'Group' means there are multiple characters in a video. For example, 1 video has Durandal and Kiana. Do you put that in the Durandal folder or the Kiana folder? I'm also not sure what you mean by 'same folder' they all should be different because they're different sizes. You could be downloading the same file but from a different site. If you go to 'group' and download from the GOFILE and MIXDROP link next to it, you are downloading the same file from a different site. You only need 1 link for each character. You can alternatively download from
Vulcax's mega folder or
Wasabi777's mega folder. They should have all of Akt's works and you can download each file individually instead of downloading in bulk.
The problem with this is that Vulcax will need to reupload everything in the correct order.
In the image attached I have sorted by date added. The first video is one named '3 Bronya R.wmv' and by going off of Wasabi777's mega folder this would be the very first Bronya video so no problem. But very next Bronya video by date would be the one named '2019 Bronya.mp4' (this file was named '5 Bronya R.wmv' in Wasabi777's folder). This video should be next to the first one but it is instead 2 rows down. Of course this isn't a problem for me I just need the new one at the bottom. I'm also here often enough to catch Vulcax's updates so I know which folder to check.
The problem comes for people who either don't frequent this forum as often or someone who doesn't read every comment on this thread. When someone learns that Season Pass S3(it's not out, I'm just using it as an example) was released and wants to add it to their collection, they won't know which characters were added so they would need to check every single folder to see what's new. This is made worse if they can't get access to Vulcax's folder, they would need to keep track of the download sizes of every single link. They then need to decide if downloading large files is worth getting the one that's new, the Bronya folder is 4gb big! If they have poor connection they'll decide taking a day to download is not worth the minutes of video content they'll get. It will be much more worth the wait if they can download the Season Pass in its entirety since every video would be new content.