi Lilia, by Black Lilith? It is my absolute favorite hentai, for many reasons. But one of them is: it has genuinely had a profound effect on me, emotionally. The ending proved that no matter how depraved and humiliating what a person endures, the real essence of who they are is never truly taken away or stolen. They are never actually broken permanently. I've been realizing lately that my fetish actually comes from identifying myself with the female protagonist (despite me being hetero male) and taking catharsis from being brutalized, defiled, and humiliated. I still think about Himekishi Lilia all the time, non-sexually.

My guy, you wrote a novel in response to my comment. I admire your passion for your fantasies. I'm genuinely in awe of finding someone as questionable in the head as I am. I'm actually smiling right now.

I'm not even talking about Unholy Creation anymore, we're just chatting Guilty Hell at this point, haha.

Anyway, I've tried Hounds of the Meteor but at the time I couldn't understand what the hell was going on, as what I downloaded was in Japanese and I'm too tech illiterate to know how to use translation software. What I saw was... okay, but doesn't hold a candle to Guilty Hell. Maybe my lack of comprehension for the general premise or mechanics brought my impression of the game down.

I've also played through Holy Knight Ricca. I like the art style, and I adore that the protagonist can be customized in terms of body appearance and clothing, and clothing breaking in response to taking damage is ALWAYS a plus to me as long as it's gradual and not just "get tapped once and everything gets exposed". The animations and motion CGs are also A-tier. The only problem I have, I guess, is... I don't know. The H-scenes don't look as visceral or ryona-like as Guilty Hell's. I appreciate Holy Knight Ricca, though, definitely in my Top 5 adult games of all time.

Night of Revenge I played through once, but yes, I think the extreme ragdoll physics kind of turned me off a little. I haven't gone back to play it again since, and this is coming from a guy who loves Guilty Hell 1 and 2 enough that even if he's seen everything in both games, he'd fall back on either when he's feeling like squeezing one out.

If you've played Eliminator Kaede, I wanted that so badly to have more adult content. It had a better-than-average third-person shooter mode and a decent map to fight monsters on. I was highly disappointed when the actual hentai was just tacked-on, like it was a mere afterthought.

You might also want to look into a game called Bioasshard Arena, although to temper your expectations, the devs of that game are very, VERY slow to update. What they have right now is getting to 'good', but they update their game maybe once every six months, which is far from optimal. And there's not much 'injuring' Julia - the protagonist - to the extent that Guilty Hell has, but there's a good bit of overpowering from the... 6 enemy variants in the game. Ugh And the clothing break in response to taking damage.

I'm starting to write a novel here myself, so I think I'll finally download Unholy Creation. I've yet to try it, but since you're rating it so positively, I figure it's worth a try to try scratching my Guilty Hell itch (I also already played Part 9 of Guilty Hell 2 - it's good stuff, as always!).

Have a good one, dude!
I'm glad some good comes out of this and that we can connect on it, haha. I've benefitted greatly from talking about being so fucked in the head in therapy, and it's a little different directly relating to someone outside of it.

Yeah, for me, having the English translation is absolutely essential for enjoying Hounds of the Meteor. In the aforementioned scenes...I love the way the gang taunts Reina, and the way Laki coerces her into sexual abuse, and a lot of the other dialogue and Reina's internal monologue during scenes. She's always fiercely fighting it, never admitting to enjoying it (I actually don't really like corruption. I like the victim perpetually hating it and suffering). She has a very strong will, and I love how angry it makes her that she's being abused and defiled.

I don't remember exactly how to get the translation to work, but I want to say I remember it not really being complicated. I'm not really tech literate either, but I think it was something like dragging one folder onto a program or something, or maybe typing a command that some help file (or forum post here) instructs you to do. What I haven't been able to get work is the Part 2 that's out right now, but I haven't really tried.

But yeah, Hounds of the Meteor, especially Reina out-of-battle, is super hot to me, but I file it in a completely different category from Guilty Hell.

I agree with all of that about Holy Knight Ricca. I actually haven't finished it yet, despite having had it for several months. I only just got to the part where she has her first nightmare about the goblins. I think I have to be in the right mood to be motivated to play it - which is basically, really, really wanting to feel bad about myself, without promise of the best scene to get off to. But yeah, I'm mostly interested in it because I'm curious to see how I'll react to the most terrible aspects, such as the branding of her cervix I'd read well as the exploration of her feelings and trauma that seem unique to the game.

Never have I read any reviews of a game elsewhere that were so filled with statements like "I feel so bad for Ricca. I hate seeing her suffer," and stuff.

Yeah, I definitely replay Guilty Hell. Both full replays, as well as beelining for specific scenes or animations. I get this unique feeling when I boot up the game. It's like, this very, very evil rush of excitement and anticipation, that I'm going to willingly lead this beautiful, compassionate goddess into being brutalized, rather than leading her to victory. I could keep her safe, yet I choose not to because I'm evil, sadistic, and pathetic.

