Dude...I've been looking EVERYWHERE for something like Guilty Hell. I've tried again and again to search for threads discussing this, as well as trying to use tags to search around here.
People complain about Guilty Hell being full of big fat guys...but I love seeing them overpower Airi. I love how that make these awfully gross, lecherous laughing sounds when subduing her, and how they loudly groan in ecstasy and satisfaction when they cum inside her. I love how it's so wrong for such lowly, disgusting beings to sadistically impose themselves on and destroy such a pure, divine being.
My favorite scene in the whole game is the defeat event against the "Villains of Shelter", who end up gang raping you. Specifically, I've gotten off so many times to the part at the end where they're done doing anything sexual to Airi, but she's just crumpled on the ground sobbing. She hardly ever shows any emotion in the game, but here she is emotionally broken without the will to even get up. Not even sexual at that point, just pure (emotional) sadism.
As for your question: (Trial version 9 for Guilty Hell 2 just dropped a few days ago, btw!)
1) I'm with you on Night of Revenge. It comes the closest to Guilty Hell and is the natural 2nd place for me. It'll probably end up having more content and being a better game than Guilty Hell, of course, but...
Graphics: Aradia is very cute, with an interesting costume. Her body behaves too much like a ragdoll, however. Her limbs kind of feel boneless, and it feels like it decreases the impact a bit.
Sound: Aradia's soundtrack seems to have nowhere near the level of variety that Guilty Hell does
Overall: I don't know what it is...but something about Aradia almost makes me a little bit too
sad. I'm not sure how to describe it given what I'd said earlier about Airi's pain. (I'm not even talking about the guro scene btw...I enjoyed it) If Aradia goes through just one grab animation, her clothes are permanently tattered. I don't know if it has something to do with Aradia just being a cute witch who just gets killed and that's it, vs Airi, a goddess who is both uncorruptable but also gets corrupted, and is immortal yet endures torment and suffering at the hands of these terrible creatures
The bar event is probably my favorite...and I do love how evil and sinister the enemies are. Maybe it's also the lack of multiple animations per enemy. I don't know!
2) I tried Unholy Creation here yesterday...and I'd actually probably rank it as my real #2 in terms of trying to achieve what Guilty Hell does. Really like the animations. They feel real and impactful, they cause you damage...
3) Hounds of the Meteor is probably the best after Guilty Hell for my actual pleasure itself...except I consider it in a very different way because I don't get much at all from the in-battle animations, but I just really enjoy some of the event cutscenes, which are really really hot. The first gang rape, the sexual harrassment by Laki, and more...plus, I'm not really interested in Reina's in-battle look, but I find her to be SUPER hot in her out-of-battle form.
I really like the dialogue. I like how Reina is cocky about fighting these low-level thugs and then super humiliated by losing to them. I also really enjoy when you hear her thoughts when she's reflecting on her rapes...
4) Holy Knight Ricca could have been the best of all of them. In terms of messed up things that happen, it could be at the top. Ricca's cute of course, but she looks too young for me and doesn't have that burning sex appeal for me.
Her scenes are great, with great dialogue, but they play out too slowly and unsmoothly. I love hearing her talking, thinking, and reacting to what's happening...but it's all too slow. Plus, everything is contained within a limited number of game-over scenes, which lessens the connection I feel of
my actions causing this terrible suffering to her.
I really like that you experience her recountings of events and explore her journey of living with trauma...
But yeah that's all I've got, and nothing comes close to Guilty Hell. It's amazing that II makes changes to her appearance, yet I have the same overall feel about Airi and the game.
One thing that gets me off...is I like feeling like
I'm responsible for my beloved heroine's suffering. I want to play as her specifically, but then be the one at fault for letting her suffer, either because I am incompetent, or because I am an evil bastard who would let her suffer for my own pleasure.
It's fundamentally different from being the perpetrator, which I want no part of. In the Night of Revenge "Torture Room" feature where you can just control an enemy and beat up a defenseless Aradia...I tried it once, hit her with a light attack, and was immediately like "oh hell no, I can't do this". It was way too sad and terrible.
I love how much pure ryona that Guilty Hell has, non-sexual acts. I love when she gets her arms broken so that they dangle helplessly, when she gets electrocuted, stabbed, punched in the stomach until she goes limp, beat in her face until her arms fall away and she gives up protecting herself...
All of Airi's pain sounds are very convincing too
Guilty Hell 2's newest trial version added an arm-breaking animation and one where Airi's lit on fire. I like those, but sadly they are committed by a female enemy

I like it better when it's done by big, fat, lecherous, disgusting men/male creatures
Yeah, I am totally with you there. That's definitely something I'd change. There's not really a way to play the game "naturally" and get the sexual content besides dying. Getting grabbed just ends up being a minor nuisance and interruption to your gameplay that you instantly break free from.
It would be kind of cool if there was something like how it is in Hounds of the Meteor where, during the progression of animations, you basically struggle to break free before penetration occurs...and it really is tough to. Sometimes you do, sometimes you don't
Yeah, they just sap her magic. I think the text said that their saliva has the property of making her (or possibly magic-users in general) go weak.
And...those are also the enemies I'm not really interested in. Lol. I always go for the penetration and injury...
Oh I didn't realize that's how it works in Guilty Hell 2. I think that's very clever and on point...as the first game made some illusions to how Airi regenerates herself pretty quickly