Ah, I'd seen Eliminator Kaede mentioned multiple times (on reddit) and checked the game out here. I never ended up trying it, though. It looks like it could be the perfect game, but I don't like the looks of the characters as they are. I'd want them to look a little bit older and sexier, rather than cute. (Speaking of cute...Airi just seems to be able to be hot and cute too in the right ways).

I'd seen videos of Bioasshard on x v i deos. I was actually just about to mention it, until I saw you did. It definitely looks promising, although there need to be a few more elements added as you said with injury, and it looks like the number of animations are limited as of now. It would start feeling too game-y (lol) to have the same exact animation repeat every time a dog bites you.

That's awesome you've played Part 9. I'm really curious: how are you feeling about the introduction of voice lines for Airi for the first time ever, on the last two enemies? I love the breaking her arms and lighting her on fire...but I wish they were perpetrated by a brutal male enemy instead

I saw videos of Pure Onyx, and it looks super promising. I think it has the best animations on the male enemies' part. They're so rough and forceful, sadistic, and in enjoyment. However, I don't like the look of the female protagonist at all, and she doesn't seem to struggle at all, so it doesn't look believable. In general, she seems unexpressive.

Speaking of videos...the way I discovered Guilty Hell (and ryona games as a result) in the first place was stumbling across one on x v i deos. It was one showing her being raped by one of the crossbow enemies on the bridge (on the way to Heidel, I believe). I was totally captivated, from Airi's look, but especially how every thrust was doing damage to her, and how there was a special moan of anguish when her Health went down to 0, yet the rape continued with her clearly being helpless then. Right from that, I had to know immediately what the game was and how to get it. My first game was also the best game.

Also, interesting reflection...I just came across a video of a VR game, where you're basically harrassing, groping, and beating up a female character yourself. This video included voiceover of a guy or two playing the game, and they're laughing and jeering at how they can abuse her. The female character also has a great look I really like. In spite of all this lining up with what I've been saying about Guilty Hell...I hated this and wanted no part of it, was not turned on at all. Maybe the human part made it too real, or perhaps being in the perspective of the perpetrator.


Aug 24, 2020
That's awesome you've played Part 9. I'm really curious: how are you feeling about the introduction of voice lines for Airi for the first time ever, on the last two enemies? I love the breaking her arms and lighting her on fire...but I wish they were perpetrated by a brutal male enemy instead
I don't dislike it. I don't have any particularly strong feelings about it as of now, seeing as it's new and even though I noticed the new voice lines right away as something new, she knows only two or three words still. I think it would be a great feature to add, maybe give her different voice lines that precisely react to what sort of predicament she's unfortunately in, but I'm not sure if that would be a valid ask for Kairi Soft. From my limited knowledge of the developer, it's just one guy working on the game. They'd probably need to hire a regular VA for more fleshed-out lines, and I doubt one person working alone on a passion project would have the funds to hire a voice actress to give Airi actual dialogue. I wouldn't be averse to voiced lines, but I'm tempering my expectations.

As for what you said about the VR...I'm the furthest thing from a psychologist, but maybe the reason you don't like the VR game where you're seeing the debauchery play out through an aggressor's eyes is because it makes you feel a little too inside the experience? Like you're the one actually doing harm to a woman instead of just watching some disturbed individuals/rabid monsters doing the harming? Maybe the line for you is just getting your rocks off to people/monsters/whatever doing ryona stuff to women, but not so much being made to feel like you are the one doing it.

I mean, we're all degenerates here, but I can confidently say a majority of us wouldn't actually do some of this admittedly messed up stuff in real life. My 2 cents. With VR, perhaps in your case, it starts to look like real life and your suspension of reality (it's VR, duh, lol) doesn't go that far. So you don't find any pleasure in experiencing this one particular piece of media.

Also, I just finished playing Hound of the Meteor to wherever the developer managed to develop it thus far. Second go around playing a Hound game definitely felt better to me. I enjoyed actually being serious about beating whatever challenges are there. I felt genuine disappointment when I saw that after a certain fight there was nothing left to experience as of now. I thought the game would be longer for how decently developed it was - you know, for an H-game. Now to go back in and lose intentionally.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 30, 2017
OH BY THE WAY I HIGHLY RECOMMEND YOU GUYS one of my most favorite h games ever...
the gameplay is GREAT
and guess what he just announced he is going to release in steam IN ENGLISH AAAAAAAAAAAA lkasjhfkalhsglkajshgkl


Oct 21, 2018
There is a new version. Hopefully, it fixes the bug that prevents entering the new location. Based on the Cien comments, it could also be a corrupted save. It seems they're still looking into it.


Oct 21, 2018
Fureru you are the MVP.
Also, those Fungus zombies are EXP farming galore. 65 per kill. At Level 3 attack increase, they die in 4 hit.
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Oct 21, 2018
Where can i find the new mobs?
Start from the very first shrine. Should be the first one in the Forest of the Shrine. Head Right and stay at the lowest level possible. When you start seeing tentacle flora, you are in the right place.
Also, when you encounter sacks that puffs out massive amount of pink gas, stay and even crouch to areas where it doesn't cover. Even if the uncovered area seems small.
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